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File: 412 KB, 596x827, shit_real.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53251146 No.53251146 [Reply] [Original]

Looks like something is afoot.

>> No.53251155

holy shit a literal who just tweeted a picture of a building collapsing

just sold all my crypto

>> No.53251157


>> No.53251167
File: 30 KB, 601x234, not_gemini.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an actual journalist covering crypto, not your favorite shillbots.

Keep in mind also, he's not talking about gemini.

>> No.53251179

>actual journalist covering crypto
Journalists talk about things that have already happened and communicate clearly what they mean.

>> No.53251193

Here’s some random panic, now post all the justifications for why im not making it up

>> No.53251203

you Yiddish speaking fuck im not selling my crypto

>> No.53251204

Ok, let's disregard what this guy is saying.

Do you guys really believe the dominoes stop with FTX & Gemini?

>> No.53251206


>> No.53251214


>> No.53251232

Post something real or fuck off mongoloid
More will collapse, most of them will barely affect price

>> No.53251242
File: 80 KB, 691x500, 1673588831572487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reads profile
>Going on about how Binance will cause black swan crypto crash
Two more weeks, trust the process

>> No.53251247

.01 luna has been deposited in your account.

>> No.53251275

modern journalism is a joke, gone are the days where being a journalist meant you were a reliable source of info

>> No.53251296

Oh yeah, surely not as reliable as your favorite shillbot influencer.

Guess we'll just have to see.

>> No.53251316
File: 172 KB, 573x509, 1652356528682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is an actual journalist covering crypto
top kek

>> No.53251331

>china demolishing .00000001% of apartment buildings due to lack of funding and being completely unsafe


>> No.53251351

Can someone find this guy's address and rape him?

>> No.53251353

it's hilarious that you assume i follow influencers. not all of us are addle brained, gossip hungry, eceleb dicksuckers like you.

>> No.53251384

Unless you have no crypto or stocks, and don't browse /biz/, then yes, you are an addle brained gossip hungry, eceleb dicksucker.

>> No.53251536

>an actual journalist
so someone dumber than rocks who only has bots for followers

>> No.53251559

>An actual journalist called "dirty bubble media"

>> No.53251583

He's been on the 'Crypto Critic's Corner' podcast, he's legit.

>> No.53251594

Fuck off zoomer

>> No.53251596

Never heard of it. Everyone has a podcast no one listens to these days.

>> No.53251621

what even is a legit journalist?
i would say there is no such thing. journalism by its nature is an awful business for awful people

>> No.53251624

Instead of coming out and saying what he thinks is going to happen he has to be a cryptic faggot. Disregard.

>> No.53251627

Well yeah, no one wants to hear the truth. Only highly marketed shillbot podcasts make it big.

Sometimes a good one breaks the glass ceiling however.

>> No.53251689

yeah i dont get the appeal with cryptic shit. i get why someone would be cryptic, it means when they're wrong they can pretend thats not what they meant and when they turn out to be right they can look like they "called it" to all the idiots not noticing all the times he was wrong because he was so vague about what he meant. but i dont see the appeal in this for the reader, but its key to the larp that theres a demographic of people who love the cryptic shit and get off on reading it. makes them feel edgy and clever i guess. all the fake "insiders" and shit these days everyones got their own larp trying to be the next q

>> No.53251755


In the distant past it may have been an upright profession, bringing curroption and the like to light but today its only about making money

>> No.53251760

seems the coyness was sly enough to attract your dumb ass

>> No.53251838

He didn’t say he wasn’t referring to Gemini
Just that the person was making an assumption

You’re an idiot if you believe this means anything

>> No.53252000

He doxxed himself. He's a jewish psychologist in Chicago who hates goy making it from crypto so much that he spends all his free time posting about it

>> No.53252004

Its a picture of a building collapsing in China. Hes taling about binance

>> No.53252173

What "truth?" It's a screen cap of some twitter dude saying something about shit getting real. What exactly are you expecting here?

>> No.53252180

The market crash right now will be glorious

>> No.53252344

the coyness was not sly enough to attract my dumb ass

>> No.53252482

I know something you don’t know.

I cannot tell you what it is. It’s illegal.

But it will absolutely wreck all crypto holders.

You will see it happen this year.

I am sorry about this in advance, but I wanted to tell you so that I feel like I warned you.

One hint: it is NOT regulation that will kill crypto.

I will not respond to guesses.

>> No.53252560

who gives a shit

ftx entire loss is 1/10000th the size of the 80 trillion in fx swaps that were "found" around the same time ftx was collapsing and "previously unknown"

theres way bigger shit going on than the sideshow circus of ftx and centralized crypto meltdowns. the traditional system is fucked and no amount of fudding or seething is going to change that

>> No.53253947

Binance is Canadian!!!

>> No.53253987

Oh no, anyway

>> No.53254142

This guy is a no coiner retard. One scroll through his Twitter shows he's a miserable faggot.

>> No.53254171

>post some vague cryptic shit
>refuses to elaborate


>> No.53254234

OK mike, you can stop posting now

>> No.53254270
File: 127 KB, 602x597, 1667704280843233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How do we fix the happeningcel problem bros? I want to line every happeningcel up and execute them

>> No.53254288

>N..no he's totally a real good crypto journalist!

Anon is that your own twatter account you're shilling here?

>> No.53254295
File: 34 KB, 625x626, 936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an actual journalist
Holy shit no way?

>> No.53254633
File: 213 KB, 980x834, 911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53254655

China's housing bubble? They weathered the worst of it already, foreign investors are returning, and the red line policies are being backtracked.

>> No.53254680

>talking about gemini
How many more years of retards leaving all their assets on exchanges before the market stabilizes?

>> No.53254681

>line every happeningcel up and execute them
That'll be a gigahappening.

>> No.53255158
File: 6 KB, 235x213, 1670256681327465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bottom is in, which means this is a sell signal, which in turn makes me completely bullish on crypto again. But FTX is still existing somehow, something absolutely bearish, and it gives me strong vibes for a bullrun. This, actually, means it's priced in, and it makes me think we are still going down.

In summary: keep buying on dextools low mcaps until some of the big coins recover