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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 2.03 MB, 1852x1180, Screenshot 2023-01-13 at 04-58-03 file-20210420-19-zqdbg9.jpeg (AVIF Image 926 × 590 pixels).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53248403 No.53248403 [Reply] [Original]

>just keep printing more money lol
was he just autistic

>> No.53248428

it's not about the money printing, it is about who is in charge.

>> No.53248434
File: 53 KB, 850x400, quote-in-truth-the-gold-standard-is-already-a-barbarous-relic-john-maynard-keynes-70-32-32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you imagine not being able to stand the idea of money not inflating to infinity?

>> No.53248438

Keynes was a hack

>> No.53248467
File: 244 KB, 1288x801, 115C43C7-B889-4AF6-A56F-47CAB239C74D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That dude is a fag. Austrian Economics FTW.

>> No.53248468
File: 454 KB, 1500x844, Screenshot 2023-01-13 at 05-02-02 55ea506ff018fbb8f877c55d.jpg (WEBP Image 750 × 422 pixels).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you WILL go to zero and you WILL like it.

>> No.53248482

He didn't believe in endless money printing!
Right before he died he went on the record saying he was not an advocate of endless intervention and money printing, he had only postulated that intervention could be a positive force. He was fucking wrong, but he wasn't retarded he didn't believe in endless money printing.

>> No.53248485

Even less people know of Keynes, the man. Keynes hated Victorian values, and sought a moral destruction of society:

The first was their overriding belief in the importance of personal love and friendship, while scorning any general rules or principles that might limit their own egos; and the second, their animosity toward and contempt for middleclass values and morality. The Apostolic confrontation with bourgeois values included praise for avant-garde aesthetics, holding homosexuality to be morally superior (with bisexuality a distant second), and hatred for such traditional family values as thrift or any emphasis on the future or long run, as compared to the present. (“In the long run,” as Keynes would later intone in his famous phrase, “we are all dead.”)

Keynes took his homosexuality very seriously. Being the meticulous man he was, he kept diaries of all his sexual encounters. Here are some instances from when he was around 28 years of age:

Keynes lists his sexual partners, either by their initials (GLS for Lytton Strachey, DG for Duncan Grant) or their nicknames (“Tressider,” for J. T. Sheppard, the King’s College Provost). When he apparently had a quick, anonymous hook-up, he listed that sex partner generically: “16-year-old under Etna” and “Lift boy of Vauxhall” in 1911, for instance, and “Jew boy,” in 1912.

>> No.53248486 [DELETED] 

Off topic but plz help my autistic friend on twitch hes playing OW2!

>> No.53248492
File: 44 KB, 2163x1179, 67iurr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're so weak they have to pay shills to post on 4channel to convince people the value of a currency is controlled by it's supply when it's supply isn't defined to begin with

>> No.53248505

Inflation might kill you btw it doesn't care if you think it's real or not lol

>> No.53248507

>Keynes took his homosexuality very seriously
I didn't need to get a hold of his secret diaries to know about it, just reading his ideas on monetary policy gives all the clues necessary.

>> No.53248530

His sexual preclusion to young boys did not stop there. Although his later diaries were encrypted, he visited plenty of places when child sex was en vogue. From a very disturbing biography on Keynes:

He and his fellow leftist reformers however, had no compunction in exploiting human degradation and misery in Tunis, Algeria, Morocco, Egypt and Constantinople (Istanbul). These served as convenient spawning grounds for the establishment of enclosed brothels filled with children, who were compelled to satisfy the unnatural lusts of high-born English socialists.

Keynes always ready to guide others freely advised his fellow debauchees to go to Tunis, “where ‘bed and boy’ were also not expensive.”

To make matters worse:

In academic deviate circles, Keynes acquired underground fame as a skilled connoisseur who was able to spot potential material for future debauchment among the male children at Eton (eight to sixteen years of age), as well as the youth of Cambridge. The Keynes-Strachey correspondence is replete with reports of such expeditions to both Eton and Cambridge University.

Keynes was a pedo and was bribed with children.
The elite get pedos to work for them because they’re easily controlled

>> No.53248536

>destroy the global economy to front run deflation
>it's inflation!

>> No.53248597

Oh my god its real. What a disgusting faggot.


>> No.53248619

Most of the politicians and elites are pedophiles
Wealthy families have been using torture and sexual abuse to split the personalities of their children for decades.

>> No.53248633

already made it, good luck with the financial situation fren.

>> No.53248674

I hate this faggot so fucking much.

>> No.53249097

Without looking it up, here are my guesses for tribesmen based on phenotype:

>> No.53249219


Austrians and Keynesians are both retarded for different reasons.

>> No.53249292

He never advocated for endless money printing
Retards who see everything as black or white are ngmi

>> No.53249327

On several occasions Keynes used his influence to help his Jewish friends, most notably when he successfully lobbied for Ludwig Wittgenstein to be allowed residency in the United Kingdom, explicitly to rescue him from being deported to Nazi-occupied Austria. Keynes was a supporter of Zionism, serving on committees supporting the cause

>> No.53249495

Infinite growth ponzi scheme only works as long as you're in some white country that has 3+ kids per couple and it's population is hard working to constantly improve infrastructure to accommodate the growing population while also having the power to aqcuire all energy and resources it needs for the growth.
It is like a blimp of couple decades in USA from 70s to end of the 90s.
In historical timespans it's utterly irrelevant and unsustainable.
On par with communist retardation.