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File: 95 KB, 1124x844, Cuckdano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53218536 No.53218536 [Reply] [Original]

Where are the dApps? You said there would be thousands of dApps on the chain by now.
Why are there only 580?

Why does Polygon (a much younger chain) already have more than 57,000 dApps? Why are you letting Polygon screw you like that Charles?

>> No.53218657

all cope and seethe aside, why is no one building on Caradno?
(serious question)

>> No.53218710

all lies and fud aside, ill answer you with complete honesty (im a dev that built on both Ethereum and Cardano):
>there arent many users
>there arent many transcations
>TVL is abysmal for a chain in the top 10
>the chain is overall shitty to build on

for a dev, there simply isnt much profit to be made building on Cardano.
More so, there's way more profit to be made on other chains like Ethereum and Polygon with way less effort

>> No.53218734 [DELETED] 

>57,000 dApps
doesnt matter cause they're shitty curry scam apps
go back to Delhi Renjet

>> No.53218740

>57,000 dApps
doesnt matter cause they're shitty curry scam apps
go back to Delhi Renjet

>> No.53218743

Are you looking to build anything on Flare now that it has launched?

>> No.53218764

>shitty curry scam apps
is Uniswap a shitty curry scam app?
is AAVE a shitty curry scam app?
is 1inch a shitty curry scam app?
is OpenSea a shitty curry scam app?
is SushiSwap a shitty curry scam app?
is Quickswap a shitty curry scam app?
is MeshSwap a shitty curry scam app?
is Aavegotchi a shitty curry scam app?
is Decentraland a shitty curry scam app?
is Sandbox a shitty curry scam app?
is Arc8 a shitty curry scam app?

your turn anon, i dare you to name 1 (one) single dApps that actually has significance in the grand scheme of things

>> No.53218771

seethe harder jeet

>> No.53218782

1- I’ve never even heard of this shitapp up until now
2- I just looked it up and it literally has half of the entire TVL on Cardano
All other dApps have basically no TVL whatsoever

>> No.53218792

doesnt matter. cardano dapps are peer reviewed

>> No.53218794

there are no dapps because utxo makes them impossible

>> No.53218808

>muh peer review!
get the fuck out of here with that bullshit
no one gives a single fuck about your peer reviewed dApps if they have ZERO FUCKING ACTIVITY

thats like saying you have the biggest party venue in the country BUT NO ONE FUCKING VISITS IT

>> No.53218818

does anyone know what this even mean

>> No.53218820

no, i dont speak Cardano

>> No.53218834

explain in fortnite terms

>> No.53218864

Charles got one pumped by Sandeep at 50% health and full armor

>> No.53218987
File: 364 KB, 2250x2144, ww.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Look ma' i posted again
my village will afford enough curry

>> No.53219565
File: 131 KB, 1200x1200, FIcj7ykXIAMGxMk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hhahahaha its the polygon cunt again.

Your chain has been hacked twice, and stopped producing blocks twice. Also 5/7 muitsig KEKEKEKE

kys brown man.

>> No.53219746

Racial nepotism is the only reason Polygon gets adopted. Most high level executives are pajeets now. Microsoft, google, Mastercard, etc.

>> No.53219769

It means the Cardano blockchain doesn't work for dapps. All current Cardano "dapps" need to process transactions off chain with centralized batchers, thus defeating the entire point of having a blockchain

>> No.53219786

Cardano is shit but I couldn't imagine a life shilling matic for 3 rupees a day either

>> No.53219791
File: 4 KB, 380x155, ada.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's see who will laugh in 2025

>> No.53219942

yes BSC is the only non curry chain.

It might be a rice bowl chain but it aint no curry chain.

>> No.53219966
File: 7 KB, 179x282, 45623d3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>top 100 addresses own 90% of the supply
>top 10 addresses own 75% of the supply
>top 3 entities control over half of the supply staked, so only 3 entities needed to do a 51% attack
>only 6 admin keys required to change the entire network at any time, 5 of which are owned by the polyjeet team
>only 100 total validators
>blockchain was already halted and shutdown
>only 33tps for a highly centralized pajeet shitcoin
>constant block reorgs

This shit is going to 0

>> No.53220563

Wrong retard.

You can run off chain bot batchers which are open source and anybody can run them....