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53235820 No.53235820 [Reply] [Original]

So I was looting through my son's stuff because he's a fat freeloader who lives under my roof for free when he's 31 and I'm an old man on a fixed income. I find this piece of paper with these 12 words so I find out he's got over 80,000 LINK tokens! What should I do? Normally when I loot through his personal belongings it's just to take a few cigarettes or some weed but this link find is something else. Should I kick his ass and take his link or just take his link?

>> No.53235829

Send it to me and let me have a look at it. Just post the 12 words here

>> No.53235849

Kick his ass? You sure he won't break your hips, grandpa? Boy I atta tell you, kids these days aint good for nuffin. Tell that dindu nuffin, that stinky linky belongs to you, juu heard.

>> No.53235865
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Fake and gay

>> No.53235868
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I'm not doing that. My question is should I use karate on my son when he gets home from doing volunteer work at the homeless shelter?

>> No.53235923
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He's big but he isn't fast. I can take him. I have one of those old man canes that's really a sword. If he give me any lip I will definitely be using both the sword and 3 ninja stars

>> No.53235998

charge him 500 link per month in rent and threaten to kick him out if he does not oblige

>> No.53236081
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But he's got like 80k. That cheeseburger eating fat fuck will never leave. I am taking this link either way. Should I kick his ass too or just lock the door and throw his stuff out the windows?

>> No.53236182

500 links per month with 80k means you'll have to live with him for 13.3 years. Just keep being a loving father to your son and it will end someday, you fucking larper faggot cunt.

>> No.53236291
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It's just, my son is just a disappointment. Now I find this link and I am starting to think he is gay. He has never brought a female home and now he collects Link. I see him outside now, it usually takes him a few minutes to walk across the street because he helps one of our elderly neighbors. I am going to get my sword cane.

>> No.53236313

stick peepee in poopoo

>> No.53236429
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Update: so I've secured the front door of my trailer with a couch and bookshelf on top of the couch and showed flipper boy by pressed ham against the living room window. I have my sword and 3 throwing stars ready and he is kicking the door. How do I live stream this? I want to make a video of me attacking him with this sword and marketing the video as a self defense course

>> No.53236849
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Update: hit lunchbox with ninja star but he is wearing a coat so it didn't cause damage. I am just going to turn the garden hose on him like he is a trick or treater

>> No.53237025

Sell it all on a low and wire the money to you.
Then put back the paper like nothing happened.

>> No.53237079

I moved it all to a new wallet. Now all I am doing is waiting for him to walk in front of the sprinkler or actually make it inside the trailer. I am hiding behind this couch with my sword ready

>> No.53237114

Act like you don't know a thing about it, retard.

>> No.53237129

This thread was just an excuse to post frogs.

>> No.53237184

Yeah he said something about being hacked so I threw one of my stars at him. I will never confess to stealing his stupid Link. I am his father, his own flesh and blood. If he even questions whether I stole his stupid tokens I am kicking his ass with no hesitation.

>> No.53237226
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>> No.53237229

An old fuck would never frog post you are a fucking zoom zoom

>> No.53237249
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>volunteer work at the homeless shelter
I can no longer willingly suspend disbelief for this larp. Its over.

>> No.53237338
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I have been posting frogs since before the internet existed. It was just cork boards at laundromats though. Never too old to post frogs.

I wish I played catch with him just once instead of letting his mother raise him

>> No.53237577
File: 22 KB, 450x405, 7e033dbfb003e1d3c3fde17375691208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update: my son still has no idea I took his money. 82,173 LINK for free. I got him with the garden hose too even though it's like 15 degrees outside right now. Top kek. He ran away crying and now I have all this money and house to myself with absolutely no consequence!

>> No.53237711
File: 2.16 MB, 450x450, 1673533724816.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Update: my son still has no idea I took his money. 82,173 LINK for free. I got him with the garden hose too even though it's like 15 degrees outside right now. Top kek. He ran away crying and now I have all this money and house to myself with absolutely no consequence!
Enjoy stinkies

>> No.53237887

My only regret is that he ran away before I could kick his ass.
I don't even want link tokens. Does anyone have a dog coin to shill?

>> No.53239028

Kek send me like 10k stinkies if real

>> No.53239178

You should have checked what he may have had staked.
You probably missed out on 7000 of them; sergey took those instead.

>> No.53240064

Market sell all that LINK.

>> No.53240644

Wow so you found 80k of useless unneeded tokens? Who cares