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53235636 No.53235636 [Reply] [Original]

It seems kinda jewish.

>> No.53235655

All bears are homosexuals

>> No.53235673

You can look it as buying the other side.
Shorting BTC = Buying USD
Your betting on stronger dollar over bitcoin.

Shorting AUDUSD = betting higher USD

>> No.53235699
File: 368 KB, 1300x1300, 543z5erzh5e4huj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It seems kinda jewish.
What do you mean with that? How can something like shorting be jewish? It has nothing to do with their religion so I don't get how you try to make a connection here.

>> No.53235714

it's a way to actively express pessimism over a stock without having to already own it

>> No.53235840
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It just means you borrow assets instead of money. You sell them at a certain price and then buy them at their value when they're cheaper, meaning that you pocket the difference.

So, pencils are $1 each now, but I think they'll be 50c in the future. I borrow 100 pencils and sell them at $100, I'm now "short" and I owe you 100 pencils. then their price declines to 50c, so I buy 100 pencils at 50c each and give them back to you. I'm now $50 richer.

>> No.53235907
File: 86 KB, 530x564, 1627610819809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuds memecoins
>invest on those memecoins
vinubros do we actually look like this, what the fuck

>> No.53235945
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It's risky as fuck though because the pencils i borrowed and sold at $1 each might rise in price and become $2. I still have to pay back the 100 pencils I borrowed, but now I have to spend $200, making me lose $100. This is fine when we're talking $100 or $200 but financial corporations do it with hundreds of millions of dollars because they're cocky coke snorting yuppie pieces of shit who think they're untouchable.

This is what happened with Gamestop and why it scared the financial industry so badly, because it meant that large-scale shorting was now riskier because the internet might catch wind of their shorting and pump the stock price as a crowd-sourced collective, forcing them to buy the stocks back higher which would fucking bankrupt them. I tried to buy GME stock and was outright prevented from doing it by my bank, they gave me some weak-ass line about trade tariffs or some shit which were never ever a fucking problem previously.

>> No.53235964

Isn't that that Jew who got fucked over by GME?

>> No.53236268

problem with shorting is what this retard was able to pull off in having a short position in shares larger than what was circulating.

>> No.53237076


>> No.53237130

"ayo nigga i bet that this shit's gonna go down"
that's shorting.

>> No.53237401

Shorting is an important component of a sane market. Shorts help ensure prices are more realistic, mitigate bubbles, and more.

>> No.53239327

It is in theory not jewish but since it is secretive and you can naked short, which is counterfeiting, it is pretty jewish.

>> No.53239386
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Gee, idk

>> No.53239427

If it is financial, it’s jewish.
They have been pulling the same shit since the Sumerian times if not earlier.

>> No.53239805

We aren't actually fudding the coin for any other reason than dev fuckups and that. There is nothing inminently wrong with it right now and most of the vinubros tell that when they fudd it, which means the fudd isn't actually fudd, it's constructive criticism. Even with that, we win.
>vinubro btw

>> No.53240697

Babylonian financial magic

>> No.53240816

Surprisingly good analysis.

>> No.53241153

jewish copium

>> No.53241640

if you can't Jewgle and read through an article you deserve to stay poor.