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53268976 No.53268976 [Reply] [Original]

Taxes are theft

>> No.53269549


>> No.53269559


>> No.53269568


>> No.53269573

Taxes are not theft but everyone should just pay as much as he wants. It's a fucking crime that I have to give 1/3 of my paycheck to israel

>> No.53269584

Yep, even us NEETs get taxed. 20% VAT for silver? It's a crime.

>> No.53269592

Taxes are full on communist. Same as inflation.

>> No.53269593

It is not theft because (at least in most countries) it is completely voluntary. In the U.S., for example, if you don’t want to pay taxes you have the absolute right to leave the country, go somewhere else, and renounce your U.S. citizenship.

But if you remain here and consume public goods - which you do every single minute of every day - then you are required to pay at least a small part of your share of those goods, to the extent that you are able to do so. Paying taxes is no different in principle from obeying traffic laws or refraining from taking a dump in the street. It is part of the price of living in a prosperous and productive country.

By any rational calculation, government in modern democracies is a positive sum game. The per capita value of the public goods received by the residents is so much greater than the total paid in taxes that it doesn't come even remotely close to being comparable. Taxes - at least in countries like the U.S. - are without question the greatest bargain of all time.

There are plenty of things that need reforming in the various tax systems around the world, but the basic principle of paying some kind of tax to benefit from public goods isn't one of them.

Don't whine about paying your taxes. You can argue that they're too high, or that the money is being wasted (although the legitimacy of either claim depends heavily on specific circumstances). But claiming that "all taxes are theft" is just another way of telling the world that you want to be a freeloader, mooching off the rest of us.

>> No.53269607

taxation is armed robbery by the criminal state

>> No.53269611

Ok, go live in a cave with no government support and see how long you last

>> No.53269629
File: 127 KB, 1000x732, 2020 election hiding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they certainly are when the elections are theft. we have an illegal regime occupying the white house and its your patriotic duty to abstain from taxes during this occupation

>> No.53269634
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Taxes are not voluntary. Banks create currency at will which devalues all your currency. Involuntary taxation. Sometimes the state even asks for some money from the banks then they send it to Israel or Ukraine.

>> No.53269645
File: 58 KB, 631x583, kikenomics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy gets it

>> No.53269653

And not just central banks, any bank with the ability to loan money they do not have.

>> No.53269659

Cool it with the antisemitism

>> No.53269669

hi chatCPT
>you have the absolute right to leave the country, go somewhere else, and renounce your U.S. citizenship
exit tax is mandatory or they hunt you down with guns
>By any rational calculation, government in modern democracies is a positive sum game. The per capita value of the public goods received by the residents is so much greater than the total paid in taxes that it doesn't come even remotely close to being comparable. Taxes - at least in countries like the U.S. - are without question the greatest bargain of all time.
By any rational calculation, government in modern democracies is a net negative. The per capita value of the public goods received by the residents is so much lower than the total paid in taxes that it doesn't come even remotely close to being comparable. Taxes - at least in countries like the U.S. - are without question not even enough to cover the drug addiction from Hunter Biden and Zelensky, that's why massive deficit spending is required, causing extra theft with currency debasement and causing massive raises in prices of good and services since money supply skyrockets out of control

>> No.53269806

Need to pay for single mothers, blacks and roads

>> No.53269890
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>> No.53269903

IRS employees would be safe from any threat if IRS is defunded and abolished

>> No.53269916
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>> No.53270928

>But claiming that "all taxes are theft" is just another way of telling the world that you want to be a freeloader, mooching off the rest of us.
Sure its not the other way around as in that you are a parasite that would be lost if you could not leech of others?

>> No.53271091

>It is not theft because (at least in most countries) it is completely voluntary. In the U.S., for example, if you don’t want to pay taxes you have the absolute right to leave the country, go somewhere else, and renounce your U.S. citizenship.
didnt read past this because i can tell youre full of shit. theres no where worth living that you arent taxed. if youre taking this angle youre better off saying youre free to earn below the taxable threshold and just learn to enjoy poverty, which lots of people are currently doing because they arent seeing the point in propping up a hostile and immoral institution

there is no where worth living that isnt claimed by a government

>Taxes are not theft
whats the difference between taxation and a protection racket?

>> No.53271607
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>> No.53271631

Why do I have to pay taxes when they can just print the money?

>> No.53271651
File: 341 KB, 1600x1198, greenspan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Banks create currency at will which devalues all your currency. Involuntary taxation.
It's sad how few understand this.

>> No.53271672


100% wrong. The USA had its greatest growth in its first 130 years. Due to traditional community involvement and a sense of pride in their own SELF MADE prosperity. Protip: there was NO INCOME TAX during that time. None. Zero. The second you get the govt involved in subsidizing your life is the second you become a dependant weakling. Everything you claim you need govt for, the people did themselves back then. You are just a spoiled, lazy, brat.

>> No.53271702

My taxes go towards a government that wants my kind dead and to invaders from the middle east getting housing, food and clothing

>> No.53272107

>pay taxes to fund public health care
>public health care sucks so I pay for insurance instead
>pay taxes to fund public transport
>public transport sucks so I drive instead
What a scam

>> No.53272448

thats also how we lost our freedoms. there is zero community involvmenet today and thats why the jackboots get away with everything

>> No.53272480

>taxes are involuntary
that's theft, idiot

>> No.53273002

>completely voluntary
>if you don't agree you can gtfo
Are you retarded? Do you know what coercion means?

>> No.53274607

>Involuntary taxation.
is there any other kind?