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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53288399 No.53288399 [Reply] [Original]

>muh macro
>muh rate hikes
>muh recession
>muh 4 year cycle
>muh halving
>muh RSI
It will happen precisely because it would BTFO the most
1. All of you seething bobos
2. The retards who had everything on FTX, Celsius, BlockFi, Genesis, would be forever priced out
3. All of you snibfags who insist on a crab market for years
Don't bother trying to change my mind. I look forward to your seethe.

>> No.53288413

we are so back bobros

>> No.53288467

2015 lurker here
i love browsing this board
the only thing i know is vicious pumps like this are hallmarks of bear markets
everyone unironically believes the dump is over, the bear market is over, simply because of massive buys
the thing that strikes me is this has seemingly been one of the most bullish bear markets ever, the internet is almost still overflowing with people that KNOW bitcoin is going up
they KNOW bitcoin goes up long term
they KNOW and you DONT
sadly these are the last strands of the sweater that need to be pulled before we move on
there needs to be a resounding "bitcoin is a scam" from new people otherwise the timing is not right
>muh 4 year cycle
>muh halving
yes, and we're about 13 months away from halving, stuff always gets busy about 1 year before so we're just on the edge of the knife here
wouldn't surprise me in the least if this was a scam pump to prep the market for new lows such that it takes off from the historical 1 year before halving bottom

i love browsing this board

>> No.53288474

Nope. Full capitulation hasn't happened yet. There are still too many bagholders who are waiting for exit liquidity so they can dump. The market will crab for the next 18 months, but we'll probably get some nice rallies here and there.

>> No.53288496


>> No.53288502

Are there any stats on how many btc for ftx,celsius, blockfi, etc...owe to customers? Like assume some magic could make everyone whole.

>> No.53288511

you niggas are getting too bullish. I just sold everything.

>> No.53288536

Are you basing this upon the waves of Elliott?

>> No.53288561
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>> No.53288635

hi snibs, prepare your anus.
>Like assume some magic could make everyone whole
Ask a Jew for some money and you'll have your answer
>a nigger just sold
No, I didn't post a chart and I don't need to.

>> No.53288667
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>the mission of Pine Gap was to give American soldiers of color a place to impregnate white women

>> No.53288732
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Same. Been browsing since 2016. I was a poorfag saving for a home down payment so I could only play with a few hundred dollars at $2400 a coin that I ended up leaving on Bittrex and losing the email tied to the account and access to my coins. I left /biz/ in 2018 because I believed the crypto is dead meme. I haven't seen that sentiment yet. I think we go to 22-23k then crab downwards to a new low. I think we are in the late July early August 2018 of this cycle. I don't expect another ATH for years.

>> No.53289000


Who gives a fuck about what you think when fell for the “crypto is dead” meme in 2018… Retard

>> No.53289033

Remember remember ur mum blows my member. More chkm for me. cheerio lad

>> No.53289043

100 Checkems scheduled for deposit

>> No.53289173

I'm still tempted to fomo. I think it will reach 30k. But this is my sentiment. It doesn't even need to fall to 10k or below. I just think it's gonna crab more. But one thing I appreciate about this pump is that I have confidence it will pump in the future. I am gonna start DCAing tho.

>> No.53290085

>2 more weeks

>> No.53291250
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this reads like the asuka prophecy from back in the day and were not even at 30k yet, cant imagine the delusional predictions when we get closer to 30k
we go from delusional bobos to delusional bulls, the cycle of rekt

>> No.53291302

Listen to those oldfags. The market hasn't yet felt the pain that these anons have seen for themselves.
>The retards who had everything on FTX, Celsius, BlockFi, Genesis, would be forever priced out
This is extremely bearish. It was normies and institutions who got most badly burned from all of it. You really think they're coming back anytime soon?
Without them, you're going to see a disappointing next ATH.

>> No.53291310
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>2015 lurker here
New fag.
>Been browsing since 2016
Even bigger new faggot.
Btc used to be a dollar.

>> No.53291320

Bro, you can't even be considered a "old fag" if you haven't been here before 2010.
You're retarded, your Fudd is retarded, not selling.

>> No.53291358

Like I care if you sell. Please keep buying. Your cost basis will be your problem.

>> No.53291906

The current market paradigm is characterized by a dichotomy of paradigmatic shifts in both the macro and microeconomic spheres, resulting in a confluence of exogenous and endogenous variables that are creating a non-linear perturbation in the equilibrium of the system. The net effect of this is an obfuscation of the underlying fundamentals, leading to a situation of uncertainty and risk. The only way to navigate this is through a sophisticated understanding of the intricacies of the interplay between the various market participants and the utilization of advanced econometric modeling techniques to identify and exploit inefficiencies in the system.