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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 9 KB, 200x200, the_graph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53283626 No.53283626 [Reply] [Original]

I know something you don’t know.

I cannot tell you what it is. It’s illegal.

But it will absolutely wreck all GRT holders.

You will see it happen this year.

I am sorry about this in advance, but I wanted to tell you so that I feel like I warned you.

One hint: it is NOT competition that will kill GRT.

I will not respond to guesses.

>> No.53283821

Yes, we are all going to be rich! $40 EOY is FUD!

>> No.53283896

Who the fuck fuds GRT?
No one cares.
GRT holders already got completely wrecked.
It’s over.

>> No.53283923

they will accept USD to stake/pay fees and ditch GRT

>> No.53283962

You don't understand how bullish this is for GRT

>> No.53283984

It's over.

>> No.53284119

Actual programmer here with two years experience in Visual Basic

GRT brings nothing new to the table. I hear the comparisons to LINK and laugh my ass off. It's basically a more advanced backend indexer for ETH, sort of like an Etherscan for nerds looking to derive more accessible data to build DeFi apps. It's nothing like LINK, which is an equally useless first-party Oracle that centralizes transaction data and can't be verified because it comes from them. Link is basically an ETH token without it's own blockchain and a meme that went too far.

What does this mean? Nothing, you're seeing an artificial vaporwave pump. Both GRT and LINK are useless to the developer community because they're decentralized and rely on the Etherium blockchain network, which in itself is a piece of spaghetti code written by a zoomer Russian programmer. No major trillion-dollar company is ever going to use blockchain data to store data, ditching their safe and centralized data servers for easily hackable decentralized ETH-backed clognests.

The GRT token itself is not related to the GRT service used by Uniswap and other DeFi token exchanges. It's just used to make the devs rich and you're pumping their bags on a worthless token. PRQ is more advanced than the Graph and will index all blockchains at once while GRT is limited to ETH.

You're buying vaporwave, don't be idealistic about any of these tokens and enjoy the free money. Get out at the top and never become a bagholder.

>> No.53284212
File: 81 KB, 604x260, Screenshot_20230115_031623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

GRT confirmed basedcoin kek@baggies

>> No.53284400

>Visual Basic
Kek its over boys

>> No.53284754

>wo years experience in Visual Basic

This does not qualifay you in any way. Also you have no clue about blockchain.

I have used the software product of GRT, its a piece of shit but a lot of well know product like uniswap uses it. It is some kind of industry standard.

>> No.53284890

In the coming years either GRT reaches over $100 or crypto dies altogether, BTC included.
Few understand.

>> No.53284931
File: 161 KB, 757x606, fdgdfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

List of paid shills ITT

Unidentified graph employee, maybe Graphtronaut
>OP posts with links/news
>Effort posts, probably the only shill to do so
>Links to archive with his old posts/posts from "insiders"
>Thinks Rasta is based
>Criticism is FUD, Price tanking is FUD, query fees are inevitable

Graphtronaut intern
>Types in low caps
>Posts in tandem with Graphtronaut. Usually pretending to ask a question so shilling seems more organic
>Claims to have a 10k stack
>Never FUDs, always has blind optimism. Is harsher towards pessimistic posters than Graphtronaut
>Claims to DCA and is "comfy delegating"

>Replies with unintelligible babble
>Contributes nothing of value to discussion
>Doesn't even have the decency to use a trip so his posts can be hidden

>Rarely in actual GRT threads but shills in random threads
>May post with trip off as $40 EOM poster

$40 EOM poster
>No contribution to thread
>the amazon of worker exploitation
>the orange man of the democrat party
>the yandex of yolo
>the 4chan of reddit
>the red robin of APIs

>> No.53285002

All of them are actually me.
I'm the only poster in GRT threads.
You included.

>> No.53285018

this was fucking Caroline senpai, might wanna get her off your list

>> No.53285084

splurt my gurt all over my shirt. Clean it up jannie

>> No.53285101
File: 48 KB, 720x540, 12839451285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my gurts doing a lil sum sum. Independently of BTC I might add

>> No.53285198

It's $40 EOY asshole! And I'm a very important member of the team.

>> No.53285258

I refuse to believe this is real. The schizo image proving that is just a bunch of nonsense.

>> No.53285296

>And I'm a very important member of the team

designated Tegan milker?

>> No.53285745 [DELETED] 

wtf is going on tho fr fr no cap, I didn't get to accumulate enough

>> No.53287443

You still do not know what I know.

I am laughing at the people in this thread pretending they know the future.

I am laughing at the ignorance.

So confident as you speed head on with a collision this year that will destroy all of you.

The information you need to confirm what I say is publicly available.

You just need to know where to look.

But instead you will read anonymous promises of the moon.

There is no saving you.

>> No.53287490

You sir are an idiot. Terrible fudding to boot. How much you got? Delegating?

>> No.53287495

A random creepy message with no details fudding GRT on biz. Well I just sold.

>> No.53287508
File: 159 KB, 1080x1074, B71E02A7-3155-4032-AE5F-CB258A31B954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already bought the top, but I had money then. I can’t get wrecked any further. I just don’t care op.

>> No.53287601

Been holding this piece of shit coin in deep red well over a year now, you couldn't say anything to scare me off at this point.

>> No.53288601

>GRT pumps immediately after this post

>> No.53289431

I already know what you think you know and you have classic midwit syndrome.

I cannot tell you how I know because my methods are generally considered illegal.

I have seen you posting the same cringy attention spaced LARP post in multiple threads.

Pro tip - Nothing ever happens.

No need to be sorry since you haven't actually said anything.

One hint: You Will Never Be A Woman... ever.

I will not respond to confirmation requests from OP.

>> No.53289504

Haven't seen this pasta in awhile. Dare I say bullish?

>> No.53289607
File: 522 KB, 1280x1280, For (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally already know what you think you know.

I am laughing at you pretending you know the future.

I am laughing at the attempted confidence of your posts.

So confident as you watch the price climb and wish you could buy more.

The information you need is indeed publicly available.

I already looked there and it confirms you are 100% LARPing.

But instead you create GRT threads with this /x tier cringefest.

You can still be saved if you accept there's no such thing as transgenders.

>> No.53289638
File: 42 KB, 600x532, 1563634404085.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The information you need to confirm what I say is publicly available.
>I cannot tell you what it is. It’s illegal.

>> No.53290766

I know what all of you know

the information is publicly available on reddit

that's where i learned to put spaces in between every sentence i type like this

it's over

>> No.53290790

I have a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from a prestigious university, and I can tell you for a fact that The Graph is an absolute joke.

The blockchain is already directly descended from one of the oldest and most well-known data structures in computing, the linked list, and these people seriously think they can topple the extensive research that has gone into perfecting it.

It's nothing more than soiboi webdev cope, complaining that they need their "query languages" and "logarithmic time complexity" to be able to use it, as if using big words like that will impress anyone.

And they're all even too cheap to build their own processing infrastructure to do it properly! If you can't afford to build the necessary systems to run your dApp, then maybe your dApp wasn't actually all that good?

I can't wait to laugh at you retarded bagholders when this obvious scam inevitably rugpulls, and you all act like nobody ever saw it coming.

>> No.53291164

Clever anon. You have successfully fished a reply from me.

You can indeed “confirm” what I say using publicly available information, but for me to tell you exactly what I know would be illegal. I cannot elaborate.

I hope you all enjoy the market based price action. GRT follows along with the big money. For now.

Until, one day, soon: it doesn’t.

There are so many assumptions made by the people in these threads.

Things you believe to be true, extrapolations based on assumptions. Inferences based on projections.

What if everything you thought you knew about GRT wasn’t true?

You are all in for a surprise. Enjoy!

>> No.53291220

Yaniv is a jew.


>> No.53291243

i thought we were all fucking around but it really is over huh?

>> No.53291263

We already know GRT is a garbage investment and we all got wrecked already. I was buying that shit at over a dollar you think I care if it dumps more? You think I'm gonna sell because of your weak ass bitchmade FUD?
Suck my dick fag

>> No.53291788

>What if everything you thought you knew about GRT wasn’t true?
Such as? You mean... It's not over?

>> No.53292065

You know, usually when anons post stuff like this they usually leave a breadcrumb so dedicated anons can do their thing, instead of posting the most generic fud ever that can be applied to literally anything and is only useful to call you a larping retard.

>> No.53292173
File: 40 KB, 704x632, TqyyjQ3[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

even AI can tell you're a dirty pajeet

>> No.53292258
File: 66 KB, 666x666, 9036702D-9A1C-478E-8E8F-60C6853A788A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not selling bitch
Lick my nuts

>> No.53293715

I'm down 97% on GRT, this is bullish actually

>> No.53294019

mainnet is never coming, huh?

>> No.53294824

Somebody tell him

>> No.53295252

I bought 50,000 GRT at 0.91c

I'm still delegating it.

It's over.

>> No.53295333

The only thing I know about GRT is that it's over so this is an interesting logic puzzle

>> No.53295717

I hope you've been DCAing down too fren? I've got mine down to 28c and I think we will get there one day not too soon!

>> No.53296646

>even AIs call him an esl attention whoring grifter

>> No.53296738

ive literally never sold GRT, been DCAing forever... bought day 1 at 12 c, recently doubled my stack at 7c. stilldown 66%. its eternally over.

>> No.53297281
File: 77 KB, 498x498, 1673870480408.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incredibly retarded or incredibly based? Both?

>> No.53298614


>> No.53299520
File: 79 KB, 651x559, grtholders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dolphin here
is it interesting that there are more GRT whales than sharks? any ideas whats behind this situation?

>> No.53300882
File: 27 KB, 318x318, 3114910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Common octopus here. It's likely the team, VC, and larger indexers

>> No.53301251

where does that info come from

>> No.53301279

as a grt holder I am already wrecked. what difference does it make? I might as well keep delegating and stacking 8% gurts on the off chance it recovers

>> No.53301476
