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53283752 No.53283752 [Reply] [Original]

I fucked up, fellow bizraelis. I took the jab a year ago and I fucking hate myself for succumbing to the fear machine and scare tactics of ((them)).

I don't have any issues whatsoever (yet), but I need all the hopium I can get.

I read about prion proteins depositing in various organs as a result of aluminum adjuvants, which ultimatelly causes incurable neurological diseases with 100% fatality. Some research suggests the vaxx also leads to T-cell suppression or some shit, responsible for cancer growth. And then there's microscopic amounts of nm carbon glass or whatever, which causes blood clotting.

Does that mean 100% mortality for all who took it or do ((they)) plan to just weaken us and subscribe to Big Pharma?

What are the financial implications of killing 50-60% (or whatever the number is) of the civilized population?

Can't believe I got gaslighted and fell for the biggest scam in human history. Thank God my wife didn't take it.

>> No.53284029

You probably got the placebo

>> No.53284046

Hey, since your wife is going to be single soon, can you give me her number?

>> No.53284081
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You know it is possible that the Government doesn't want you to die from a leaked Chinese bio weapon, right?

Killing off your own population via vaccines (of all things) would be really bad for GDP numbers. No one wants that on their watch.

>> No.53284137

If the vaxx is causing prions everyone's fucked unless you've been in a bunker before the rolll out begun

>> No.53284145

Thanks for the hopium, anon. I can do with poorer health, but gotta be around for the next bullrun.

Already got two kids, anon. Would you take good care of them?

I feel like God would trade me some good bullrun gains for longevity. Which sounds like a Pyrrhic win.

>> No.53284154

You need to drink rat poison every day. I got some research in my HDD somewhere. I'll post it later mate. But trust me on this. Pol is never wrong and I'm pol. ygmi

>> No.53284157

I think the vaxx effect doesn't last too much, eat healthy to regenerate faster

>> No.53284169

I bet 90% of the people who were too scared to get a needle, and made up some grandiose story to justify it to themselves, all have fantasies about how brave and strong they are lmao

>> No.53284175

>Gov don't want you dead
There's higher powers than governments, anon and they have their ways eg paying for studies and research favourable to their agenda. If you don't know this by now you're watching too much MSM and are asleep. Population reduction isn't even a hidden desired outcome and you still don't see it?

>> No.53284182

i remember right when the vax came out I watched this video made by an italian doctor in italian with English subtitles that was about metallic nanostructures in the mrna vaccine and how they rearrange themselves in such a way that would cause massive bloodclotting when exposed to certain frequencies (5g) by creating long fibrous strands in veins and arteries.
When I tried to talk about this to even my fellow conspiracy enjoyer friends they said it was way too out there and I was nuts for even entertaining the idea.
Fastforward 2 years and suddenly vaxxies are dropping dead and they are finding long fibrous clots in their veins lmao

>> No.53284201

>i made up some deaths to validate my made up conspiracy theory so i can maintain my delusional sense of superiority over a society in which i'm otherwise worthless and rejected

>> No.53284207

I know no ones going to believe me but I do believe the vax when it first was entering people's bodies did cause something like cancer to reappear if you were in remission. I had 3 of my aunt's last year have their cancer flare up all within a month of each other, kill two of them and the third had to get her boobers removed or she was going to join them. It was just very eerie how they were all in remission or their cancers were manageable and suddenly within 2 months of each other all of their cancers went hyperbole and they all took Pfizer so idk. Just my personal viewpoint

>> No.53284208

You have the mark.

>> No.53284218

Kek, didn't read.
No refunds nigger cattle..

>> No.53284221

Sorry that was 2021 not last year

>> No.53284228

>t. vacccine bagholder

>> No.53284245

I had Sinopharm, it's traditional vaccine. I trust the chinktoids more in this case.

>> No.53284260

>2 more weeks

>> No.53284281

In theory the vaccine compromises the immune system, so probably that exacerbated existing commorbidities?

>> No.53284292

Already been said in the thread that it fucks with T cell count
So yes, your little dot to dot on the spot hypothesis is not news, nor is it theory

>> No.53284295

I know no ones going to believe me but I do believe that public toilets cause something like cancer to reappear if you were in remission. I had 3 of my aunt's last year have their cancer flare up all within a month of each other, kill two of them and the third had to get her boobers removed or she was going to join them. It was just very eerie how they were all in remission or their cancers were manageable and suddenly within 2 months of each other all of their cancers went hyperbole and they all were using public toilets. Just my personal viewpoint

>> No.53284311

50% of the batches were saline, you might be one of the lucky ones

>> No.53284329

Don’t cum in your wife and ruin her for one of us who can take her once you have a stroke

>> No.53284341
File: 1.58 MB, 1334x750, 43B911AB-D7E7-4DB0-9691-2CB973D9EED0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post a single source, I beg you. I don’t care what website or source, just post a SINGLE link to wherever the fuck you schizoids get this bullshit information from.

>> No.53284384
File: 83 KB, 1024x767, Canadian Health Care.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are the financial implications of killing 50-60% (or whatever the number is) of the civilized population?

Invest in suicide pods and machines. Unironically. There will will be no way to pay for the billions of sick, crippled, dying and dead so there will be a massive propaganda push for people to kill themselves.

>> No.53284385

You can search it up pretty easily. Just don't use Google, they filter out a lot of stuff. Luc Montagnier is one pointer. J. Bart Classen is another.

>> No.53284435

>i trust 2 guys who are making bank from naive paranoid sheep over global scientific consensus
tell me you're a retard without telling me you're a retard

>> No.53284470

One of them died a month after he spoke only about these issues at a large forum. Could be a coincidence, but raises concern.

>> No.53284479
