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53221683 No.53221683 [Reply] [Original]

I’ve been thinking about all the silver stackers I’ve seen and I realized the only allure for me is if society collapses. But if society collapses, I don’t need real silver. Everyone who can identify silver already has stacks to spend, they won’t be selling me stuff for silver.

So what’s the best metal to create fake silver? Hopefully something I can make into blank rounds myself without expensive equipment, or something I can already buy in coin form if it is cheap enough.

>> No.53221725

wait you want to make fake silver coins so when the apocalypse comes you have fake silver coins to spend?
won't people be able to test if the silver is real or not?

>> No.53221805

Nah, why would someone who knew better be trading me important things for shiny rocks?

I’m going to live like a wasteland king

>> No.53221865

why create fake silver coins?

>> No.53221901

Because it’s way cheaper than silver? Are you retarded?
Am I on the wrong board?

>> No.53221937

Yes wrong board, this for business related threads, not the fraud support line

>> No.53221970

The only reason I would want a load of fake silver bars and coins is because I want something to fool crackheads that might break into my house. If you're going to be trading fake silver to people after SHTF you will be murdered. I hope they chose a really painful way to kill you.

>> No.53221980

Nickel Silver, then electroplate it with Silver.

>> No.53221989

Oh i see, so you want create fake silver coins and trade it to unknowing retards who won't test it for it's validity
well, if you do this, you will likely get caught eventually, or killed by one of the guys you scammed

>> No.53222001

high iq

>> No.53222014

silvers is for trading your way into a Mennonite commune after the collapse of food security.
And take it from people who had to sew PM's into their coats to escape commie ukraine, they will know it's fake
my people are like the christian kikes when it comes to this stuff.

>> No.53222043

People have been using - and testing - silver for thousands of years. Every scheme you think you are originating has been tried and detected thousands of times. You'll get the Isaac Newton treatment, you will deserve it, and I will enjoy watching. If you want to counterfeit something, try fiat. It's just paper.

>> No.53222044

This. I wouldn't instantly know and I would wait and come back to torture you and take everything you had and feel no guilt about it. Good luck faggot.

>> No.53222124

based OP confused the jewish bots with his message

>> No.53222167
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small hat detected

>> No.53222501

>But if society collapses
society is whats protecting silver stackers already, without it theyd be toast and those who were caught with fake silver would be tortured to death

>> No.53222531

One round of .45 ACP out of a 1911 will be worth more than all of your silver if society collapses bro

>> No.53222538

You look for a local shop that will galvanize metal for you. You can make almost any metal look like silver, I think copper might be a common base metal for that. But just strike a bunch of copper rounds cheap then get someone to galvanize them. You won’t be able to sell to anyone who’ll check the purity

>> No.53222570

You think the average fucking normie has ever even held silver?

>> No.53223314

Hahaha, If we ever get to the point where we need silver to barter , you will strapping your shoes to your kneecaps with your mouth because your arms and legs will be gone. People will find a way to make their own justice with you .

>> No.53224213

I think there are easier scams. Everything connected to precious metals has been overrun by grifters and they are all competing with each other. So it is hard to run a profitable and effective scam in that space.

>> No.53224245

kek, it's extremely easy to test fake silver, and fakes would cross the mind of anyone willing to take it

>> No.53224322
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Testing for real silver is an elementary school level of easy so I encourage you to do this and immediately get clapped for it. I will be buying your corpsemeat with real silver.

>> No.53224462

Bruh, silver testing kits (basically a bottle of nitric acid and a touchstone) cost 10 bux on ebay.. That's what i bought before even considering my first coin. Good luck trying to outsmart nitric acid.
And that's not counting all the little tricks to test silver (ice cube melting faster, magnetic test, ping test using your smartphone, density, etc..).
Problem with silver is it have too many unique properties compared to other metals. Sure the color is easy to replicate, but everything else, not so much. Especially the sound of silver which is really unique.

You probably can fool few retards on ebay, but usually silver stackers are paranoid schitzos by nature, so i find it to be a rather risky bet. It's probably less risky for your safety to make yet another animal coin or sell fake pokemon cards if you really want to scam ppl.

>> No.53224509

>how do I make counterfeit silver for cheaper than what the chinks on Alibaba can mass produce?
NGMI in more ways than one.

>> No.53224575

but silver already such an inexpensive metal why go to all that trouble lol its only like 20 bucks for a shiny perfect coin that wont get you shot and you get to enjoy it while waiting for the apocalypse. my advice is skip marijuana silver and go straight to heroin gold if you really want a fix.

>> No.53224699

Yes I’m sure everyone in the wastelands will have nitric acid jugs on them.

You people are retarded and unhelpful.

>> No.53224720

I’m not going to hold your boomerbags

>> No.53224751
File: 231 KB, 1454x839, israeli scam fake gold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The trick is to not sell gold, but the promise of gold. One scam the israelis have a monopoly over on ebay is selling golden bars of melted down pins and connectors of electronic parts.
They sell them in 2oz bars for like $90 and mark it as "melted scrap gold parts for gold recovery", knowing full well most of the retards buying this stuff don't have the material nor the capacity to refine it.
Technically they aren't lying, the bars must contain some gold. Probably around 0.001% of the total weight, but it looks like gold.
The kikes have thousands of sales on each of those products, so it's definitely fooling a lot of cretins.

>> No.53225748

some anon should buy one a nd refine it to find the real %

>> No.53227711

Because you're a silver baggie who still hasn't seen a profit on his heckin epic silver stack.

>> No.53227754

>t. seething baggie

>> No.53228372

>muh shiny rocks moon when dah pocket lips comes

>> No.53228423


>> No.53228464

Kek. You try to pass that shit too many times and you’re dead. I wouldn’t waste a bullet on you either. I’ll tie you to a tree in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.53228541

>So what’s the best metal to create fake silver?
In the modern world? We do tests and figure out it's fake.
In the SHTF option? We all find out YOUR silver is fake and offer a ransom to whomever can scalp you and bring back our property.

>> No.53228570

>shiny rocks?
Peak Amerimutt education at work.
The Ore is the rock, the Gold/Silver is the metal, retard.

>> No.53228580
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>or killed by one of the guys you scammed
When I was in jail I met a dude who stabbed a dude for no reason.
Stealing is a reason for a beating.

>> No.53228603
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>You think the average fucking normie has ever even held silver?
You know what Jewelry is? You never owned any rings or chains? Are you a white male?

>> No.53228604

You're planning on going around a nuclear wasteland where most of us will have resorted to cannibalism (personally I will be a cannibal by choice) and you're first instinct is to try and figure out a way to scam people?

Good luck

>> No.53228627

>Yes I’m sure everyone in the wastelands will have nitric acid jugs on them.
Magnets, fag.
You're a fool and hope you never try to swindle people.

>> No.53228638

this thread is a great sample of the average iq and imagination of silver aficionados

>> No.53228647

Pure Jewish logic.

>> No.53228711

>Yes wrong board, this for business related threads, not the fraud support line
I don't know if it's really "fraud" in a lawless wasteland.
Still the wrong board though, because this is a fantasy LARP.

>> No.53228751

Holy Based

>> No.53229100
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This is an easy con that anyone can do
>9:1 copper:zinc ratio looks like gold
>Acquire some pennies and scrap copper
>Acquire some casting sand
>Acquire a Dremel or some other polishing tool
>Buy a small propane forge, or build one if you're DIY gifted
>Make a rectangular imprint in the casting sand
>Melt metal and pour into sand
>Polish that shit
>Make fake Facebook profile
>Sell "Melted down computer pins" on FB Marketplace
>"I wanted to refine the gold but got too busy with my job!", "It was tons of work to collect and melt all those pins and now I'm over it" etc.
>Act disinterested
>Act like you know there's gold in there but not how much.
>Act low key regretful and hesitant. After all, think of all that gold!
Repeat on Ebay, Craigslist, and other gray markets for endless profit
>If this is so profitable then why are you encouraging competition?
I had fun doing it honestly, and I'm over it. My job has been super busy lately too. Smell you later frens!