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53263161 No.53263161 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.53263173
File: 11 KB, 92x128, ChadWalk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont get it. I guess I'm immune to the worst pain a man can suffer

>> No.53263185

Literally me

>> No.53263265

Not it's not, the worst pain is to have insight into nothing and power over nothing and the awareness of both those things.

>> No.53263290

The worst pain is definitely anal nigger rape

>> No.53263306

Thus is literally just another version of the most recent "I'm snart but I'm just lazy" bullshit. Just admit you're stupid and can't hold down a job.

>> No.53263307

This. Or testicular torsion. OP is clearly a retard

>> No.53263318
File: 114 KB, 1024x931, DEE47D1C-80B9-4B9B-AAAE-1060DB049C6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.53263327


I’m from a poor family

I’m ugly

Im short

Im autistic

Im low IQ

Im obsessed with observing the world around me of which I do not feel like an active participant

I am basically just a viewer to the world

Even if I was to fix this or that, it wouldn’t matter, there’s too much wrong with me to ever actually do much of anything or get anywhere in life

There’s a brutal combination of the world holding me back, by gateing content to only high IQ people, or tall people, or attractive people, or whatever, so even if I some how glitch the matrix and bypass stuff I am still artificially limited by my physical traits (short, ugly) and my mental traits (autistic) and my purchasing power (poor, and poor family)

Basically the only thing I can really do is get myself dopamine distractions until I die, because anything else is a complete waste of time and effort due to issues I said earlier

>> No.53263328

I think gall stones are worse

>> No.53263394

Midwits are an ancient concept. Huh, well if he really cared then he'd get the power needed to make the desired changes. Otherwise he doesn't care enough.

>> No.53263635
File: 134 KB, 410x598, 1671965447489114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really talk yourself down, you shouldn't do that man.

Yeah you got a bad hand but you can still play. Get a medicore job be decent at it find some other autistic friends.

>> No.53263663

This quote doesn’t apply to hylic NPC niggers