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53253545 No.53253545 [Reply] [Original]

Is it more eugenic to have a cognitive elite through testing or a hereditary elite through connections?

I was reading a book about the WASP elite and they said standardized testing was the beginning of the end of the WASP power. They no longer had a monopoly on HYP.

>> No.53253607

only a pajeet would obsess over eugenics and whiteoids

>> No.53253623

This. Poo been practicing for centuries and they still haven’t invented the toilet

>> No.53253665

Living things most often cannot be optimized along some meta-strategic lines. There are always trade-offs and the more specialized you become the worse the consequences are.

As such, it is better to cultivate higher standards in all aspects of living. Moral, intellectual, and physical. Those are the pillars of a real elite.

>> No.53253676

Jews are the elite now and they're heavily inbred. "wasps" lost all their power in the 60s jewish cultural revolutions in the US and Europe.

>> No.53253851

Why post women? Only male genetics should be targeted through eugenics. We just need wars again that wipe out the weaker groups of males. The optimal eugenics is male selection through martial action.

>> No.53253862

IQ comes from the mother

this doesn't make any sense retard

exactly what I said in the OP

>> No.53253871

who makes the tests?

it would seem being part of that group would be the most eugenic option.

>> No.53253962

>IQ comes from the mother
What completely bullshit feminist sources told you this? You really believe that is something you can prove and say with such conviction?

>> No.53253972

>IQ comes from the mother
stop being gullible.

>> No.53253992

So your mother was retarded too?

>> No.53253995

>IQ comes from the mother
somebody just delete this thread

>> No.53253997

The interesting thing is that you want your elite to be smart, but they don't need to be *that* smart.

Imagine you were a computer, allocating everyone in some perfectly technocratic society into their jobs. You would have a tiny number of 160 IQ people, a handful of 140IQ, etc. You wouldn't take all of those top people and shove them into political positions (President, congressmen, whatever). You'd want many of them to be scientists, engineers, etc. For your President, you'd probably pick someone who had a decently high IQ, say 120-140, but you'd also want them to be a great communicator, extroverted, immune to stress, and- most of all- reliable and trustworthy. Same with the head of your army, law enforcement, etc.

This is how WASP society worked (and the equivalent in UK). The elites weren't bred to be stunningly intelligent (although they were often much more intelligent than pop culture and historical revisionism gives them credit for), but they had a culture that emphasised breeding for trustworthiness (not necessarily virtue, per se- some unvirtuous things were allowed). You wouldn't get turfed out of the 'elite' for being a bit dim, but you would for being a liar, dishonourable, etc.

Higher education reinforced this. The Ivy League (and UK Oxbridge) educated some exceptional people, but the majority elite attendees were not necessarily the cognitive best. They were instead there to be socialised into well-rounded people who could be trusted. The jews subverted this, and now they focus on minmaxing their output of nepotistic jewish judges and autistic asian scholars whilst negroes play on all the sports teams and the country rots for lack of leadership

>> No.53254059

Makes sense, probably where the idea of gentleman culture originated in high class society

>> No.53254077

>There are always trade-offs and the more specialized you become the worse the consequences are.
Would an example be jews being more "neurodiverse" i.e slightly more likely to be neurotic/schizo/diddler?

>> No.53254083

Wtf is HYP and those girls have the WASP phenotype so much it’s unreal.
I live in New England and wasp culture is very much still alive. Where you go to school, where your beach house is, etc don’t mean shit. You can’t buy your way in, it’s all connection and ethnic based. You can’t get the same deep level of connection if you don’t share the same culture and values as someone. Everyone with money has jews in their circle because they’re over represented in law, finance, and politics but you’re not inviting them to Christmas dinner and you onky tolerate their annoying wives who complain about everything.
There’s wasps, there’s jews, there’s everyone else that’s white or white adjacent, then there’s the niggers and no one ever wants to do business with them. Sorry Tyrone you fucked it up for everyone

>> No.53254230

So it seems the WASPs still have all the influence/power then?

>> No.53254272

>IQ comes from the mother

Yours certainly does.

>> No.53254692

>IQ comes from the mother
More women are average in intelligence because of the greater male variability hypothesis. But in any case IQ comes from both parents equally as it's genetic. This is outdated 19th century thinking which Schopenhauer believed in.

>> No.53254793

Agree, but 'trustworthiness' is really just a white Christian trait. Most people were trustworthy, and people who weren't were often executed for committing crimes, thereby culling their psychopathic traits from the collective genepool. Also, everyone who went to university back then HAD to be intelligent. Just look at the standardised tests of that time and compare them to those of today. You had to be fluent in latin to study the liberal arts at Harvard. University was reserved for the smart only, it wasn't until the GI Bill that university became open to everyone (leading to a reduction in standards).

>> No.53254826

Latin is also an extremely difficult language.
>Latin is a highly inflected language, with three distinct genders (masculine, feminine, and neuter), six or seven noun cases (nominative, accusative, genitive, dative, ablative, and vocative), five declensions, four verb conjugations, six tenses (present, imperfect, future, perfect, pluperfect, and future perfect), three persons, three moods, two voices (passive and active), two or three aspects, and two numbers (singular and plural).

>> No.53254899

That’s a man. Unironically.

>> No.53254921

most Anglo post ever

>> No.53254930

>Jews are the elite now

They have always been the elite.

>> No.53254959


You already failed the test.

>> No.53254987
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See >>53254899

>> No.53255015
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Jews are just the bag men for the Anglos. Anyone telling you otherwise is a useful idiot or purposefully misleading you. The Jews are powerful though. You can't hate the Jews without also wanting to kill their White counterparts. Most White Nationalists aren't going to bring this bit up though.

>> No.53255296

Hereditary elites that are too elitist always inbreed themselves into retardation.
Either the elite couples make lots and lots of children and/or have the social obligation to adopt. This will reduce pure concentration of power.

>> No.53255978
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What's HYP

>> No.53256020

The beginning of the end was meeting their match in terms of clannishness and guile, the Jews. It was a straight up trade.

Cognitive filters should be king. The US, despite having their own elite, is nowhere near the level of entrenched power as Europe. It's been part of our success, letting the able go wild.