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53288779 No.53288779 [Reply] [Original]

I have an old 6 month job gap because of an illness. Would it be wrong to pretend I worked during that time on my resume?

>> No.53288812

No, i cut out jobs entirely that i only worked at for a year and just extend others. If you want, you can even just make it all up completely.

>> No.53288816
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i have a 27 year gap, am i fucked?

>> No.53288821

I am a permaneet for over a decade, if they ask for my resume I would just tell them I worked for uber eats or something.

>> No.53288834

This. I do it all the time. The age of being honest with recruiter roasties is over. Lie your teeth off and get that fucking job, OP.

>> No.53288873

For context I should maybe mention:
>was neet
>worked 6 months retail
>was neet again because too depressed to work
>recovered permanently and started uni and part time work

it's the gap between the retail and the uni I want to close.

>> No.53288926

It doesn’t matter. Once you graduate it’s like your job experience resets.

>> No.53288965

Only put years, not dates. My CV would be full of holes when I didn't work for months but leaving only the years it looks neat. Also lie, but only if it's not verifiable info.

>> No.53288973

What is the risk of lying about your position on a resume? Say I am an engineer 1 but I put engineer 2 on my resume. Is this even something that gets verified?

>> No.53288991

No, lying on your resume is a human right. If you cant do the work once you get in they fire you anyway. everything before that point is just bullshit we make up as we go along

>> No.53288995

Still in college. I'm looking for a new part time job.

>> No.53289303

I don’t think they’ll care if you’re currently employed. If you’ve not been employed for a year, stick it out until it’s been a year.

>> No.53289686

not at all, just put start and end year of when you worked
your not even lying then...
I turn 4 months of experience into 2 years with that method. If I started in October 2022 and I am currently working this job i'd say 2022-2023 or 2022 - present

>> No.53289813

This is the trick I use as well, who gives a fuck about exact dates.. years works fine and it is technically true so they can't fuck with you on that.