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53220255 No.53220255 [Reply] [Original]

>Republicans in the House of Representatives will vote on a bill that would abolish the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), eliminate the national income tax and replace it with a national consumption tax.

>Fox News Digital has learned that the House will be voting on Georgia Republican Rep. Buddy Carter's reintroduced Fair Tax Act that aims to reel in the IRS and remove the national income tax, as well as other taxes, and replace them with a single consumption tax.

>The vote on the bill was made as part of the deal between House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., and members of the House Freedom Caucus and was pushed forward in his quest for the gavel last week.
Who would this benefit if the bill would pass?

>> No.53220266
File: 176 KB, 435x647, 4861F698-F644-4750-A68A-EF36DDAF8D9D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn’t red, it’s all theatre. Will never pass the senate or senile joes veto, and McCarthy the establishment cuck knows this. Just doing it to appease his base and cuck cuckservatives further like the cocksucking Jew cucks they are /thread

>> No.53220281

>muh inflation
>gives people more easy money
What did Republicans mean by this anyhow? Ignoring that it isn't realistic, why are they this retarded?

>> No.53220312

inflation isn't my problem faggot. income tax is a crime against the republic, it has never been constitutional

>> No.53220324

It’ll never pass, but it’d be wonderful if it did. Everyone would benefit.
>abolish the IRS
Who in their right mind (besides IRS workers) would argue?

>> No.53220394

this. They controlled the house, senate, executive and judiciary not long ago. Now they know it won’t get signed into law so they pass it. Disgusting

>> No.53220500

you know, the reason I do not want to move to America has always been because of the IRS being so hard on citizens. if this goes through I'm definitely considering life in Merica.

>> No.53220505

https://cryptoslate.com/sources-claim-ftx-investigation-could-exhaust-the-sdny-court/ it's to protect SBF

>> No.53220512

Both of the men in the image are me.

>> No.53220521

If it save me the trouble of lodging a tax return, I’m all for it

>> No.53220525

as it stands, close to 50% of americans pay $0 in federal income taxes. of course these ignorant bottom feeding niggers (imagine how poor you must be to pay $0 in federal income taxes) will also be the most excited by this fantastical proposition.

>> No.53220527
File: 220 KB, 680x566, joomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if we let people making 20 dollars an hour make 20 dollars an hour instead of confiscating 5 and giving them back 2.50 as a "refund", then there will be more inflation, goy!

>> No.53221580

>wages go up for the first time in 40 years
>powell and the sec scramble to "stop wage inflation"
This is some type of mutant clown world at this rate, do the globalist realize they can't just make every single country shitty? there will be no place left for them to go.

>> No.53221659

So, there IS a god.

>> No.53222042

>guys, vote for us in 2024 and we'll be able to pass bills like this no problem!
>those pesky democrats are blocking our passing of bills like this!
>once we have both chambers and presidency, we will DEFINITELY pass this bill, we promise!

I fucking hate the government.

>> No.53222064

Next year's budget that passes the House will fully fund the IRS. Screencap and seethe.

>> No.53224076

no one cares are these retarded boomers anymnore. it's all about who has the Bitcoin now.