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File: 197 KB, 1125x1300, BTL:Q1:2023jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53242739 No.53242739 [Reply] [Original]

I listened to some valid points and slightly changed the line-up
>XMR got bumped up to A tier
>BNB dragged to C tier
>DOGE removed entirely

discuss what blockchains should be added next:

>> No.53242775

Brought to you by faggot nigger matic gang

>> No.53242781
File: 61 KB, 310x332, xmr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XMR is still very low
Polygon is unironically good despite the paid FUD but it will never be Monero
Monero will ALWAYS win

>> No.53242791

>s tier
>A tier
>B tier
>C tier
>F tier
Everything else

This. Obvious matic shill is obvious

>> No.53242811

>it says Q1 2023
they've been all over major headlines all year long
you cant take that away from them
gave crypto a lot of mainstream exposure

>> No.53242834

alright fuck it. ill remove it just so we can actually focus on the tier list
can we actually do that instead of accusing each other of shilling?

>> No.53242859

i added Polygon in A tier because they actually pumped and developed new tech in a bear market

lets fucking move on from that. ill bump it down next time
now lets discuss other chains

>> No.53242869

>alright fuck it. ill remove it just so we can actually focus on the tier list

I would definitely consider moving AVAX up on the list considering yesterdays announcement.

>> No.53242874

can you be more newfag than that? fuck

>> No.53242899
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>being this mad responding to pajeets on a Mongolian basket weaving forum about Chuck E. Cheese tokens

>> No.53242913

okay anon
where is ChainLink
idk if you're the samefag from last time but if so, you didnt include it then nor now. why is that?

>> No.53242922

Honeslty looking at the tech/teams/shipping







>> No.53242925


>> No.53242940

>S tier
>A tier
Polygon, Eth, Binance, Btc
>B tier
>C tier
Algorand, FTM
>D tier
Tron, Tezos, Sol
>F tier

>> No.53242958

i still think its A tier (for now). i just want to steer the thread towards constructive discussion

>I would definitely consider moving AVAX up on the list
i cant do that due to double spend

>> No.53242993

>AVAX at S tier
too much FUD, half of which is true. sorry anon
would consider a higher tier if FUD is fixable but its not
you cant undo a double spend
you cant undo the Roche scandal
please dont fuck up the thread. lets stay civil

>> No.53243007

rankings based on what perspective? existing technology? price action? market cap?
if it's tech, ICP is S

>> No.53243009

icp makes everything else useless

>> No.53243020
File: 356 KB, 1279x1600, Bezos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i cant do that due to double spend
But Polygon stays in A tier with its dozen daily reorgs?

Move the Bezoschain up, quit being a faggot.

>> No.53243027

>constructive discussion
>4chan /biz
lol okay anon

>> No.53243043

The scandal is ICP nigger fud

>> No.53243057

reorgs are fixable and are being fixed as we speak
double spend stays forever
i agree with OP
XMR should be S tier along with BTC
move ETH to A tier
move MATIC to B tier
this is fair desu

>> No.53243109

i tried to believe this because i fucking hate ICP. i would unironically kill every ICPISS holder very slowly
but i actually watched the videos of that drunk lawyer spilling the beans and honestly it look really bad for AVAX
just take the L and focus on new shit

>> No.53243155

>AVAX and MATIC niggers fighting
can we just agree that they're both shit and start talking about why BTC is still in A tier?

>> No.53243182

> puts MATIC and Monero at A tier
>then moves thor and avax at lowest
>he thinks that everybody is buying this.

smells like indian in heeeeeere

>> No.53243189

>both shit
indeed, both shit. but nothing measures up to the cope and shittiness of AVAX
MATIC at least has something going for it
>why BTC is still in A tier?
if BTC falls, everything falls. thats why

>> No.53243204

>measures up to the cope and shittiness of AVAX
>if BTC falls, everything falls. thats why
also agreed. you make good points anon

>> No.53243222

im part of an anti btc seperatist union and I disagree

>> No.53243227
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I don't get why is Polygon over AVAX when at least Avalanche isn't an L2 pretending to be an L1. Polygon is just a database of ETH. Polygon is garbage kek

>> No.53243236

Why would Matic be A tier? and honestly, Avax and BNB are way above it in performance and tech, even Sol

>> No.53243240

>no shiba inu in a/b tier
shit list

>> No.53243264

OP has a point (although Matic is not A tier)
but polygon was the only chain pumping out bullish shit this whole year all while fighting constant FUD
impressive imo. but not A tier impressive
maybe B

>> No.53243272

like what? paid partnerships? kill yourself, please.

>> No.53243281
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we MUST stick togethher

>> No.53243295
File: 3 KB, 200x200, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ANY of the other options makes ICP useless. Heck, ICP is useless by itself. But don't worry, you're going to get your $2 by the end of the week for shilling that shitty "coin".

>> No.53243331
File: 860 KB, 1191x826, turkfags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only turks
>zero jeetoids so far
turks unironically make themselves look worse than jeets
are turks the new jeets? have jeets actually ascended the food chain?

>> No.53243358

thank you for the best reply on /biz today
thats it folks. log off now

>> No.53243363

why is cardo, a literal anus logo backed by vaporware and a onions boy suffering the dunner kruger effect even on the list?

>> No.53243401

>S tier
>A tier
>B tier
>C tier
>F tier
ICP and others

>> No.53243405

i second this, thank you >>53243295 for the comment

>> No.53243416

Based retard

>> No.53243489

Who the fuck made this tier list? Are you fucking retarded or something?

>> No.53243517

no, he's unironically based and you're unironically seething

>> No.53243549

Now Avax in the same category as Sol doesn't make sense. For its performance during this dreadful bear market, I would put it at least as tier C with BNB.

>> No.53243576
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Double spend in such a cheap tx chain? what you really worrying about faggot?

>> No.53243693

>You sent your tokens twice
>At least both transactions were cheap

>> No.53243807

Privacy would def be in the A tier. More adoption is coming and privacy protocols will thrive.

>> No.53243838

Is AVAX seriously in Tier F? That's almost an insult, especially after yesterday, it must be Tier B at least, what a crap Tier.

>> No.53243859

This is the one. Well done.

>> No.53243926

F is the best tier in this setup. I dont know why.
AvaxIS however the coin above all others and needs to sit solo at the throne.

>> No.53243942
File: 66 KB, 1200x868, alg-laughing-jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>proof of stake shitcoins
>in anything other than F

>> No.53244080

Well, let's discuss why two useless chains with nothing relevant are in the same tier as AVAX. Fundamentals, features, price action and such seems not to be taken into account topkek

>> No.53244095
File: 39 KB, 625x626, d5c7Jjs88J283l812JA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am genuinely curious to know who the retard is that made this Shit Tier list. You have to be on crack to put AVAX last and in the same category as Solana and ICP. KYS




Everything else. Dogshit.

>> No.53244112


>> No.53244176

>S tier
>A tier
>B tier
>C tier
>D tier
>F tier

>> No.53244402

why polyjeet would be at the top of that tier list? its technology is simply indian code, nice try filthy shill

>> No.53244448

I can't take this shit so seriously seeing polyshit in the top ranks.

>> No.53244557

Faggot u literally put AVAX next to two shitcoins Solana and ICP wtf were u thinking

Comparing avax with a scamcoin like solana which always collapses and a bad copy like ICP is literally the worst mistake

>> No.53244581

This one makes more sense than OP's

>> No.53244613

litecoin cant even make it on a tier list

>> No.53244626

Lol. Your iq in an image.

>> No.53244633

>avax not in S tier
lol hi brown person

>> No.53244722

wrong. the correct tier list is
>s tier
eth, xmr, garbage shitcoin i'm trying to shill
>a tier

>> No.53245087

>what blockchains should be added next
kek, more like which ones should we remove forever from the internet

>> No.53245353

Why are there so many avax shills here

>> No.53245372

you guys need better communication in the telegram chat. change up these comments they all look the same
anything other than XMR and BTC is automatically F tier

>> No.53245640

broskys, is bch getting smart contracts???

>> No.53247006
File: 4 KB, 200x99, 148912346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine ranking icp and solana along with avax, while taking cardano to the top and having polygon and monero just below bitcoin
This is the peak of degeneracy, there's no ceiling to break after this one, niggers lost their shit already

>> No.53247218
File: 2 KB, 200x200, Chia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On functionality alone it's at least a B
>Current tps is around 20, will be 40 once the artificial limiter is removed (was put in place to ensure the lowest spec miner/farmer can keep up with the chain which is a Pi4+SSD, will be removed soonish as the software has become a lot more efficient)
>Genuinely the most decentralized chain in the world with a Nakamoto Coefficient of around 74 and around 125k full nodes
>Smart contract language while more difficult to use initially is designed to be extremely easy to audit relative to stuff like Solidity so you don't get the kind of awful script kiddie mistakes that result in all that fun stuff that makes the crypto news
>Devs are focused on good fundamentals in areas that crypto can actually be a net benefit instead of just slapping blockchain on everything. Examples of primitives they're working on for others to eventually build off of are advanced custody support (like clawback functionality, time locks, and rate-limited wallets), DID, and permissioned wallets

People can scream about the big premine all they want, but if that's what the devs were aiming to use to rug everyone they wouldn't have put the entire thing in the new custody wallet that has a majority inaccessible without a 90-120 day heads up of movement happening that everyone can see because it's a blockchain

Source for nakomoto coefficient is napkin math using https://xchscan.com/top-farmers
Source for node count: https://dashboard.chia.net/d/em15uQ47k/peer-info?orgId=1
Source for the information on the premine lockup: https://www.chia.net/2022/10/29/a-new-home-for-the-prefarm/

>> No.53248480

>le shitcoin with the good tokens thread

>> No.53248807

Literally. We don't need that many doing the same thing and selling noise.

>> No.53248978

S Tier
A Tier
Shitcoin speculation
Everything else.

>> No.53249171
File: 115 KB, 1125x1124, fixed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey retard, I fixed your tier list

>> No.53249204
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and the schizo version

>> No.53249321

>ANY of the other options makes ICP useless
you don't even know what icp does

>> No.53249834

I do not know what ICP does yet i got 17% of it.

what does dis do?

>> No.53250088

Privacy blockchains should be put into consideration IMO

>> No.53250144

Don't be a dick head, pajeet, Polygon is a better option, it has the highest TVL in DeFi, currently staking my ORE here with other tokens, and the roi is awesome

>> No.53250291

lol avax is at the bottom. Opinions immediately discarded.

>> No.53251123

Would any large scale governments or corps touch a blockchain that's has a double spend history? It genuinely shouldn't matter now if it's not possible to happen again, but that kind of stuff could scare away the big players who are extremely slow to move and very risk averse

>> No.53251158
File: 10 KB, 210x240, 1642867283118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is actually a good list, although XMR will probably be replaced by zk smart contract

>> No.53251382

That's true, but I think zk-snarks with relayers will be a better option, does xmr have relayers?

>> No.53251481

5 pajeet keys control matic

>> No.53251522

How will you invest in shitcoin when they are coins with feasible use cases like ORE, LINK & ALBT

>> No.53251592

every other piece of shit in OP’s image. Proof of Stake is literally worse than legacy banking.

>> No.53252339

That's what happens whenniggers usemInternet

>> No.53252365

algorand is scam

>> No.53253225

What privacy projects uses relayers? Something I don't know of?

>> No.53253248

I would replace XRP with XLM. I don't think they are winning that court case and Lumems has the planet Saturn on it.

>> No.53253466



S tier

>> No.53253499

>Dubs confirm

>> No.53253543

I guess that's already happening. XMR was the leading privacy protocol but some good tech with ZKPs rising already.

>> No.53253716


>> No.53253750

XMR alongside a few others like RAIL and SCRT.

>> No.53253882


That's the list. There is no second best

>> No.53253988
File: 1.28 MB, 1360x5751, 1654238475749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AVAX aka Turkiye coin

>> No.53254103

Wow look another icp fud thread from this raj cocksucker, maybe kys

>> No.53254233

>somebody made a pepe
really? this is your FUD. lmfao

>> No.53255074

Both broken narratives that haven't stopped Avalanche from growing, most biz niggers have literally no idea what they're talking about, the fact that y'all keep on bringing up these arguments show you haven't done any research, let's stay civil

>> No.53255088

Monero uses a Zero knowledge proof retard. The reason it doesn't use it for all aspects of its privacy are to do with Blockchain bloat and trustlessness
>Feasible use case
Hearty kek

>> No.53255101

Yeah that's why Alibaba and Amazon are interested.

>> No.53255305

old fud, most of them got already countered. people trying to fud avax that much makes me feel bullish kekek

>> No.53255359

nice subtle FUD but it wasn't a double spend.

>> No.53255391
File: 13 KB, 474x474, 1621767399903 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP puts Polygon at the top and adds Moreno to make it look 'better' but keeps shilling matic indirectly
Real photo of the actual OP's face:

>> No.53255406

how come monero is not S tier?
it's digital cash, it's the only coin providing real use case being used right now

>> No.53255704
File: 258 KB, 500x514, 1639026629627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a blockchain that has a double spend history?
This is the most retard comment that I've ever seen on 4chan. A double spend happens when there is a consensus failure, so, it wasn't a double spend. AVAX had a bug in the client node where most of the nodes agreed to verify the same transaction 7 times, creating 7 outputs with only 1 output.

This happened on the VM layer, not the consensus protocol layer, so it's not a consensus failure. The same shit happened with BTC, the reason they called it an inflation bug and not a double spend is basically for the same reason. Why any large-scale governments or corps would touch BTC if it had the same 'inflation bug' before? KYS

>> No.53255746

>old fud, most of them got already countered.
kek it's the same people shilling AVAX after all these months. Back a few months ago you said "it got refuted". Nothing got refuted.

>> No.53255770
File: 39 KB, 680x680, 1659355141070847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Polygon A tier, Ethereum S tier
>Solana and AVAX tards seething in thread

>> No.53255875
File: 30 KB, 608x402, FleLVgnXgAAwLdo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Back a few months ago you said "it got refuted". Nothing got refuted.
I haven't said shit, I didn't know that AVAX fudders had schizophrenia now. Trying to buy a few bags cheaper?

>> No.53255882
File: 36 KB, 577x532, images (55).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see multiverse x aka Elrond anywhere? shitty list anon
You bobos really out here disrespecting one of the best L1 chains

>> No.53255945
File: 3.60 MB, 1765x834, 1670438752836643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Solana and AVAX tards seething in thread

>> No.53255948

You tell me. What does ICP do?

There will be no answer, because it hasn't done shit.

>> No.53256048

imagine the smell

>> No.53256096

>Turkroach posting Hitler memes

>> No.53256113

>imagine the smell
It'd smell like cow's urine mixed with cheap nerd perfume if you ask me

>> No.53256227

underated chain desu, one of my top projects, holoride is building on there

>> No.53256262

Railgun is the only privacy project that uses relayers, but I'm sure other privacy will adopt it as well

>> No.53256308

Individual differences, I will rather go for low cap tokens with massive potentials like ORE, EVMOS, APT.
These can do a 10x while your almighty btc will not attempt a 3x

>> No.53256334

But it doesn't use relayers, they are still learning and upcoming

>> No.53256359
File: 15 KB, 512x512, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They belong there, anon. Dont listen to these fucktards. Both MATIC and their partners like ALBT have been using the bear market as a builders market.

>> No.53256378

You must be kidding, what qualifies algorand to scam, are you aware they recently partnered with FIFA and ORE Network?
These two bodies I mentioned can't afford to associate with a scam project if they are scamming, as you said

>> No.53256397

I hope you bought the dip?
Some rookies bought it at ATH, hahaha

>> No.53256417

This i totally a crypto general thread anon, don't be a fool
This isn't an ICP thread

>> No.53256519
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These two are actually my favorite privacy projects, they have the best tech in the privacy space, I haven't seen any competitor yet.

>> No.53256811

The in car gaming project?, seen it mentioned a couple of times here
who drives and play games at the same? Kek

>> No.53256832

>Why any large-scale governments or corps would touch BTC if it had the same 'inflation bug' before?
Because as shitty as Bitcoin is at a base technology level it still is the first relevant blockchain cryptocurrency and will always have that clout working to its advantage. It's an advantage only ETH I could see getting similar treatment for, and all other altcoins will be judged more harshly than those two because they don't get the special treatment

>> No.53256838

the fact that ETH is even discussed as being anything but a speculative scam invalidates your whole picture:
>a complete waste of millions of GPUs
>the first mover for shitcoin lottery (aka ICOs)
>ridiculous gas prices
>autistic pedo creator

>> No.53256876

You are so butthurt about the AWS partnership it's actually hilarious. It's not too late to buy a bag, anon. Just admit you fucked up with Polygon and fix your mistakes!

>> No.53257129

if you aren't so retarded and know how to read and use google you'll know it's actually something for backseat users

>> No.53257176
