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53260812 No.53260812 [Reply] [Original]

Try taming inflation when everyone jumps to higher paying jobs. Nobody even thinks 120k is a high paying job anymore.

>> No.53260874

120K is literally not enough for me to survive. After income taxes, mortgage, food, car payment, property taxes etc you might save like 25-30k a year. It feels like nothing. It would take 5 years to save 100k. And 100k can buy literally nothing now. Maybe a car and thats it

>> No.53260883

That is a man

>> No.53260884

its literally not. "High" paying is $300k+/year now, and thats so clowny its fucking retarded.

>> No.53260939

>literally not enough for me to survive
>might save like 25-30k a year
kill yourself you stupid fucking retard

>> No.53260942

in New york city after taxes 300k should net you about 20k a month after taxes. Add 4,500 a month for a one bedroom apartment,1.5 k a month on food, 1,000 a month on parking permit, plus other expenses you might save 10k a month. 300k is not a make it salary in any big city

>> No.53260946

a new base model economy car is like $25k after taxes and fees. it's pure insanity.

>> No.53260955

why should i kms? Scrapping buy just to save 25-30k a year is basically like slavery. In fact we are literally slaves and most of us don't even know it

>> No.53260960

25-30k literally does nothing for you anymore in the US, you used to be able to buy a cheap condo for 150k or so so that might get you a down payment, now any decent condo is 400k and borrowing costs have skyrocketed. It’s a double shit whammy. 150k is honestly starter tier for the middle class now.

>> No.53260975

>1.5 k a month on food
lose weight you filthy animal
>1,000 a month on parking permit
absurdly retarded idea
>you might save 10k a month
if you cannot become a multimillionaire saving 120k a year you do not deserve to earn more than 30k a year

>> No.53260984

actually if you make 150k or under in New York city you can apply for medicaid. Pretty sad. Basically still a slave wage

>> No.53260994

Today's 120k is the 2000's 40k. You need at least 500k to be considered somewhat well off and have a chance to build a net worth.

>> No.53260997

holy shit the avocado toast meme is real lol
>w-what do you mean i'm well off, i c-can't even buy an entire house in cash without a mortgage? i'm literally heckin DYING over here!!
kay why ess

>> No.53261019

I make 40k per year, I live with my parents and spend absolutely nothing. After taxes that's like 35k per year. That's the maximum I can save and that's only if I spend literally nothing at all

>> No.53261032

This is true. One other way to do it is to live extremely cheaply for about 15 years while making 200k a year and saving 15k a month. I know a person who did that. They arent living lavish, but they have investments and a paid off house in suburbia. Real make it money begins around 3 million us dollars and up. That if you have a house thats already paid off

>> No.53261047

Who the fuck invited grandpa?
Fuck off you old cunt

>> No.53261057

There is nothing wrong with that. Keep saving as much as you can anon. Im just saying "Make it money" like not having to worry about money you would need to save at the very minimum 100k a year for at least a decade and make good investments to get to the 3-5 million mark

>> No.53261066

do you really have to post an image of a vapid whore?

boomers objectively made 7x as much as we do for the same job, while they were far less qualified, in terms of purchasing power. even if our salaries doubled overnight we'd still be 3.5x poorer than boomers who barely passed high school.

>> No.53261079

>please help i can't get rich and i'm spending only 1500 dollars a month on food!
the only thing you'll ever be rich in is saturated fat content, you'll die miserable in your 50s and you'll deserve it

>> No.53261099

most people don't even save 10k a year.
really the modern wage setup is you sacrifice an entire year of your life doing boring corporate shit instead of anything pleasurable or fulfilling or constructive, and you have nothing to show for it except a new wrinkle and a new medical problem. working gets you absolutely nothing. the average normie saves probably like 2k from an entire year of wageslaving. rest is spent on non-asset consooming or interest.

>> No.53261149

This. op has to be trolling. Yes, inflation sucks and 6 figures isn't what it is even 5 years ago, but anyone making $120k outside of a big city is doing pretty good if they're frowning in debt and even remotely good at budgeting.
>you mean I can only save 20% of my income after used it to afford a good quality of life with adequate food shelters and transportation and all of my basic needs are safely met?!? ITS LITERALLY OVER!

>> No.53261151

Yea anon I know. The vast majority of americans do not have 10k in cash. Even being married and having a wife that brings in a combined salary of a couple hundred thousand are living paycheck to paycheck if they have kids.... Im talking about how to "Make It" on a salary that is under 300k. You have to save and invest aggressively and live very cheaply

>> No.53261165

>anyone making x dollars outside of a location where most people live in the first place, and where x dollars is actually an achievable salary, is doing good

No shit?

>> No.53261181

That's always been the case anon. Do you seriously this is a new problem?

>> No.53261185

yeah exactly, and one of these retards had the audacity to type that saving 25-30k on top of having his basic expenditures covered is not enough for him to SURVIVE. but i guess the cost of needing a 24/7 caretaker is something most of us don't have to worry about

>> No.53261201

So you agree with my statement then.

>> No.53261231

you must not be able to read. I said saving 25-30k a year is a low amount.

>> No.53261238

It’s a pointless statement because it doesn’t apply to almost anyone and it’s not achievable.

Who makes 120k in rural America? Doctors? Dentists? It’s only a good salary because so few people can achieve it there. In the city it’s literally garbage tier money.

>> No.53261256

I lived like a king when I was making 60k a decade ago, I even counted how much the same lifestyle would cost today and it's not even 30% of income even with jumped rents and inflation. Wth are you retards wasting money on?

>> No.53261282

Well yeah anon, that's the way it is anywhere. You think wagies at a times square Dunkin donuts are making big money just by virtue of living in a city? People with in demand skills always get paid more.

>> No.53261327

none of us will ever "make it". my life is goign to be 8 hours a day of wageslaving until the day i die. the money i save up from wageslaving will be spent on medical bills to repair the damage done from wageslaving in a condocage being trapped indoors like a dog in a kennel. even if i go outside there is nowhere to go. the earth is ruined, you have to pay money just to walk around and exist.

>> No.53261329

>you must not be able to read
your exact words:
"120K is literally not enough for me to survive. After income taxes, mortgage, food, car payment, property taxes etc you might save like 25-30k a year."
you must not be able to write or think

>> No.53261340
File: 62 KB, 680x521, apu math.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My yearly expenses living alone in the USA are $10663, and almost all of it goes to rent.
Rent: $7344
Food: $1711
Renter's insurance: $192
Auto insurance: $240
Gas (WFH): $360
Auto repair (1 major + 1 minor): $360
Electric: $540
Internet: $0 (thank you ACP)
Laundry: $120
Personal items: $240
Cashback: -$444

>> No.53261376

my rent alone is 17k a year. i dont' even have a bedroom or a closet. (i don't need a car though, which offsets it compared to suburbfags.)

>> No.53261468
File: 103 KB, 244x248, sneed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well well, look at the city slicker and his $1400 studio!

>> No.53261660

>be mutt
>makes 800K per year
>a starter house is 22M

zimbabwean tier inflation
everyone is laughing at you niggers

>> No.53261760

The average home price is 400k, people make 60k/year on average. It costs about 20k to live comfortable, taxes are probably 20k. That's fifteen years of working for the average burger to own their own home free and clear.

>> No.53261790

everyone is laughing at you niggers
constantly bragging about making 6 figures and yet being broke as shit

>> No.53261821

And remember this is average, which means the number is hiked by mcmansions that cost 2 million each. The median is like 250k for a 4 bed 2 bath
The average burger again makes 60k a year, and has easy access to credit so no one saves.

>> No.53261833

>The median is like 250k for a 4 bed 2 bath
where, in mississippi? 250k doesn't even buy a trailer anywhere desireable.

>> No.53261838

you elected a black muslim as your president
you are honorary niggers

>> No.53262445

That's a bloke