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53282661 No.53282661 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any point of being natty? Been training for years and I still get mogged by 18 year olds on roids

>> No.53282668

Sorry jannies wrong board

>> No.53282669

Do what you wanna do man. Just know that people will always try to drag you down, comes with the territory

>> No.53282673

Roids = leveraged trading

>> No.53282675

You'll never beat them so join them or change your goals.

>> No.53282681

Tfw crabbing on overhead pre

>> No.53282687


>> No.53282690
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Roiding = body dysmorphia

Meaning, you're pretty much a tranny

>> No.53282692
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Natty is blue chip stock investing. This is now a on topic thread.

>> No.53282708

>I embrace the homosexual aesthetics but I really really love women i swear

physical well being is done through healthy food and walking. beyond this shows that you either do it because
-you are bored, aka a failure
-you try to fulfill some power fantasy, sign of betacuckness
-you are a homo, aka a failure
-you do it for women, aka a man devoted to please women even if you claim otherwise, like all men, aka a failure
-you cling to your health, aka a failure living in fear of death

=>you are a pleb as soon as you lift.

>> No.53282719

Nice bait.

>> No.53284044

Train hard (its not about how many reps you do but about that last one that just barely didnt count). Eat well (avoid sugar, gluten and cowsmilk, reduce the legumes and nightshades)and sleep well. And the most important thing...compare yourself to you past self not to some other people.

>> No.53284193

dyel cope

>> No.53284210
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ayo blue chip is some cool shit yo i been considerin buying like a huge empty lot and leasing out square footage. each square footage of the land is a blue chip venture scheme. like a game each cubic square will be overtaken in a pattern like fashion until the ruling interest owns no more than %80 of the total area.

>> No.53284410

You can mog them back by outliving them anon. If they're not hedgefund babies you can also try and make more money then them, then work on your mind so you don't develop the same disorders as them.
Although desu I believe this because I'm 6'3, I don't think those mogs would be satisfying enough if I were a manlet.

>> No.53284441

Fat fuck cope.
Muscles help you lift heavier stuff.
This website is full of fat, ugly beta males trying desperately to call everything beta, why? Projection.
I'll do what I want and I'll lift what I want, fag.

>> No.53284546

They will die very young, so you will win in the end, anon.

>> No.53284557

It's a pseudo-activity for goys who don't do psychical labour.
No wonder the father of bodybuilding was a jew called Eugene Sandow.

>> No.53284558

nice bait

>> No.53284592


Just train natty. Roiders look like mentally ill weirdos with self-esteem issues.

>> No.53284597

Whatever fag, women like big muscles and i like having sex with women.

>> No.53284658

Just get into a sport or martial art where roiding doesn't make a huge difference. You can get very far in bjj without roids

>> No.53284789
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Bodybuilder bros...

>> No.53284797

Were you referring to physical exercise? On /biz/? You do know that the vast majority of "people" on here have such severe atrophy in every muscle of their body that the only movement they can possibly make is clicking a mouse button to buy/sell, right?

>> No.53284806

Never gets old

>> No.53284828
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Most roiders are regular guys who use it as a cheat code to achieve results within a few months instead of years. Despite the roids, most of them remain within the natty limit. Only a small percentage of roiders continue to blast and cruise for years and turn into huge muscle monsters

>> No.53284852

Don't waste your life, I trained my whole life without asteroids, I'm 40 now and I've got nothing to show despite training hard (unless I cut to %10 fat which is really hard and nobody will see unless you go to a beach) I'm strong and healthy but nobody can see that. Very rarely people commented about my body, not even masseusses said shit except like 2 or 3 times maybe. My body fat was 15%-20% my whole life. (Mostly drink water, no sugar, etc)
You can't train for vanity and not using roids. But if you use roids then you may suffer an early death, and what for? You're not even competing in mr olympia or something. Better waste time training natty than wasting your life dying young like those 18 year olds cocksuckers at your gym
t. fitness and health blogger schizo

>> No.53285193
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dude, how can basedjacks ever recover? olympic shot put arcing. that's like 130 pounds of boy moving through space and defying air resistance.

>> No.53285206

Sell roids to gymcels

>> No.53285226

Peak russian homo activity in this pic

>> No.53285264

>Big and strong
Pick one and only one. Basically everyone who has been training a few years is on roids and anyone who is big, ripped and natty have freak genetics which means not you.

>> No.53285316

The ultimate MOG is keeping all your vital organs and hair follicles. There is a point of diminishing returns when it comes to your physique. Most women don't see the difference between men's open and classic bodybuilding. All you need is big shoulders, a nice v taper, visible abs, and decent arms and legs. Anything more than this is basically just for your own autistic desires.

>> No.53285318

I have two fucked up shoulders my lifting career is over so I drink a lot of beer and now I’m fat as fuck. Kill me

>> No.53285330

How to get good forearms that’s my shitty part

>> No.53285373

Dead hangs. I do two sets of one minute every day. I've heard 3 sets of farmers walks to failure twice a week is good too. Or just work manual labour in a car parts warehouse for a few years kek.

>> No.53285387

Legit Taiko No Tatsujin arcade machine. I beat the living crap out of that drum and my arms veins throb and get nice pump

>> No.53285391

Did you see noticeable difference when you started doing dead hangs

>> No.53285408

Fuck, you are me

>> No.53285410

Yes. I don't have Popeyes forearms but my definition is good. And I never have back pain from the spine extension.

>> No.53285420

As I understand it, forearms are really hard to grow and largely a genetic thing. You can measure your wrist and probably get a good idea of your forearm potential as measuring your wrist is a good way to estimate your general bone width, and therefore your muscular potential. I'm a wristlet myself and am basically doomed to having small forearms unless I roid. I tried wrist curls, deadlifts, and pull-ups. Compounds and isolations and my forearms never got any noticeably bigger. I even worked manual labor for awhile. I remember I once went to one of those clinics where you donate plasma and they told me I needed bigger veins in my forearms so I should try curls and drinking a lot of water for a few months. I was like "nigger I've been doing that shit for years."

>> No.53285423

Bad genes