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53253222 No.53253222 [Reply] [Original]

I start:
They missed two bullrun holding a worthless "privacy" shitcoin with unlimited inflation and they will miss the next bull run again. Meanwhile they spamm the board every single day trying to shill this shitcoin while being insanely smug without any reason (they don't make any money).

>> No.53253257

glowie cope.
the inflation is small and in an world where coins get seized and lost, infact needed.
When the world comes to realise the value of privacy, XMR will flip BTC.

>> No.53253264
File: 1.84 MB, 1493x1776, 2025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you actually thought monero was shit you wouldn't bother making these threads

>> No.53253289

Based HK monaro. Have a HZ myself.

>> No.53253305

In a world where monero is worth something significant, whoever has the biggest botnet in that moment controls global finance. This opens up a bunch of cool dystopian cyberpunk timelines.

>> No.53253334
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>> No.53253357

based op
true as fk

>> No.53253525
File: 358 KB, 2420x568, Screenshot 2022-12-14 173252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Le glowie
Take your meds.
if you actually thought monero was good you wouldn't bother making shills threads.
>Cope the pic
Just look at all the xmr baggie midwits ITT they are coping hard as fuck right now. They can't deny that they have missed two bull runs so they try to invent some cope "arguments"

>> No.53253694
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>> No.53253717
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>> No.53253726

Yeah! The world is yet to realise the value of privacy. I already know XMR, RAIL, SCRT and Zcash will be strong to hold.

>> No.53253775
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>creator of bitcoin (and by extension all other shitcoins)
>somehow valued his anonymity and privacy more than any financial gains he could have made
buy XMR

>> No.53253863
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The best cope is watching Bitcoin losing hard to Monero in both darknet and clearnet markets lmao

>> No.53253899

>if you care about something you wouldnt shill it
>if you dont care, you would spend your time FUDing a coin, and definately "not" a glowie

>> No.53253994

RAIL needs more volume to make shielding your money useful. Didn't secret have security issues?

>> No.53254523

Not only is it small, it's lower than in BTC.

>> No.53254555

anyone that thinks monero is shit is sub 100IQ

>> No.53254567

>They missed two bullruns
Lol this isn't even true. Monero bubbled massively in 2017. If you bought Monero and sold you would have made a killing.
And in 2021 Monero performed about the same as Bitcoin.

>> No.53254638

what is that pic?

>> No.53254707

CoinCard usage by percent of sales. Monero is already the largest in the United States, and second largest for all global sales (BTC was at 33% and Monero was at 23% for December of '22).

>> No.53255648
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someone's mad that nobody accepts his bitcoin for payments anymore because there's a better looking girl next door now

>> No.53255918

Nice bait, OP, see how many redditors got mad with it.
Some of them do make money, though, being paid by the russian media to shill this shitcoin. But these are a astroturfed minority.

They lost the bullmarket of 21 and will lost the one from 25 as well.
Feels so good to be a moonboy. I support the tranification of the US.
Feels so good to support the soifaces of bitcoin. Being rich is a good thing. Embrace wealth.

>> No.53255926

>2nd thread on the board with the same context
>Even using the same terminology
Buy signal

>> No.53258023
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>> No.53259407
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>> No.53260160

Agreed it's as bad as the gold bugs

>> No.53261328

>they don't make any money
Checked and I'm up 60% actually