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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 41 KB, 896x354, india ban.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53287640 No.53287640 [Reply] [Original]

sirs...it's over

>> No.53287663


A literal fucking who country. Quick everyone Madagascar just banned bitcoin !1!1!!1

>> No.53287681

The India/China/Russia banning crypto FUD is what marks the start of a bull market. It's always been like that.

>> No.53287700

>poorest people start escaping poverty with airdrops or scams that everyone knows are scams and willingly participates in
>gov’t: shut it down
gotta keep the people poor and stupid

>> No.53287708

>load the india fud
time to go all in. these fud cycles are like clockwork

>> No.53287710


>> No.53287717

Holy shit this entire space literally is some groundhog day hellscape with no escape...

>> No.53287723

Are we just being trolled all these years by mass media?

Literally every 6 months there's """news""" that India/China either banned crypto or accepted crypto.

>> No.53287738

Why is the central bank needed?

>> No.53287776
File: 58 KB, 400x295, indianceos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>misses the indian century


>> No.53287783

if indians are this good at management, then perhaps we ought to listen to them?

>> No.53287785

>Are we just being trolled all these years by mass media?
of course

>> No.53287790

>One guy calling for
Go back to /pol/ or reddit you stupid happening screenshot retard

>> No.53287794

Because otherwise the kikes wouldnt be able to have such a stranglehold on countries

>> No.53287807

Everyone knows now it's an insider signal

>> No.53287808
File: 167 KB, 680x566, 1626125959091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53287816

Yup. Again.

>> No.53287840
File: 110 KB, 809x822, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we need more CEO diversity for optics
>let's hire some niggers then
>wait! niggers? Are you crazy?
>well ok, let's hire some poo skinned people, at least they have higher IQ than niggers right?

>> No.53287849

Time to roll this again.


>> No.53287850

This is actually bullish.

>> No.53287871

bullish, pajeets btfo

>> No.53287880

Did I get CHAHed and heckled at that store because I got this AWFUL new TPI in there?

>> No.53287906

Need to reinforce that caste system that they "totally don't actually support" anymore.

>> No.53287912

Thought they already banned it last year?

>> No.53287932

This is like 5 times they banned it no? Give me break.

>> No.53287976

Actually at this point I think it's probably because half of these trading bots are literally run by simple AI which scan through all major news and Elon Musk type tweets 24/7 to find certain key words and then trade automatically on it lmao

>> No.53287984

>MS hasn't produced a decent product in over a decade
>Alphabet is essentially an overhyped search engine and video hosting company
>Adobe is still pumping out shitloads of poorly optimized shitware that spends more time crashing than it does actually doing anything useful
>IBM is worthless outside of mainframes and a shell of what it used to be
>I literally hadn't heard of Micron until today
>Trusting Pajeets with cyber security, ishygddt
>VMWare is literally just a less capable graphical front end for qemu
>Literally who?
>Run by an African American now
>Discount netflix
Pajeets are exceptionally good at being exceptionally dishonest, almost all of those companies are running on autopilot, under performing in terms of goods actually delivered and improvements to their services, or might as well not exist.

>> No.53288508


>> No.53288528

That's fucking awesome news, imagine the utopia of a crypto world that India wasn't allowed to shit up
/biz/ might even go a week without some pathetic bsc dog bat threads.

>> No.53288575

If you wonder why matic always keeps getting adopted, now you know. It's not the tech. It's nepotism.

>> No.53289675

I wonder if those bots are lurking /biz

>> No.53289742
File: 30 KB, 472x367, 621c054000c4d2738245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is where crypto privacy projects come in