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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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53227438 No.53227438 [Reply] [Original]

Make this as you will

>> No.53227452

He also said LINK was going to $250-$400 last bullrun

>> No.53227523

Did he actually?

>> No.53227689

Doubt it, he's a hyper emotional mega bobo

>> No.53227702

yeah something like that
One of his LINK videos

>> No.53227713

He is always wrong. Always. Peak midwit

>> No.53227789


>> No.53227984


>> No.53227990

Who is he

>> No.53227996

holy shit, is that satoshi nakomoto?

>> No.53227999

he's pragmatic and just dubiously speculating

>> No.53228008

I just watched his recent video and he never said the bottom is in.

>> No.53228038

His real money is made selling access to all his charts and graphs. Almost 700k a year just from Patreon.

>> No.53228242
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i just watched and i got the impression that he thinks the bottom is in.
not gonna watch it again

>> No.53228281

I'm such an idiot. I unironically thought this guy was giving out gems. But now all you retards watch him.

>> No.53228293

This man is too afraid of being wrong now. It is with great joy that I say his analyst days are over after his Lengthening Cycles blunder. He's now nothing more than a source of news for market movements. Predictions: no more.

>> No.53228497

and thats a good thing

>> No.53228504

summer of dreams....

>> No.53228614

he thought last bullrun would still be ongoing, he was the biggest lengthening cycles retard

>> No.53228621

he said it could go up but it could go down.
some interesting food for thought.... very profound.

>> No.53228631

White guy said bottom is in, I'm all in. Make the right decision, bros.

>> No.53228766

i stopped watching him a while ago
in the early days he was willing to make some interesting calls, now his videos sum up to 'we will probably go down because it's a bear market, oh and the macro looks bad as well'.

pretty much the same video day after day for months on end, nothing new or interesting to say anymore.

>> No.53228892

He's since been constantly saying he sold heavily on the first peak like a champ. But any videos and indirect reports of his telegram from the time suggested he constantly thought it would keep going up.

>> No.53228970

>Almost 700k a year
that makes him absolute top tier and all that for 2 years of being completely wrong about everything
pretty sure there are a lot of either free accounts or otherwise just stuffing to make him appear more important

>> No.53228995

Nuclear engineering PhD is midwit?

What does that make a basement dwelling zoomer retard shut in like yourself?

>> No.53229013

Check his patreon, he has nearly 600 subs and they're all paying him $100 or more per month.

>> No.53229058

Cramer recently flipped to "Sell all your crypto now!". Bottom is officially in.

>> No.53229405

you cant tell if they pay the full price
could again be faked accounts paying 1 usd ben pays himself
never trust anything in this world, especially top tier numbers of guys that dont forecast shit

>> No.53230168

I bet he put all of his sub profits into ark before the tech dump.

>> No.53230290
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Forget Ben, we're with Bob now. New cycle has begun, bottom is in. Cope and seethe.

>> No.53230335

Midwit starts at 110 and ends at 130 iq. Easily containing a great portion of the phd crowd.

>> No.53230339

He only sold 10% of his LINK stack with his failed strategy.

>> No.53230361

Look at it this way. LINK could have gone to $250 last bullrun.

>> No.53230385

based and loukas pilled

>> No.53230395


>> No.53230397
File: 48 KB, 572x1024, 0AF1336E-F7FE-446A-A721-62E5CB6B07BC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inshallah the bear market has been saved

>> No.53230411

>Nuclear engineering PhD is midwit?
Just because he did some research in physical chemistry or reactor design doesn't mean you can accurately forecast prices. In th end nobody can and it's just conjecture based on trends like the 4-year cycle. As a mathfag I appreciate his emphasis on statistics but it's midwit-tier to not be critical of your models which it sounds like happens a lot with Ben (lengthening cycles, etc.). Happens to the best of us, however.

>> No.53230426

"midwit" like every once-funny meme, is simply "person I disagree with".

Just like "chad" was once a zero social inhibition jock with perfect genetics and is now faggot "vidya/shitcoin clubs I belong to!"

>> No.53230465
File: 53 KB, 600x594, lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain to me how a once funny meme like 'Good guy, Greg' means 'person i disagree with'.

>> No.53230545

>Meme of good caricature = position I belong in
>Meme of bad guy = opponent

I remember 9fag memes of good-guy-greg saying shit like
>"Doesn't like politics :D"
>"But votes for Bernie because he respects women xD"

>> No.53230622

the same guy who was bullish at $69k and bearish at $15k? guy is a fucking pleb, the only original thought he had over the past 3 years was lengthening cycles which was wrong.

>> No.53230750

Midwit specifically means a middling IQ person who evidently is not smart enough to objectively assess information themselves, so instead follows the social consensus and authority figures. Basically anyone who jumps on bandwagon after bandwagon seemingly without thought and who acts in contradictory manners is peak midwit. In the case of Ben, he has a habit lately of being bearish when everyone else is bearish and bullish when everyone else is bullish which is pretty midwit.

>> No.53230833

i wish to god I had found bob in the 2018 aftermath. Deep down I knew thre would be another bull run, I just didnt have the conviction to go all in and had a small $2k bag of ZRX going into 2021.

>> No.53231020

he's also extremely vaxxed

>> No.53231026

Fucking hell, that's bearish

>> No.53231381

But he didn’t actually call the bottom, he’s actually bearish and predicted in his live discussion video last week the bottom won’t come until later this year.

>> No.53231441

he underestimated quantitative eating

>> No.53231510

He was bearish in December 2021 when everyone else was still bullish.
He convinced me to sell even more than I had sold already.
(still not giving you my money, Ben)

>> No.53231525

>He was bearish in December 2021 when everyone else was still bullish
fucking LOL
he only conceded in mid-2022 that lengthening cycles were wrong

>> No.53231662

He said if things were to continue as they were. Then the huge crash happened

>> No.53232748
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