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53273277 No.53273277 [Reply] [Original]

hey there my crypto bros, how is it hanging? I hope you'all all allright these days. What are you thinking of buying with crypto money if you make it? Please remember that the purchase of unregistered firearms is illegal and not permitted

>> No.53273331

i'd like to have enough passive income from investments so i can survive without having to work, not much of a consoomer myself

>> No.53273354

I just need to make enough to survive and buy the bottom until the 2028 bullrun when I will hopefully retire

>> No.53273360

That sounds great rYOu13Hj, that would leave you a lot of time to go hiking, or magnet fishing, and turn in any found firearms to your local authorities. I like hobbies myself that benefit both myself, and my local community, personally

>> No.53273381

i'm not counting on btc to make me rich, i endeavour to make my wealth by productive enterprise. however, if i do make a large amount off what i put in, i'd use it to invest in my business.

>> No.53273405

that is really swell anon

productive enterprise sounds very blessed anon, I hope you well in your business and I'm counting on you!

>> No.53273670
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I think I'll buy that dairy farm I've always dreamed about.