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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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53248503 No.53248503 [Reply] [Original]

Boomers have a severe psychological hangup about “6 figure salaries”. They literally will refuse to allow their workers to make 6 figures in fields like engineering because they still think it’s an enormous amount of money.

Younger generations don’t even think $200,000 is a big salary anymore. As soon as they get into management wages are going to melt up as the next big “psychological wage” is $1,000,000.

300k starting salaries will start to become a thing in the US.

>> No.53248517

In reality anon learns boomers will survive to 80s while millennial die in 40s and 50s because simple checkups require 2 weeks of paycheck

>> No.53248520

Yes we're about to go through hyperinflation.

>> No.53248542

we're going to slowly start inflating as the interest on national debt pushes Government spending to new highs, and once the debt is gone via massive repurchases the USA will try to peg to gold.
The average american is going to earn such a miserable amount of money compared to the fiat bloated sums that they make today it will be stunning to think that even as poor as people think themselves to be now they will be 80-90% poorer in about 5 years.

>> No.53248601
File: 78 KB, 500x500, Neetcash on insanity-doge.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retarted take, I'm sorry. Wagies are on copium and don't see it coming

>> No.53248617

Back to plebbit you faggot

>> No.53248632

Kek wrong anon. We are entering a period of massive DEFLATION. (((They))) are now jacking up rates to deflate the bubble the boomers made to make way for population collapse and scarce resources

>> No.53248647

You know the interest rates are causing inflation too though right?