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53230445 No.53230445 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that money will not buy you happiness and the only thing that really matters are the small things like daily acts of kindness to one another and your social connections (as proven by Science).

>> No.53230474

happiness is nutting inside her gook pussy

>> No.53230477

oh my goodness, Anna is so sexy

>> No.53230498

None of that is "deep". Humans are simple creatures and the things that make us happy are the things that give us dopamine hits which is to say things that symbolize "optimal survival" such as money, height, muscle, etc. Basically "success". Why the fuck would you need a college class for that? Dumb roastie

>> No.53230516

Also, you're a moron
>Daily reminder that money will not buy you happiness
That is false. Anything that symbolizes optimal survival brings happiness. Money is number 1 on the list. Tied with genetics as a whole i.e. good looks.
Shove your jewish propaganda up your ass

>> No.53230530

lmao garuntee the class is done by a women. Trust me, a guy who gets laid regularly by a hot chick and has a great connection with her will 100% be happier than some beta cuck incel who gives random acts of kindness to strangers.

>> No.53230543

..hey! rude

>> No.53230653

yep. Women are retards that say one thing, but mean another. They don't want to admit to themselves that they are whores that like to submit to assholes.

>> No.53230742

>Anything that symbolizes optimal survival brings happiness. Money is number 1 on the list.

That's just wrong though anon. Other than having your base needs met concerning food and shelter, money doesn't really add any happiness. And even just having your food and shelter needs met doesn't really make you "happy", it just prevents you being stressed and miserable.

Anyway, Im into studying NDE's and peoples experiences from them, and one of the biggest continuous factors across all religions and ages, is having a life review. The only thing that's focused on in your life review? How you treated other people. Relationships you had. How you made people better, or how you made them worse. If you treated them with kindness, or malevolence. Seeing why people acted the way they acted towards you. It's literally ALL about other people, nothing else matters.

Which is good to remind myself of when i get too money hungry.

>> No.53230789

>That's just wrong though anon.
Stopped reading there. Everything I stated is based on BIOLOGY. You're wrong and I'm right for that reason alone. There is no "mystical reason" for why we feel what we feel. It is all derived from survival aka the CORE of all life

>> No.53230846

lol humans are social animals anon. What you say has nothing to do with the biological reality of that.

Protip: Being rich doesn't promote optimal survival. Infact, as a fact, it's the opposite. Income is NEGATIVELY correlated with how many kids you have. In terms of genetic survival, which is biological reality, having lots of money is actually a negative in terms of spreading your genes.

>> No.53230858

The miles and miles of BWC she has taken

>> No.53230859

>What you say has nothing to do with the biological reality of that.
Ya it does. Money = number one symbol for survival hence why people even strive for it in the first place. It isn't some random desire.

>Being rich doesn't promote optimal survival. Infact, as a fact, it's the opposite.
Giga retard alert

>> No.53230863

>Tied with genetics as a whole i.e. good looks.
Manlet jeet baldcel moneymaxxing COPE

FACE >>>>> HEIGHT >>>>> FRAME >>>>>>> RACE >>>>>> HAIR >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SOCIAL STATUS >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Money

>> No.53230868

not enough.

>> No.53230883

>(as proven by Science).

>> No.53230891

>Manlet jeet baldcel moneymaxxing COPE
Retarded fuck. I INCLUDED height and looks, you retarded bitch. That's why I said Genetics is tied with MONEY.

FUCK, what a moron

>> No.53230931
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>im clearly not happy so you should take my advice on how to be happy MONEY MONEY MONEY

im am not rich
i socialise often with people i like talking to about stuff i like talking about
i practice yoga, do weightlifting and meditate
i play sports with friends once a week
i joke around and have fun
but i also focus in and achieve my goals when i need to
i give to, and help charities to reduce and alleviate suffering in the world as much as i can
my sex life is not a desperate careless act by someone struggling to breath but a calm exchange of love and bonding that does not reach the hideous climax desired by so many as the climax spoils the connection we try to forge.

all these things cost my nothing or only small amounts
money has value to me only that it has value to others

>> No.53230939
File: 43 KB, 612x612, Anna_Akana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder that this 5'1 dwarf was the one who took her virginity and got to enjoy nakadashi inside her sweet innocent tight japanese pussy every single day for several years.you have no excuse for being an incel even if you are a manlet. now she's 40 and still get over her dwarven Gigachad ex

>> No.53230971

what the fuck is this cope? Ya, there are inbred people that have kids too. Their genes are still shit. If some person with down syndrome has kids, that doesn't make their genes better than say a virgin engineer.

>> No.53230972

bro i know about RWJ, where do you think you are? he also tapped prime Meekakitty before Anna

>> No.53230981

>those senpaku eyes at the end
I'm convinced tiktok was created for satanic rituals or demon summoning/dark energy harvesting if it's really chinese

>> No.53230994

This is true, but in the words of Kanye west

"Money isn't everything, but not having it is"

>> No.53230995

sanpaku eyes are normal

>> No.53231021

>Money = number one symbol for survival

It's not though. Like...are you dumb or something? Look at the birthrate in the west, and then look at the birth rate in Africa.

>Giga retard alert

Boy you're stupid if you're unaware that more income is negatively correlated with having kids.

There's a difference between being rich, and then having enough money for basic survival. If you're at a point where you can afford your bare necessities, having excess wealth does absolutely nothing to increase survival in a way that matters, evolutionary speaking.

>> No.53231033

more money would make my life 1000x better, even moving up career-wise did that

>> No.53231036
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>As in, equal to LOOKS
>As in, on even playing field to LOOKS, HEIGHT, and FRAME
>As in, there isn't a massive gaping fucking nebula in space between these attraction factors
Cope, manlet. A sub 4/10 male could be worth 800 trillion dollars and he still would not activate the primal, evolutionary neurons in a female's brain which lubricates the vagina in arousal in response. Our mating strategy is 99.99% biological determinism.

I love money, but for comfort reasons. Applying it to sexual arousal is COPE

>> No.53231062

>It's not though. Like...are you dumb or something? Look at the birthrate in the west, and then look at the birth rate in Africa.
Retards have more kids. That doesn't make them more optimal at surviving, you stupid fuck
>Boy you're stupid if you're unaware that more income is negatively correlated with having kids.
Read above, jackass. Poor people create shit offspring that are nothing more than cattle for the rich

>> No.53231068

Seething lanklet. most incels I've met in real life are autistic lanklets who struggle to maintain eye contact. meanwhile the loud midgets always get pussy. are manlet over compensating with their acts? most certainly. but they still enjoy a better life than the depressed lanklet who thinks about roping himself everyday. this is the reality you need to except.
you have niggers like SBF who still had no problem getting his knob slobed and you're still bitching about your own situation

>> No.53231081

You're an extremely dumb nigger if you think money is just "a small plus" when it literally buys your freedom.
Post your body and face. I hate it when beta retards think they are alpha. Prove it. Prove you're not pathetic

>> No.53231109
File: 595 KB, 768x3738, AE0B9EC7-C7EF-4042-AFF8-3095C26B3D50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meanwhile the loud midgets always get pussy
Midget cope. Look at stats. Dating pool is smaller for midgets. Tall males make more money, get more pussy, and have higher self-esteem when looking at per capita.
Shorter males are also more likely to kill themselves on a per capita basis.

>> No.53231142
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>Midget cope. Look at stats. Dating pool is smaller for midgets. Tall males make more money, get more pussy, and have higher self-esteem when looking at per capita.
>Shorter males are also more likely to kill themselves on a per capita basis.
why is every school shooter an incel lanklet

>> No.53231161

LMFAO you couldn't come up with a real argument against data, could you? Mentally and physically weak. Can't say I envy you

>> No.53231171
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>> No.53231175

>LMFAO you couldn't come up with a real argument against data, could you? Mentally and physically weak. Can't say I envy you
why are you putting so much emotions and grammar effort in your replies

>> No.53231215

Why do you refuse to address data? Face the truth like a man

>> No.53231225

Happiness for her is taking 5 big black cocks simultaneously

>> No.53231252

>Face the truth like a man
>j-just be a man and admit everything is fault anon
are you a roastie? post tits

>> No.53231322

??? Telling you to man up =\= person telling you is a roastie. Fucking braindead

>> No.53231331

You hate me because I offer the truth. You view money as an escape from your particular situation, because money is something we all have control over and that we can all get. Genetics, however, are immutable, especially something such as height or skin complexion.
> if you think money is just "a small plus"
It's a bottleneck. If you're a chad who lives with mommy, then of course getting your own place and car is an immense upgrade. Money cannot offer a significant upgrade to a sub 5/10 however. He is quite genetically fucked.

We have fairly significant control over ourselves via LOOKSMAXXing however, which will produce 10 000 000x more yields to getting pussy than your moneymaxxing cope. There's no excuse to be fat and out of shape. There's no excuse to be balding with our treatment options. There's no excuse to have bumpy, wrinkly skin. But yeah, moneycoping for pussy is giga cope

>> No.53231343

>You hate me because I offer the truth.
Other way around. Survival instinct is why we feel what we feel. Whatever benefits survival = happiness. Simple as.

>> No.53231468

smart fella
fart smella

>> No.53231589

>Survival instinct is why we feel what we feel
And none of that shit has anything to do with money's relation to attraction

>> No.53231679
File: 316 KB, 659x900, 8E994822-66E3-4ED0-A3CF-535C375CC6ED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And none of that shit has anything to do with money's relation to attraction
That wasn't even my point with money, retard, but that said, it does matter for attraction too. Pic rel

5'6" male needs to earn an additional $175,000 per year to be as desirable as a man who is 6 feet

6'2" man can earn $30,000 less than a 6' man and will be viewed as equally desirable

>> No.53231741

bro fr

my ex father in law got alot of pussy and he was a loud short af italian

>> No.53231767

only beta faggot redditors "AdDrESs tHe DAta"

>> No.53231841

>I argue with my emotions like a woman

>> No.53231855

Happiness come's in part from your surroundings, being surrounded by shit people messes my state of happiness so I cut out people who piss me off. I'd also say it comes from freedom, I am my own boss and don't have to waste away toiling for an incompetent slavemaster. Having money that you earned yourself is also a huge plus, I feel content knowing that I'm wealthy and that it was the result of my hard work and wasn't handed to me on a plate. You can be happy, just don't resign yourself to being a self-pitying loser, go out there and do something with your life, make money or pursue your passion, whatever it is do something useful.

>> No.53231894
File: 179 KB, 1600x892, ChadFish2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See post of contention >>53230516
>Money is number 1 on the list. Tied with genetics
You're backpedalling so hard. Money isn't even CLOSE to number 1

>That chart
>A 5'2 man earning $350k/yr is as desirable as a 5'11.5 man

Audibly fucking kek'd

>> No.53231930
File: 291 KB, 1600x1191, ChadFish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53231934

>You're backpedalling so hard. Money isn't even CLOSE to number 1
There's no back peddling, retard. Money is what determines if you're free or a slave
Also, post a selfie on the spot, fake alpha.

Fyi not one thing you said debunked ANYTHING I said. Fucking hell, why do retards even bother responding to me? Kek

>> No.53231942

Dumbass. Your pics are neither here nor there. They aren't debunking what I said

>> No.53231955

>retard that doesn't know what stats are
Happiness is derived from survival instinct. It's not complicated

>> No.53231969
File: 821 KB, 1600x1200, jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You cannot succeed in filling the capacity of your immortal soul by earthly gratifications.

>> No.53231996


Yes, the homeless man in the street is just as happy as Jeff Bezos on his yacht.

>> No.53232008

Everyone knows anything under 5ft is manlet tier so he is a respectable height

>> No.53232012

Seriously. Op is retarded. Money is a prereq. Maybe not the end all be all, but a prereq nonetheless

>> No.53232022

I fucking love science

>> No.53232035

You seem like an angry little fella. Simmer down sunshine, there's no need to blow your top on a Cambodian organ-harvesting forum.

>> No.53232191
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this is cope.
yea super manlets can still get laid but its all setting/luck.
if that same dude was a virgin at 30 he'd never get a chance to fuck prime pussy.
But he met her when they were both teenagers and she wasn't corrupted by social media yet so she let him hit. She 100% thinks she's too good for him now.

Basically if you didn't experience prime pussy when you were young, then you never will.
and prostitutes don't count. That isn't prime pussy.
Prime pussy is UNUSED pussy. basically the opposite of a prostitute

>> No.53232263

Jesus Christ you guys need to leave the house once in a while. There's a world out there you know.


A 5'8" guy who makes 100K and has fucked over 100 chicks, been in relationships, been married, small frame, and actually goes outside.

Find another excuse.

>> No.53232286

She looks like a Mexican tranny now.

>> No.53232325

I agree with you short arse, you're absolutely right. Anyone can make it if they put in enough effort, only people who fail are those who are defeatists or are too bloody lazy. You've got no excuses, go out there and do something with your life instead of bitching about it.

>> No.53232337

But would you still do the needful sir?

>> No.53232349
File: 523 KB, 598x692, pep.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course.

>> No.53232369

data doesn't care about your feewings -> >>53231679
look at the pics. Get an education. Reality isn't pretty. Stop sugar coating facts of life.

>> No.53232371

Honestly yea sometimes I feel short. But then I'm like who cares? What am I going to do cry about it? There are 3 billion girls on the planet. If you are above 5'5" and can't find ONE? I mean at some point it's on you. Plus most of these dudes never leave their room/house/basement so whatever..

>> No.53232372

Money will bring me happiness because I have a million fucking things I want to besides work which some of you retards on here apparently make it and "get bored" I couldn't be fucking bored if I tried you don't deserve freedom you deserve salvehood

>> No.53232406

Like I said, find another excuse. All I hear is bitching and moaning. Trust me my head is fucked beyond belief. But I meet really cool girls who want to get to know me sometimes. Life is over FAST. At least try. I don't give a shit about your stats. There is hope for anyone if they put a little effort in. But no, you watch Tik-Tok and scroll instagram for HOURS on end, then cry because you can't find a great paying job or a partner. It's all out there. Tik-Tok is a small piece of the world. Not everyone watches it as an obsession, or abide by whatever those morons tell you is reality. Because it's not.

>> No.53232447

>Like I said, find another excuse. All I hear is bitching and moaning.
No, retard. I'm not complaining. Not once did I complain about myself. What I did was explain how nature works. Nothing more. Nothing less. You're too much of a monkey to see that though.
>Trust me my head is fucked beyond belief. But I meet really cool girls who want to get to know me sometimes. Life is over FAST. At least try.
Read above. You're making this about me. That is erroneous. I mentioned the stats to back up my points.
>I don't give a shit about your stats.
I know. That's because you're a low IQ irrational retard that looks at life based on "muh feewings" rather than as a high IQ pragmatic no bullshit perspective
>There is hope for anyone if they put a little effort in. But no, you watch Tik-Tok and scroll instagram for HOURS on end, then cry because you can't find a great paying job or a partner. It's all out there. Tik-Tok is a small piece of the world. Not everyone watches it as an obsession, or abide by whatever those morons tell you is reality. Because it's not.
Zoomer. Read above. Facts > feelings

>> No.53232458

>as a
*with a

>> No.53232466

... That's the literal opposite of what she says. Did you even watch the video?? Are you able to read? Do you have a learning impediment? I'm trying to figure out how you could be THAT stupid. You typed the entire comment out... entered the captcha... and posted a comment containing the EXACT OPPOSITE of what the video showed.

Tell me truthfully now.... are you retarded?

>> No.53232477

I just feel bad for you honestly. You are letting life pass you by, without experiencing any of it. The fact that you even bring all these stats tells me relationships and experiences are sorely lacking in your life. Physical touch, deep conversations. They don't exist for you. Which sucks. I'm telling you that there is a world out there, and people like people regardless of "muh 6 feet and much 150K salary". Get a fucking grip and leave the house.

>> No.53232491

I'm disagreeing with her, you fucking retarded baboon

>> No.53232501


fuck you for saying its an excuse.
imagine being 5'3".

you think any girl would ever be interested in a guy who's 5'3"?
maybe he'll eventually get a used up roastie if he's rich, but a 5'3" guy isn't gettting laid in hs or college.
and forget dating apps unless you're flexing a lambo or some shit

>> No.53232507


>> No.53232514

>You are letting life pass you by, without experiencing any of it.
Illiterate retard. Again. The stats aren't pertaining to me. Not once did I mention ANYTHING about myself specifically. I mentioned data to paint the macro picture and you think I'm mentioning it in context of my life.
Holy shit, no one can be this dumb, right?

>> No.53232522

OK I'll give you 5'3". That's difficult. But not impossible. My old boss at McGraw Hill was 5 foot and had a hot wife and 2 kids. Very nice family. But yes it isn't easy. And I'm not saying it's easy for me at 5'8". But if you're gonna strikeout at least take a couple swings.

>> No.53232532

But why even bother posting it? What's your end game, and why d you care so much about it if it doesn't affect you?

>> No.53232541

Frankie Valli was only 5'3 and he was a pretty big shot. Same goes for Maradona, he was drowning in pussy in his hey day. Not saying you don't have it tougher than most but that's just the hand you've been dealt, you've just got to bite the bullet and do what you can with the harder odds. You'll never get any poontang if you just sit on your ass complaining that you've got a hard lot. Do your best pal, that's all you can do.

>> No.53232552

Correct. A 5'3" male has a dating pool of 2%. They'd have to make 193.5k to be as attractive to a female as a 5'8" male aka to have a dating pool of 43% which is half decent, but a highly unrealistic salary. Huge disadvantage. People here can't math.
Not sure why there are a lot of idiots that struggle with accepting data

>> No.53232598

>guy who got famous by being the most handsome and charismatic guy on YouTube circa 2009 gets sex from a mid gook
>there's no excuse for anyone being an incel

>> No.53232604

That's literally the topic at hand aka source of happiness.
My whole point was related to the origin of happiness which is to say that happiness is derived from survival instinct. It varies a bit between males and females, but overall for men, they need money, height, looks, and intelligence. People develop insecurities when they feel they are lacking in a quality related to survival hence why people feel like shit when their homeless due to being piss poor, do poorly in school, make shit wages in a job, etc.

I mentioned many things and someone questioned one thing I said and so I backed it up with data. Simple as. You made this about me when all I'm doing is zooming at and stating macro data.

>> No.53232621

Desiring the affirmation of dozens of strangers is a mental illness. Any woman who takes videos of herself hoping strangers will up vote it and share it is unsalvageable trash, it's a prototype of the same mental behavior that causes promiscuity. There's an almost perfect correlation between women giving a fuck about the Internet and them also being colossal whores

>> No.53232650

pretty good point. The girlfriends that I had that were obsessed with their phones were pretty whorish. The ones who couldn't care less were amazing, trusting, loyal, respectful, responsible. Def. something to this.

>> No.53232672

You're a retarded cuck and will die unhappy and unfulfilled.

>> No.53232676

>Seriously. Op is retarded. Money is a prereq. Maybe not the end all be all, but a prereq nonetheless
Boy stop being dumb. Money is a piece of paper with dead faces on it. MONEY is not a prereq; it's what money REPRESENTS to you. For some people that might be freedom or not going hungry or not getting rained on.

But to say MONEY is a prereq is fucking retarded. Stop it.

>> No.53232684

Anal fucking here: >>53232604

>> No.53232692


Only HaShem matters.

Start studying Torah, you punk

>> No.53232704

At least this baboon watches the video before posting idiocy! And stop lying cock gobbler:
>Why the fuck would you need a college class for that?
UHHHH because the college class doesn't say a single word of what you wrote??

DUUUUUH. DERPA DERPA DOO DAAAA ur a fucking idiot!

>> No.53232714

Absolutely right. I don't pretend I'm on the breadlines but I would be very vague about my wealth with a woman and certainly wouldn't tell her that I've got plenty of money in the bank. I'm not trying to attract high level gold diggers, would rather filter out these kinds of women who are chasing after pesos.

>> No.53232716
File: 331 KB, 1159x813, F4A04E29-231E-4DB8-B1A4-88B5355156A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of this is true. Data > your feewings. Man up and accept data for what it is.

>> No.53232722

(social media is fake)

>> No.53232726

> it is possible to be born into the wrong body
> it is possible to change your biological sex to fix this problem
> covid exists
lmao who gives a fuck about college or basedence?

>> No.53232731

I watched it and corrected her, baboon. Fucking retard alert

>> No.53232749

The same tards doing this study think men can become women and that covid exists. Who gives a fuck about søyence or what søyentists think

>> No.53232750

BRO IT'S YOU! Never mind, i already know you're fucking stupid or trolling. Carry on!

>> No.53232752

money buys you time. time gives you the utility to chase the boring shit mentioned in the data. therefore, by transitional property, money buys you happiness, as it's a necessary component to achieving the boring shit.

>> No.53232758

What the flying fuck are you talking about? Nonsensical. You can't just say "data hurt caveman's feelings so data not real". The amount of retards here never ceases to surprise me

>> No.53232765

hahahha and then asked a retarded question fooooor what purpose exactly?
YOU! hahahha YOU are literally the target market!

>> No.53232769

KYS faggot. Everything you type is literally incomprehensible garbage. Learn to communicate your fucking thoughts.

>> No.53232773

You're a moron for focusing on anecdotes and making this about me when the data I'm presenting is Macro data. Moron. Idiot. Monkey. This. Isn't. About. Me. This is about what determines happiness and I'm backing it up with math. You retards hate shit that hurts your sensitive bitch made feelings and refuse to accept reality. Weakling.

>> No.53232777

I do not give a black life about søyence. Go read more heckin studeroonies and getting more boosters before your nightly four hours of black tranny porn, retard. I'm busy living in the real world

>> No.53232781

Retard. I'm saying you DON'T need college to be able to figure out what determines happiness, you fucking shit for brains
Not an argument. I've done nothing but post cold hard stats. If you're too retarded to process basic stats, it's not my problem.

>> No.53232787

> I'm backing it up with math
>watch video + disagree with it = ask retard question
Do you talk to yourself too? You're one of those "guys" who wears women's clothing and asks the mirror "Would you fuck? I'd fuck me hard"

>> No.53232794

The stats I mentioned are literally derived from "the real world", inbred bumpkin.
>math and shiet are for so'ys!

>> No.53232801

>I'm saying you DON'T need college to be able to figure out what determines happiness
But obviously YOU do need that class! ahhahahhaha the fact that you aren't getting it is really, REALLY funny

>> No.53232804

Your "data" can go suck a dick. I bet those numbers were just made up. Science is fake

>> No.53232807

You're one of those guys that brags about being able to stick 20 sausages down their throat LMFAO
(see? I'm good at low IQ redneck humor too)

>> No.53232815

How are you gonna argue with him when his digits end in 777? The trips don't lie.

>> No.53232817

Clearly I don't as I backed up everything I stated with cold hard facts.
the fact that you aren't getting it is really, REALLY funny
Let me guess. You're also a flat earther, huh? Kek

>> No.53232826

No some søyentist just made the numbers up to justify whatever he wanted and you fell for it and took it as gospel. Imagine believing the same people who told you that gender transition is possible and that covid exists. How many times have you been boosted

>> No.53232828

You didn't back it up with math; i can't believe you. How dare you not back it up with math.

Back it up with math faggot.

>> No.53232849

she should get breast implants so people don't think it's a tranny

>> No.53232867

You're a flat earther. I can't take you seriously, bumpkin
I did, you stupid fuck:
^basic pre algebra calc
there's your math, retard bitch. I could post other stats, such as higher suicide rates among short males, mental health stats related to height and money, effects if bad looks in context of self-esteem, but you'd ignore it just like you did with the others I did post. Retard

>> No.53232881

>I did, you stupid fuck:
No you didn't you illiterate monkey!
>You're one of those guys that brags about being able to stick 20 sausages down their throat LMFAO
Back it up with math faggot! Back it up with math. Right now. or you're a faggot ass fraud who doesn't know shit.

>> No.53232903
File: 18 KB, 250x250, 178FF795-2B70-4D27-8B8E-BFD4FE21F67A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No you didn't you illiterate monkey!
Okay, you're trolling me
>Back it up with math faggot! Back it up with math. Right now. or you're a faggot ass fraud who doesn't know shit
Pic rel. Only 9 though. You lied. I thought you were a pro at throating 20?

>> No.53232954

A bunch of nerd commies in academia decide to manipulate the public, then decide what it's best for their agendas that the public believes, then find or fabricate the numbers to support it. They release the study, lots of people like you take this as gospel, and nobody ever double checks the numbers ever. You see this shit over and over in nutrition, mental health, racial shit, gender shit, climate and pollution shit, and basically every area of inquiry with the remotest ideological use by commies.

>> No.53233002

You're a fucking fraud! All of your previous posts bitching and whining about
are invalid. Good night faggot.

>> No.53233008

Shut up, flat earther. I just said I can't take you seriously. That means shut your mouth. If your only argument is "da data hurts my feewings", you aren't worth my time

>> No.53233020

Go back to sticking sausages down your throat. It's the only thing you're good at

>> No.53233036

Oh we both know you'll keep replying anyways. If søyentists fabricated some numbers that eating your own shit on toast extended your life by ten years, you'd go on all 20 of your søycial media accounts and proudly post pics of yourself eating it, every single day

>> No.53233047

>seeking happiness
>not seeking joy
Pseudo science fails again.
It's not too late to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior anon. In Him you will find what will make you whole.
Seek and you will find.
God bless you.

>> No.53233050

Math isn't fake, flat earther. You can't handle reality because you're a weakling

>> No.53233055

That's a male boy.

>> No.53233069

Math isn't fake but the numbers white coats make up sure are, and you can't prove otherwise, which is what bothers you enough to keep you replying. No matter how much you screech at me, later tonight you won't be able to stop thinking about the reality that you have no idea if the data that ultimately determines your world view is even accurate. How would you even know if it wasn't? You'll remember this post whether you want to or not. Yes you will.

>> No.53233071

your problem is you pick and choose what data to believe in and ignore the ones that "sound bad" because you're weak

>> No.53233079

fyi all the data I posted was from various sources. Not just one further showing how dogmatic/retarded you are. Weakling

>> No.53233092

I don't pick and choose what data to believe, I don't use data to make decisions at all in the first place. Also for the record I'm not a flat earther, I'm more of a big bang denier

>> No.53233098

>I don't use data to make decisions at all in the first place
That's because you're mentally disabled
>big bang denier
the fuck. There's literal proof the universe is expanding

>> No.53233117

No there isn't. The Hubble graph is garbage because it turns out that light red shifts in plasma, proportional to the total mass of plasma it's passed through, which conveniently is what most of the observable universe is made out of, making the graph of red shift vs distance essentially a graph of distance proxy vs distance. The entire inference that the universe must be expanding, with it expanding more rapidly the further from us it is, and with us conveniently at the precise center of it, is total bullshit. The big bang is fake.

>> No.53233149

Kek cope and seethe. Just women with inferioty complexes like tall people who smell like monkeys. Healthy women like real men 175cm

>> No.53233161

I'll humor your bullshit. Source me

>> No.53233244

At least I know how to back things up with math! Fag!

>> No.53233251

No. You don't. Fag.

>> No.53233288

Yes, I agree 100%
She will be happiest getting absolutely justed & dominated from an impressionable age by the father of her offspring who will all become her meaning in life. She will be ecstatic in the blissful moments of conception like you wouldn’t believe, getting dominated powerfully. What’s more, a lifetime of profound memories follow, to witness the full spectrum of human life and familial love that knows no bounds

>> No.53233293

Hey you had your shot and you fucking failed
You got asked to MUH MATH and you posted a picture. A fucking picture. What retard posts a picture when asked to do math? Since you can't do math, I have a word problem for you:
>Is the school bus you ride or your dick shorter?

>> No.53233361

The pictures contained this thing called DATA within them, dipshit. Lmfao you're a clown. A village idiot.

>> No.53233463

HUUURR DUUUUR a picture of a woman with hotdogs in her mouth is DAYTAAAAH
>muh math!
>piktures of hotdogs are daytuh
Fuck man. Get a job now; god knows you won't make it in college

>> No.53233496

Like the song says, "it can buy me a boat and a truck to pull it.

>> No.53233522

You zoomers need numbers, data, and step by step instructions with spoon feeding. Soon enough you will need someone to take your by your dick, put in a vagina, and tell you "there you go, now you are fucking", and you will look at the guy suspiciously.

>> No.53233666

They’ll figure it out, like every generation hence
Just go listen to Johnny Soporno or read Heartiste

>> No.53234028

>Fuck man. Get a job now; god knows you won't make it in college
I'm 27 with a bigger portfolio than your redneck ass. Don't you have some wieners to suck, faggot? Fuck off back to your sausage fest.

>> No.53234234

Exactly..i was a low life fucking loser for years until i learnt my way around crypto. Staking, LM ones like on Allianceblock's LMaaS product, Poptown and shit like that have gotten me so much more passive income

>> No.53234397

its really not hard to fuck asian chicks as a white man idk why anybody would have to seethe. Ive personally fucked several asian girls without ever specifically trying to fuck asians and I took ones virginity
>oh wait this is 4chan

>> No.53234447

pretty obvious if you think aboutit for literally one second. If youre a manlet loser and you aree an incel khv, it makes sense. Its just the way of the world. If youre tall and handsome and still somehow an incel loser then youre going to be very pissed off at everyone because you think you're entitled to pussy (youre not)

>> No.53234560

Some money, but how much is different. Also, if you to look into time and stress vs money acquired.

>> No.53234720

>A 33 year old childless roastie "lesbian" wonders why she isn't happy
Say it ain't fucking so.

>> No.53234797

I'm straight and I'd let RJW tap me too.

>> No.53234811

>you can't trust statistics when it comes to muslims blowing things up, blacks acting violent, jews being psychopaths. every individual is unique
>you should trust statistics when it comes to telling you all of you will only find happiness through the exact same path
why do midwits love logical fallacies so much?

>> No.53234831

>she's 40
>still making tiktoks and has no kids and is making cope videos about how she didn't want a family anyway
Women were a mistake, how can I profit from absurdly delayed adulthood?

>> No.53234954

>people feel like shit when their homeless due to being piss poor, do poorly in school
bruh. Are you talking from experience?

>> No.53235014

>is 5'1
>has 0% dating pool
>need an additional 300k (rough guess) to even have a chance at anything
>she needs to be 43k poorer and down on her luck to consider me

>> No.53235143
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>he fell for the consoomer meme

>> No.53235181

that's a bloke

>> No.53235201

This is such cope. Having plenty of money means you can take more time to do all of those things, and less time waging. Does bad stuff happen to rich or financially comfortable people? Of course. But if my mom died I'm going home afterwards to a nice comfy paid for house, with no debt letters piling by the door, and organizing a nice funeral. A poor person still has all their earthly worries and now something else bad has happened to them. Plus they still have to wage, they can't afford to take time off. Fucking cope.

>> No.53236244
File: 80 KB, 2280x1550, 1650529119454.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder to kill yourself faggot