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53221073 No.53221073 [Reply] [Original]

>they shut down the entire economy for 2 years over the flu

>> No.53221132
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> they print trillions for themselves and give nigs gibs
> inflation is transitory
and no one will be punished for it!

>> No.53221182
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foreigners still absolutely seething that americans got money for free since USA #1, all because it tanked their economies too

>> No.53221186

they didn't shut down the entire economy though everything still ran fine, business as usual. All they did was shut down unessential work and I think we finally proved how little the lower classes actually are contributing to society.

>> No.53221272

Do not gaslight us you fucking lockdooner

>> No.53221449

this, why else was there news about that Evergreen tanker getting stuck during COvid?

All the actually useful people were working, it was a test run in more way than one if they could get rid of the majority of pleb (me included)

>> No.53221488

If your state was locked down for two years, you live in a commie shithole.

>> No.53221633

It had to be done. Actually, in retrospect, we'll wish we'd gone harder in 2020: a mandatory, properly enforced lockdown would have led to fewer deaths - Covid is now raging out of control again when it could have been stopped.

>> No.53221734


>> No.53221904

Kek, I remember when this sort of post used to spark debate. Now everyone laughs at them

>> No.53223413

Covid is now 2012/global warming tier doomposting and I love it.

>> No.53223438

They're gonna do it this year too, China is currently exploding with new cases

>> No.53223442

>Increases the money supply and velocity of money.

>> No.53223518
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Back to pol, antivaxxer faggots

>> No.53223573

You go girl! Show 'em who's boss.

>> No.53223627


>> No.53223635

>the flu
he doesn't know

>> No.53223679
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lol heres your you

>> No.53224999

yfw no one ever denied myocarditis was a side-effect, most people reading this has had acute myocarditis a handful of times in their lives, it clears up on its own without issue in ~99% of cases , and is more likely to happen as a result of actually contracting covid-19 (and most other infectious diseases that strain the immune system) than from getting the vaccine, hence why BILLIONS of doses of the vaccine were administered all around the world and only a few schizo documentary makers who lie on purpose to gullible retards like you are claiming an increase in deaths. must be because All of the millions of people working in healthcare around the world are in on this evil bill gates masterplan

of course none of you actually care about what is actually true, it's all part of this gay culture war where you have to be uncritically and autistically opposed to anything even remotely aligned with the (((mainstream))) or else your fellow NEETs might think you're not as much of a loser as you pretend to be online, kill yourselves you low iq, niggerbrained virgins

>> No.53227597

>most people reading this has had acute myocarditis a handful of times in their lives
what a load of complete bs. You have a greater than 50% dying within 5 years if you get myocarditis. Fact. Fucking glowie disinfo in here
We're witnessing the beginning of the greatest public health disaster ever known and these kind of posts are supposed to get you to forget about it. It's happening.

>> No.53227657

i'm genuinely curious - i know you would never trust an official pharma/medicine/government/academic source because your brain is literal mush, but i also know you don't think of yourself as a "medical expert", so where the fuck did you hear this 50% in 5 years number and why did you decide to believe it over every single other piece of information available? who is telling you this stuff?

>> No.53227854

I follow a lot of covid vax related stuff on Twitter. Dr Robert Malone just the other day tweeted a study about this. I don't have the link right here but I'm sure you can find it. You clearly get a;; your info from MSM. That stuff will rot your brain, anon, it's all lies.

>> No.53227899

>They used a flu as an excuse to shut down the entire economy for 2 years

>> No.53227926

1/3 of people with myocarditis decompensate and develop acute heart failure.