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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53272550 No.53272550 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.53272560

>7 transactions per second

>> No.53272581

>buy my premined vc scam token goy, it's faster goy

>> No.53272632

You can only complain about this if:
>your coin didn't have a premine
>your coin isn't PoS (Piece of Shit)
>your coin doesn't have outages every month
>your coin isn't 90% owned by the top 100 wallets
>your coin isn't hosted by AWS or anything similar while LARPing about being decentralized

>> No.53272634

>he thinks different cryptos are the solution to cryptos being worthless

>> No.53272641
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>to remove the money printer from the state

>> No.53272644

I can complain about anything I want. faggot

>> No.53272700

You realize screaming "premine!" all day isn't going to convince anyone but the most ignorant who didn't learn about token distribution, right? You realize rich people got a lot of BTC early on just like they got a lot of ETH early on... right?

>> No.53272771


>> No.53272994

Bitcoin will end up in large data centers

- Satoshi Nakamoto

>> No.53273041

it's not about getting rich fast
it's about making central banking and government theft harder

>> No.53273167

there are several coins that help to achieve this

>> No.53273186

maybe XMR
but ETH? lmao shut up

>> No.53273195


>> No.53273210

each one provides an essential utility to achieving decentralized finance

>> No.53273216


>> No.53273226

How exactly BTC prevents gov intervention? User node statistics are not reliable, Jimmy Song wrote about this in his blog.

>> No.53273238

last I checked the gov can't prevent you from signing and uploading a transaction

>> No.53273275

Majority mining pools can choose which transactions and wallets are accepted.

>> No.53273289
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shitcoiners who missed out on bitcoin will never admit it, they think it's about "the tech" and that you can monetize open source code/services through erc20 shitcoins

the only use case for blockchain is money, if you think otherwise, call me when it's acutally used for anything more than trading shitcoins

>> No.53273318

some mining pool aren't even able to choose transactions at protocol level, it's the singe miner with an ASIC in his basement building the block with Stratum V2

>> No.53273351

individual miners can (and will) choose to abandon pools that force terrible rules

>> No.53273416

We talked about majority pools, who absolutely can decide not to accept your transactions and wallets. They can also ultimately push any protocol changes because user node statistics are not reliable. Sad but honest facts. If you want to be ancap XMR is better.

>> No.53273420

>store of value
>regularly loses more than half its value every few years
Lmao. Bitcoin gains all of its value from speculation on line going up or down, not from actual use or immutable characteristics
>but muh halvenings and 4 year cycles
...are things that encourage speculation on the line going up, nothing more
>but tokens can't be printed infinitely
Plenty of cryptos that aren't outdated pieces of boomershit like BTC have this characteristic, it's not unique to BTC
>but BTC is decentralised
Wrong. A very small clique of miners hold all the power and it's vulnerable to 51% attacks.
>but it ends the FED and can't be banned!
Wrong. BTC is entirely traceable and the FED can easily stop people from using it if they desire. The FED can also pull all of the speculative capital supporting BTC to crash it below 1k any time they feel like it. Wallstreet can do this too if they find a better vehicle for speculation can begin manipulating it instead of BTC and can short BTC into the ground

>> No.53273428

>They can also ultimately push any protocol changes
This isn't true either. Nodes enforce protocol level rules that miners must follow.

>> No.53273441

i honestly cant explain why i feel a burning thirst to punch twitters who talk using meme formats in the face.

>> No.53273445

I'm always impressed about the hate hardon /biz/ has toward Charles when he's the only influential guy on crypto who constantly calls out the WEF, the Rothschilds and the SEC

>> No.53273448

it's because actions speak louder than words

>> No.53273453

Cardano is the most decentralized and most staked PoS

>> No.53273469

The man literally scammed the japs out of all their fucking money by advertising it as a gambling platform which turned out to be vaporware just like dapps are today.

>> No.53273478
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Dynamic block size

>> No.53273496

XMR has more centralized development (mining algo arbitrarily changed by a bunch of devs several time), less nodes, and will have even fewer nodes in future due to lack of block limit and way bigger tx size
not saying XMR is bad, i like XMR, but BTC is the real threat to central banking
>They can also ultimately push any protocol changes
UASF is the proof

>> No.53273506

XMR regularly hard forks because the security of the protocol has to adapt to the latest technology attempting to destroy privacy.

>> No.53273515
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>> No.53273519

yeah i mean, i understand why they do it, and i kind of tolerate it
BTC on the other hand it's pretty much immutable, which is why it's also so valuable
btw we can discuss about BTC and XMR all day, they are both good, i came here to shit on premined shitcoins and proof of sta(ki)ke

>> No.53273528

Charles doesn't have the fault that japanese legislature fucked over Japanese investors.
Also, most of them sold at 3usd when the japanese restrictions were lifted.
Also this is a non-sequitur because it has nothing to do with Cardano's ethos. Every other PoS aside from Ergo are just SQL databases and fake crypto.
So again, why the hate boner for arguably one of the only true successors of BTC that uses a UTxO model?

>> No.53273530

the previous secretary of treasury was a fukin marvel producer who produce wonder woman.

the wonder woman producer was in charge of the money printer under 2017-2021.

a fukin marvel movie producer was in charge

>> No.53273535
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The FED (money printer) is literally a private entity. We would have less problems if it was state controlled and even less if it was abolished completely.

>> No.53273548
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You get 2x globohomo coins xrp,eth as well as btc and Monero. Stfu and see what wins.

>> No.53273552

Bitcoin has been one long demonstration of how the libertarian idealogy is irrelevant in the post industrial age.
>create a currency independent of the state
>do not couple it with anything other than hype
>make it anonymous
>avoid all regulation
>trust the free market
>constantly suffer losses from scams
>call for more security from the free market

>develop crypro banks and exchanges
>do not regulate them
>depend on the free market
>get scammed constantly
>call the government to save you

>develop stocks based on crypto
>develop fractional reserve crypto banking
>suffer from the same types of scams that happened to fiat holders 100 years ago
>call the government to save you

Ten more years and crypto will be a real currency, sure. But it will be controlled by a central government and regulated by major financial institutions. It will simply be the new dollar for the digital age.

Tldr crypto libertarians are unwittingly working for free (or worse - losing all their money) reinventing the wheel on behalf of the state.

>> No.53273565

>freedom is bad because someone might do something I don't like so lets not have freedom then the people in charge will definitely do things I like and not rape everyone

>> No.53273603

premined shitcoin

>> No.53273627

good luck with your public ledger
it's going to be easier for the goverments to tax the hell out of us and see everything we do
and they can force business to not receive transactions from our addresses
tainted btc
1btc is not the same a every other btc
yes I can see how bitcoin can "save" humanity from govt...

>> No.53273634

Based. It’s too late anyways. They spent too much time laughing and ignoring btc. We won, they just don’t know it yet.

>> No.53273636

>Every other PoS aside from Ergo are just SQL databases and fake crypto
Ethereum is at the breaking point of being able to run your own node, but I think in fairness it should be included in "real" crypto in that sense.

>> No.53273652
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>premined shitcoin
Monero had no pre-mine, which is why it was forked off from Bytecoin to begin with.

>> No.53273677

just a coincidence all the devs are rich as hell, right?

>> No.53273694

Maybe but the sheer ammount of volume and nodes from whales makes it so it's not a decentralized blockchain.
In Ergo and Cardano you can have your own node running on a raspberri pi. The only hard thing is to attract stakers.

>> No.53273703

You don't even know "all the devs" to begin with, nevermind that most of the known ones are Bitcoin OGs.

Lying is a sin.

>> No.53273798

people buy altcoins because they're gambling and they know it, everyone knows it, and that's fine if that's what you want to do

>> No.53273810

>>regularly loses more than half its value every few years
that's why you DCA instead of jumping in at peak euphoria like a normie

>...are things that encourage speculation on the line going up, nothing more
everyone knows long term bitcoin will go up by a lot, people just speculate what will happen in the mean time, nothing goes up in a straight line, not gold, not stocks

>Plenty of cryptos that aren't outdated pieces of boomershit like BTC have this characteristic, it's not unique to BTC
you have no idea what you're talking about, when it comes to money the things that matter are security, credibility and a good track record, not the newest features with a ton of bugs that no one care about anyway (where are all the "innovative" blockchains like neo, eos, tezos, Iota, zilliqua, Icon, Wanchain and a ton of other SCAMS that achieved absolutely NOTHING, but you're probably thinking that you chose the right 'projects' and for them it will be different

they don't hold shit unlike in the case of POS

>Wrong. BTC is entirely traceable
so what?

>and the FED can easily stop people from using it if they desire
I'm sure they can
source: dude just trust me

>The FED can also pull all of the speculative capital supporting BTC to crash it below 1k any time they feel like it. Wallstreet can do this too if they find a better vehicle for speculation can begin manipulating it instead of BTC and can short BTC into the ground

that's just shitcoiner's dreams

bitcoins is the best store of value we have, because gold is constantly dug up from the ground, and it's gold that can be easily manipuated and cucked by the FED through paper IOU's
easier to store bitcoins by yourself than hold gold bricks at your house

>> No.53273818

>you are just gambling!
Every single investment is a gamble you retard. Every action you take, even going outside to buy milk is a gamble

>> No.53273900

Bitcoin maxi cope is getting pathetic at this point.

>> No.53273931
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>bitcoins is outdated tech, it will be replaced soon by (INSERT SHITCOIN'S NAME)

>> No.53274101


>> No.53274160

yeah I just posted the so called "protocols" that were supposed to do it all and change the way traditional world works
all dead scams, then the new wave of scams appears like cosmos, polka, atom or whatever they're called and next cycle you don't even remember them

I don't mind if someone trades them purely to make money but when shitcoiners tell me there is something "better than bitcoin" I just laugh

>> No.53274411

Which nodes? Only pool nodes matter since user node statistics are not reliable. Jimmy Song wrote about this in his blog.

CPU based mining is way more decentalized than ASIC's.

UASF was just marketing ploy, it still needed approval from majority mining pools. Number of user nodes are trivial to spoof as Jimmy Song demonstrated in his blog.

>> No.53274514

Drugs. It's for drugs.

>> No.53274559

>I replied to everyone so bitcoin will go up forever now
you’re gonna get eaten by niggers. like literally eaten.

>> No.53274577 [DELETED] 
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>easier to store bitcoins by yourself than hold gold bricks at your house
Maybe "easier" but not safer since btc is is purely speculative. And lets not forget that even og btc dev lost his coins. What hope rest of us have with self custody wallets?

>> No.53274641
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>>53273810 #
>easier to store bitcoins by yourself than hold gold bricks at your house
Maybe "easier", but not safer since btc is purely speculative, also whales will always have upper hand in bank runs with rbf. And lets not forget that even og btc dev lost his coins. What hope rest of us have with self custody wallets?

>> No.53275356
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>> No.53276419

>lets not forget that even og btc dev lost his coins
if you don't use airgapped hardware wallets that's what happens
the fact that it was luke and not my grandma is irrelevant, anyone can fuck up self custody if done naively

>> No.53276594

op is retarded.
a small centralised group of devs backed by banker money control btc. its why the 1mb temporary blocksize was never lifted after blockstream took over. your non govt money now cant even be used as money.
the real bitcoin lives on and its called bsv

>> No.53276620
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So goddamn refreshing to see the Bitcoin maxis coming out again these days. It is the one and only one.

However - there is another top 25 project that will also be in the mix. I’ll give you a hint… see picrel

>> No.53276630

So, gold?

>> No.53276690

BTC, ETH and XMR are all valid for different use cases.

>> No.53277531

btc = speculation
eth = scams and speculation
xmr = drugs and speculation
all gamble coins with fuck all real world use. the majority of transactions are shuffling money on and off of exchanges for speculation.
People dont use the base unit as a money because its too expensive to transact to be used as money. And its expensive to transact because they failed to scale and fucked up the original working design.

>> No.53277905

You can complain all day but you are an idiot and idiots don’t have valid opinions