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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53248384 No.53248384 [Reply] [Original]

you aren't allowed

>> No.53248491

another successful insider general, the sheeple will ignore all the clues. Clean it up jannies so the 3 or 4 anons that do figure it out look like schizos

>> No.53248513
File: 43 KB, 489x675, remember the two rules.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual insider insider here, I gave top tier insider tips and my last insider thread was deleted and I got a ban for telling too much of the truth. watch out /biz/ is a very monitored space and they dont want anons to know any of the things I can tell you.

>> No.53248541

ive made the last thread get jannied with my insider knowledge. Give me one reason to not do it.

>> No.53248550

I believe these guys, if jannies hadn't deleted thread it would be impossible to make the 1st general again
Lurkers invest in pepl now to see more wisdom

>> No.53248576
File: 68 KB, 456x523, wisdom'd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and that is the hidden wisdom.
Picrel is the reason jannies seethe.
You people have 3 minutes to screenshot the wisdom and act accordingly.

>> No.53248593

I’m 47 and have never even touched a woman

>> No.53248623

I'm an insider too here's a breadcrumb...
we're all gonna die.


>> No.53248657

Go on then I’ll bite.

How can I also mingle with rich Jewish pedos and sample the finest of loli?

>> No.53248687

If you are actually the anon who started that thread I think I worked it out.
is the Marketcap currently between 0-100 million?
I’m very confident but haven’t bought in yet, hoping for a pullback before take off.

>> No.53249159

Thanks for being unhelpful and wasting a thread possibly just to convince yourself you have some value(which you do not and this thread being proof of that).

>> No.53249377

Was that the thread when the discussion was about the new, yet to be crowned L1/L2 due to a planned shake up?

>> No.53249404

4Channel Insider here. I've recently come to realize that my most productive hours of the week are spent circulating memes between /b/, /pol/, and Gab.

>> No.53249477

cont - Etherium is going down and Avax will replace it.

>> No.53249492

if you were an actual insider you would see how insane OP is for leaking this, but keep buying bitcoin I'm sure your 2x 6 months from now is based and redpilled

>> No.53249511

apparently I am the OP now. What are the jannies trying to accomplish by turning ID's into VPN's?

>> No.53250087

You have no idea about what I hold, instead of being a nigger we should start talking about what TICKER military stock OP could possibly be alluding to and a potential rise of commodities in such a scenario.

Indeed commodities will most probably rise due to speculation of what food is contaminated or not in such a scenario, companies of which solutions dictate the safety of food supply, iodine, etc.

>> No.53251122


>> No.53251432
File: 77 KB, 1078x1134, be the problem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's important to keep in mind that what I'm sharing with you is just the tip of the iceberg, there's a whole lot more to the story that I can't go into right now.
But let me tell you, I've got some inside knowledge that's pretty impressive.
I've been given the inside scoop on
>"The comprehensive guide to multiple 100x investment opportunities"
by a buddy of mine who's a real macher.
He's shown me how to take a closer look and make sense of it all.

>> No.53253134

bump again CUNTS

>> No.53253191

spill the beans