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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53288552 No.53288552 [Reply] [Original]

Why do /pol/chuds always chose the worst kind of investments? Is it because they are just low iq or because they desperately want to be contrarian so they chose stuff that is not very popular and then get rekt. Also why do they always form cult like groups around their worthless investments? I honestly can't understand this they buy stuff like gold, silver while they fud crypto and when they buy crypto they chose the worst of the worst shitcoins available like link, xrp, xmr or icp. I am curious why are they like this and also how I can profit from this.

>> No.53288569

their identity is contrarianism.

>> No.53288609

I know this is why I already wrote this but this doesn't explain why they chose the worst shit to put money into, I mean even a contrarian has a brain and can think. Also this doesn't explain why they form cult like groups around their shitty investments.

>> No.53288650
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pic related is the issue /pol/ posters have. they can't get around the fact they have low IQ beliefs, but imagine themselves superior to the other retards who believe these things because they can't come to terms with their own stupidity

>> No.53288694

the coin cults are shills and bots luring in the low iq to act as exit liquidity. they target the low iq right because the low iq left is too dumb to even try investing in anything

>> No.53288708

Because they're the type of braindead morons who fall for every dumb fucking conspiracy they hear on the internet. Compounded by COVID induced brain damage.

>> No.53288712


>> No.53288721

that follows naturally from their investments being down, especially if you hold your opinions so strongly like they do. contrarianism doesn't work very well with investing of course, if nobody wants to buy your investment, price doesn't go up. they also fall for the "it's the fault of outsiders" rhetoric, that reinforces their victim complex and in their stubbornness they will never admit fault. just look at the link threads, any negative sentiment feels like a personal threat to them, like anybody actually cares about them

>> No.53288727

at least they're trying (and largely failing) to think for themselves. better then believing whatever you're told by the people in power who hate you. don't forget to go back for a booster shot every 3 months

>> No.53288741

They don't really need to think on their own, all their opinions come from other people, they just run a reverse function on those opinions but still the source of their opinions is other people. No independent thought required. You could replace the entire intellectual capacity of a contrarian with couple of lines of computer code.

>> No.53288742

So it is just low iq? I mean a lot of /pol/tards are insanely stupid but are you sure that this is the only reason? I mean yeah stupid people tend to be very emotional with their investments and also tend to form cults around meaningless shit. Also low iq people are usual learn resistant (very common with /pol/tards). Maybe it is a combination of all the things mentioned to far.

>> No.53288750

>thinks the words of bots and shills is genuine public sentiment
then you're just as dumb as the people who invest in that shit because they believe its real too

>> No.53288754

>at least they're trying (and largely failing) to think for themselves.
How is it thinking for themselves when they just believe whatever retarded shit that gets peddled to them in their own echo chamber?
Look at how many of those fucking retards LARP as christians and believe the earth is flat now lmao
You're clearly the type of brain damaged faggot I was talking about. Seethe more virgin

>> No.53288755

>I'm smarter than average, I know I am
>Therefore the majority of people are stupid compared to me
>Therefore their investment are stupid
>If I invest in what stupid people think is stupid, that's smart

>> No.53288768

and that computer would still be right more often then not with how often those in power lie about everything. if you're too dumb to think for yourself contrarianism is a better alternative then just believing what you're told

>> No.53288781

>they just believe whatever retarded shit that gets peddled to them in their own echo chamber
the left does this too
right or left they're direction brains. who form their identity as being opposite of their imagined enemy

>> No.53288797

Are these /pol/chuds in the room with you now? When was the last time you had suicidal thoughts?

>> No.53288798

>daily chainlink FUD thread
jelly that you missed the staking?

>> No.53288808

it's not just stupidity, it's a combination of that stupidity and a smugness that tells them that they have eccentric beliefs because they're actually uniquely smart.
there's one thing dumb people and people with a tendency towards extremism/radicalism have in common (lots of overlap here for /pol/), and that is very strong black and white thinking - nigger pun not intended. everything that seems vaguely bad is actually the worst thing imaginable, this is why they eagerly believe that everyone in power is literally eating a satanic pedophile adrenochrome slurper.

https://astralcodexten.substack.com/p/conspiracies-of-cognition-conspiracies pretty good read on schizoid thinking

>> No.53288810

if the left was the ones investing then the coin cults would be left leaning and op would be a right winger complaining about leftist coin cults and how the right doesn't fall for that.

the only reason the left doesn't fall for it, is because nobody is trying to trip them into it, because they're too small a force in retail crypto to be worth marketing coin cults to

>> No.53288818

The difference is that the political right is 10x stupider than leftcucks were the prior decade. It's no contest. Rightoids are NPCs that spend all their time seething over "muh globalists" only to end up worshipping the richest globalists on the planet and defending jewish oil execs whenever the opportunity presents itself.

>> No.53288841

Why do crybaby faggots on blue boards post garbage threads like this over the big bad /pol/, daddy issues?

>> No.53288843

You sound like a /pol/tard to me. Nobody ITT said anything political so far until you came along. There is no need to make things political, also you sound very defensive. I think we can all agree that left/right thinking is just stupid so refrain from making assumptions. I am only interested in the thought process of /pol/tards so I can get a edge in the market because somebody has to hold by bags in the future.

>> No.53288850

fuck left and right cucks they're both 2 sides of the same retard coin. it's all to control us and set us against each other so we don't focus on any real enemies we share. divide and conquer, which is what you're doing now useful idiot that you are.

also the strawmanning on both sides in their echo chambers is incredible. the right things every leftoid is a raving lunatic and vice versa when many of them right or left are virtually identical in beliefs when you actually talk to them.

>> No.53288857

You’re interested in the pathetic dopamine hit making this thread gave you for some bizarre, possibly fetishistic reason and the children who came in here to agree with you can fuck back off to their preferred nigger worshipping website

>> No.53288859
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For how long these retarded broken bucks will keep memeing about "muh /pol/cels are doing everything bad because i must own the chuds"

>> No.53288875
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>> No.53288880

Fuck off back to /pol/ nigger.

>> No.53288899

sorry i just converted "pol" to "right winger" in my brain because the idea that /pol/ is some massive force in the market behind every coin cult and bad investment was just too retarded to process. sorry but your strawman of everything you don't like being "/pol/" was too stupid for me to even realize that was what you were actually saying. i just assumed nobody was that dumb and you must have meant something else. and yet i was wrong, you really do see /pol/ everywhere you look. is /pol/ in the room with you now? if you ask for a burger at mcdonalds with no pickels and you get pickels do you assume the mcdonalds employee must have been /pol/? do you then write a post complaining about why /pol/ chuds cant make a burger?

>> No.53288900

Their 'contrarianism' is of the brainless variety. They are not judicious skeptics of the status quo.

>> No.53288915

and btw what the hell is a /pol/cel anyways in fucking 2023?

/pol/ nowdays is a demoralization trolling board more than a right wing death squad place like it used to be, there are a fuckton of faggots from leftwings sois to rightwing contrarians, christians, trannies, BBC spammers, flat earth shillers etc. etc.

>> No.53288929

stop replying to bait retards

>> No.53288932

>t. /pol/cel

>> No.53288952

True you can even see this tendency ITT
So sum things up /pol/tards chose the worst stuff to put money into because they are:
>Mostly low iq
>Wrong self-evaluation in themselves and their beliefs
>Tendency to form cults
>Tendency towards extremism/radicalism
>Strong black and white thinking
Now the most important question how do I profit from this i.e. how do I make it so that /pol/tards buy my bags.

>> No.53288957

Go to /pol/, half the board is retarded questions about why white people are such fucking cucks and evil beings or retards convincing themselves tradwives are real.

>> No.53288962
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>t. literal brain damaged retard

>> No.53288974

there are "/pol/cels" living and dancing in your brain right now.

>> No.53288984

It's a shill psyop. They're trying to gaslight boards into thinking "4chan has always been left wing and hated /pol/". See also: /k/.

>> No.53288986

wowee look at all these trusted sources

>> No.53289027

how rich that in a thread mentioning that /pol/ users are genuine schizophrenics, they unironically start showing up and start making posts accusing the thread of being part of some psyop conspiracy to control their minds lmao

>> No.53289061

but you still got covid even with the vaxx right?
admit it

>> No.53289063

Reminder that every single libtard on planet earth got fleeced by FTX so bad that the NYT is still running cope articles lionizing Sam Bankman-Fried to this day.

>> No.53289064

its the worship of the ''current based thing'', it is not even contrarianism
oversocialization caused people to wanting to be ''based'' for the based all the time because the internet told it is a good thing
this mentality causes destruction all around because to be ''based'' in the internet way you need to defend the said ''based'' thing with all your will just to destroy the group you consider ''cringe'' without even defining what is the objective ''cringe'' in their minds, the need for cheap dopamine thanks to porn addiction is also to blame for ths
it's not even exclusive trait to poltards, they just happen to be operate strongly in this because of politics

>> No.53289074

>Man I love pulling gay psychoanalysis out of my ass. I'm Jewish btw.
Kill yourself.

>> No.53289093
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ah, the old "psyops aren't real" psyop. a classic

>> No.53289101

And this is the level of discussion with anti-/pol/ers:
>you're a schizo who believes in conspiracy theories
>>no i'm not
>see? you're a schizoid who believes in conspiracy theories
Shit kafka traps and made up bullshit, it's interesting how much effort retards like OP have in order to spam shit board drama day and night every day.

>> No.53289116

You trannies know that everyone here hates you and these raid threads don't change how retarded and disgusting you all are.

>> No.53289121

Yeah just ignore the medical journals/studies or the fact that there's another hundred pages of evidence and continue to take medical advice from 14 year old virgins on 4chan instead that have led you to turning into a brain damaged retard who spends all day seething over nonsense.

>> No.53289132

this is a good question, it's easier said than done. remember that the /pol/ poster doesn't respond to market signals. if something happens that they didn't foresee, instead of questioning whether their predictions were off, they will attribute it to some shady "higher power", like central bankers manipulating the price.
this combined with their cult-like tendencies means it's really hard to shake their belief in something they've made their mind up about, despite all evidence to the contrary, think GME.

so abstractly, the goal should be to sell them on something using lots of fringe buzzwords they don't understand but that sound good to them.
for instance, create a vaporware token that "solves" some problem that doesn't really exist but sounds complicated, talk about an all-white dev team, decentralization and so on, and then most importantly:
>gesture at some kind of upcoming major event that people are trying to keep a secret from them.
this is catnip for /pol/ schizos, if you pretend to be some kind of insider with secret information and hint at an upcoming date where something major is going to happen, especially if the date has some kind of numerological significance, you'll get their attention.

then dump your bags before the promised pump and when it inevitably doesn't happen you can always make up infinite cope about how whales got in the way or whatever if you want to try again later.

>> No.53289134
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dont worry, your kind will inevitably worship trannies because that is the next current based thing
go outside

>> No.53289150

Not a single person in my family has ever caught COVID. Enjoy your brain damage lmao
>>>no i'm not
Except you have 5 posts already and every other /pol/cel here decided to stick around and seethe over being bullied again.

>> No.53289153

/pol/ is a public forum so we can all confirm within 30 seconds that you're lying through your teeth. You /pol/cels are so used to lying constantly that you forget that you don't get away with it outside your hugbox.

>> No.53289157

this. its just brain disease desu

>> No.53289163


idk what you're talking about. I made money off of real gold lmao

>> No.53289167 [DELETED] 
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>dont worry, your kind will inevitably worship trannies because that is the next current based thing
>go outside

>> No.53289175
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>think GME.
>GME is /pol/
Into the trash it goes, this and the rest of your sociological fart.

>> No.53289179

>no i'm not
cope, you're not just saying "no i'm not", you're saying "no i'm not, and the guy i'm talking to on this internet board is actually the primary antagonist in my non-schizo worldview!"
another nice goalpost shift, no one is saying psyops literally never happen(ed) anywhere in the world, i'm just saying it's hilarious for you to assume that this random /biz/ thread is a psyop, which it is.
just imagine how schizo you look to me right now if you were to assume for the sake of argument that i really am not part of a psyop

>> No.53289180

yeah just ignore how peer review process is in shambles and has become a social game of name recognition and popularity contest where names are slapped on studies of people who never even read the study but like seeing their name on studies. just ignore the political bias in science where they have to say as they're told or lose their jobs or funding. just ignore the rampant corruption of the entire scientific establishment and take everything they're told to say at face value. ignore how many of these studies aren't even repeatable. ignore how the scientific process has been almost completely abandoned in favour of the cult of scientism.

did you ever stop to think that maybe i don't trust any sources? its not that i don't trust your sources but trust my sources instead. i don't have any sources get that through your head.

>> No.53289188

Tank tracks.

That is all I have to say.

And mebe later I'll lecture you on 1940s geopolitics despite having never read mein kampf. If you're Jewish, you might find it interesting.

Plot twist! He doesn't actually mention Jews a whole lot in there. Zionists, yes. Joos, not quite so.

You can buy a copy of the newer audio book version with annotation; which is useful, because he mentions things that'd only make sense to someone in Austria at that point in time.

Long story short. It was the Rothchilds.

>> No.53289187

Daily reminder that /pol/ was right about the vaccine.

>> No.53289193

as much as i've been defending /pol/ itt i have to admit this post is spot on

>> No.53289215

So… leftoid trannies got so mad at “muh /pol/“ that they had to come here and make this shitty raid thread? That’s funny as fuck, but the question is, why are they mad? Everything’s pumping. Are they just crying because they missed the bottom?

>> No.53289217

>you have 5 posts and me talking shit of you
>i won
Room temperature iq.
You're unironically nobody on an anonymous website LOL, bunch of discord trannies raiding for attentions.

Here's the (You)s

>> No.53289219

>"don't trust actual doctors and medical scientists on the topic of medicine, listen to alex jones and rednecks on facebook instead!!!"
imagine being this retarded

>> No.53289223

op probably is a /pol/tard, they like to pose as leftists to troll their own because they really are that bored.

>> No.53289226
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Hmm sounds good I think moonman and icp are both a excellent case study for this. They even paid for 100 % wrong information via a email service so I think there is even potential for passive income.
Back to your containment thread you just have to look at any gme tard thread to see that they are mostly /pol/tards.

>> No.53289231
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>> No.53289237

>muh covid out of nowhere
Jesus Christ is that all you faggots ever think about? The media’s fearmongering really fucked your psyche and damaged it permanently.

>> No.53289238

>still can't get it through his head that i don't trust any sources
you're such a source-brain that every argument to you comes down to sources and everyone you disagree with you assume must be listening to sources you don't like

>> No.53289239
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Look at this seething /pol/cel go!

>> No.53289244

>primary antagonist
More like a useful idiot.

>> No.53289248

I made 10 milli and I used it to buy tons of remote land and am parcelling it out to friends and family so they can live comfy home stealing life and learn survival skills and have large white healthy families that are not corrupted by the Jewish globohomo.

>> No.53289267
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>i don't trust any sources

>> No.53289283

>Le epic mass reply to show everybody that thing i don't like is laughable
touch some grass

>> No.53289282

ah yeah sorry, i am of course not the primary antagonist, just a lesser agent working for the primary antagonist - all part of a scheme that you and a few facebook moms collectively uncovered. this suddenly sounds a lot more reasonable

>> No.53289287

Daily reminder to the shills ITT: no refunds.

>> No.53289292

i'm surprised they haven't mentioned january 6th yet, or accused us of being russian

>> No.53289307

trust is there to be abused. i prefer not to trust. it's easier to trust though if you don't want to think for yourself you can just pick a source to believe in. but unlike you i'm not like that

>> No.53289316

No you're just an autistic retard on the internet who needs his own "niggers" to shit on so he can feel smart when something bad happens because niggers get everything wrong, always.

>> No.53289319

this should have been the end of this thread

>> No.53289325

So you don't believe in atoms and planets? Because you don't trust sources, especially scientific ones.

>> No.53289327

the problem is that your lack of trust has to run so deep that you inevitably have to believe that literal millions of people in e.g. the healthcare field all have to be in on the biggest conspiracy of all time to essentially maim the entire population by spreading incredibly harmful information to them deliberately. the easiest way to dispel this fantasy is to just talk to a handful of people in the healthcare industry and see that they are in fact just people, and that most of them wouldn't do very great at having to cover up the biggest secret in human history

>> No.53289336

gme originated mainly on reddit, the retards mainly think they're fighting hedge fund richfags

>> No.53289338
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>That thread
Despising and degrading a group of people doesn't make an identity either. You guys read exactly the same as the posters spitting their hatred of Russians on /k/ all day long. I wonder why jannies don't delete that thread either.

>> No.53289344

lmao look at all the single digit iq /pol/cels who showed up to seethe over the fact that COVID gave them brain damage
Go back to your GME/BBBY/PM general threads and cope with the other broke ass /pol/cels.

>> No.53289350

i believe in planets because i looked at all the sources on all sides and took them into consideration to come to my own conclusion. you believe in planets because authority figures told you to believe in planets.

>> No.53289366

Better question is why the mods and jannies let these retarded off topic threads stay up all day long.

>> No.53289372

People who harbor these conspiratorial beliefs have clearly never worked in a large organization. The notion that all these dipshits and space-wasters -- who can't even send a mass email without fucking it up -- are somehow successfully coordinating to keep an evil plot secret is beyond parody.

>> No.53289380

i was in a hospital, in the er, and i saw on the tv in that hospital a news story saying that the very hospital i was in was currently over-loaded with covid patients. the hospital was empty, it was a quiet night, i asked around the nurses and doctors and they said they weren't overflowing at all. the news kept going on about how the hospital was overflowing with covid patients but it wasn't happening at all. the doctors aren't even in on it, they just watch the news and believe what they see like everyone else. no grand conspiracy requuired. just control the "trusted sources" of information and all the 90% of people in the world that are sourcebrains go along with it.

>> No.53289410
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>big corporations are profiting off me and deceiving me to buy their products
>conspiracies don't exist

>> No.53289433

>you believe in planets because authority figures told you to believe in planets.
This is literally how /pol/cels imagine their science-educated adversaries form their beliefs. No, you embarrassing retard. Scientists believe in X because the existence of X best explains the available empirical evidence. /pol/cels are so used to slavishly accepting authority that they assume everyone else is just as retarded.

>> No.53289484

>understanding if vaccines are safe or not is like looking at planets
This is the same level of intelligence you guys pretend /pol/cels have.

If this is not NPC projection i don't kmow what it is.

>> No.53289511

I think that the large, wasteful organizations full of morons ARE the evil, anon

>> No.53289517

scientists believe in x because a "peer reviewed" study with big names (who largely never read the study) from a prestigious institution (funded by those in power) told them it was true and they know if they want to keep their jobs they better go along with it. some don't and they lose their jobs and now their names on a study mean nothing. you tow the line or you get kicked out. but plenty of them are too sourcebrained to even realize this is going on because they're only human. scientists aren't some infallible class of people immune to propaganda, their institutions are rife with it.

>> No.53289531

All empirical science is about generating explanatory theories consistent with known observations and testing those theories against new observations. The subject matter is irrelevant.

>> No.53289536

There's no conspiracy theory. You're just gobbling the cock of corporate propaganda and accusing anyone who asks for actual evidence a schizo.

>> No.53289556
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>the joos is why im a closet gay incel. They tricked me into watching bbc sissy hypno

>> No.53289590

>the posters
they're called shills, anon

>> No.53289594

You never finished university let alone a PHD, so your understanding of these matters is a product of your phantasmagorical imagination.

>> No.53289598
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>we need national socialism because I cant get sex in the free market

>> No.53289609

The subject matter is relevant, one thing is proving gravity to be real, on thing is understanding what causes gravity to be real.

Understanding if a certain biological system can be harmed with a medicine is difficult since some of them may be immune unlike others, you need statistics for that and a reliable source, and pray god you didn't choose a particular population that can't stand that medicine.

>> No.53289622

>The subject matter is relevant, one thing is proving gravity to be real, on thing is understanding what causes gravity to be real.
I can tell you've never taken a physics course.

>> No.53289627
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>dont buy crypto its a jewish scam. I prefer to work hard for my money like a true aryan

>> No.53289639
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I can tell you have no argument except personal attacks.

>> No.53289662

Not a personal attack, a statement of fact -- and a relevant one, given the topic on hand. You just don't have enough experience with science to be opining on the subject.

>> No.53289670
File: 116 KB, 800x500, 11EFB2F2-B949-45B7-BCD4-F6D7A0FE2013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post is paid for by sam bankman fried

>> No.53289673

>posters spitting their hatred of Russians on /k/ all day long.
Those are literally paid shills. The entire pro-Ukraine movement is a paid propaganda effort.

>> No.53289706

Perfect, judging by your incompetence in debating such issues and tell why do you think i'm wrong i can conclude your assumption is complete bullshit.

>> No.53289713

Come again? Are you an ESL?

>> No.53289717

>You just don't have enough experience with science to be opining on the subject.
You don't either, retard, which is why you can't dismiss him.

>> No.53289724
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>every country has the right to sovereignty and self determination
Yaaaaaas so true daddy hitler!

NOOOOOO not like that you cant just protect your country from invaders!!!! Jew shills!!!

>> No.53289737
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keep changing the topic

>> No.53289740

1) they're older
2) they're not tech people (and don't understand blockchain)
3) (Most important) they think via ideology instead of charts/behavior
4) They think they're always right and don't examine alternatives to their logic

Not exactly the magic formula to market success

>> No.53289745

>bunkertroons seethe on /biz/
weird board choice

>> No.53289755

immense cope lol, you should try going outside and see what opinions all the normal people hold

>> No.53289771
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>Why does /pol/ choose the worst type of investments?

Because /pol/ is retarded. The /pol/ of today is nothing like the one of even 2 years ago because the board gets faster so threads 404 so fast even before a sourced or original well thought out argument can be typed and responded to. Everyone else are shills, bots, glowniggers, and election tourists, and boomers.

>Why do they form cults?

to satisfy their instinct for belonging and being special since they probably have no status or friends IRL. I still go to /pol/ mostly for entertainment or to collect memes to use elsewhere.

/pol/ is too dumb and poor to see that globalism benefits white people because they do not have a 401k to pump and they can not afford to live away from niggers nor school their children away from niggers. /pol/ are the white trash sharecroppers that thought even if they act like niggers they are still white because of their skin. Modern /pol/ wants daddy government to solve all their problems while classic /pol/ is more libertarian.

For example look at gay marriage, if you made gay people live in sequestered work camps /pol/ would call it based, but they already are in work camps, its called wageslavery. The faggots consume more to feed their libido so they already are slaves, but /pol/ does not benefit so they want the government to ban faggotry. Even the child indoctornation issue is moot when you homeschool or move to a conservative area.

The other problem with /pol/ is they are jealous they are not born a Chad that can get a white qt3.14 virgin. While that is the only relationship worth having, porn, whores, and donor eggs are a suitable replacement, but /pol/ is to inflamed with desire to see it.

My personal observation is that bad investments are shilled in right wing circles to prevent them from gaining capital and power, just like vaxx and religious arguments against the current regime.

>> No.53289816

I just made a new source on this so you definitely did not read mine.