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53217950 No.53217950 [Reply] [Original]

>this is a $3.35 snack in Australia

>> No.53217957

chicken salt?

>> No.53217958
File: 48 KB, 337x500, cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does it taste like this

>> No.53217967

>caring about the prices of goyslop in any country
are you a manchild or something? do you not know how to make your own food at home?

>> No.53218021

This guy shows up in every thread

>> No.53218039

it's not just one guy, half this board acts like they slaughter their own cows and grow their own grain whenever you mention ordering food. bunch of /pol/tards who take the goyslop meme too seriously.

>> No.53218206

>this guy
nope, its my first time ever responding to one of these retarded threads
>"d-don't like eating goyslop? you m-must be from p-pol! and you're also a poser that pretends to b-be into homesteading!"
what kind of cope is this? how much do you weigh?

>> No.53218270

id reckon he weighs less than you, porky. you've become a part of the pol hivemind because you can't cope with the crippling loneliness that was wrought by the ostracism of your immediate peers. wake up and smell the roses, Carl. it's a whole new world.

>> No.53218289

how the fuck do you harvest salt from a chicken

>> No.53218310

>i dont have an argument against how retarded it is to eat fast food so ill just double down on pretending you're from pol
sorry fatty, it just doesnt work
how much do YOU weigh?
how many more members of the McGoyslop Defence Force will be attending?

>> No.53218312

Listen mate if you think I'm ordering nutrientless goyslop from maccas when they can't even get the name of a potato cake right you're cooked. Meat and cheese is all you should be eating.

>> No.53218317

instant strawman reply lmao you really are from /pol/

>> No.53218339

very carefully

>> No.53218352

>fatty starts projecting about strawmen after his knee-jerk reaction to defend his goyslop habits was to make up strawman shit about how everyone who doesn't want to eat goyslop must be a homesteading poser
so how much DO you weigh?
do you eat mcgoynalds every single day?

>> No.53218378

Chicken salt is just normal salt that's got some additional flavourings - it has nothing to actually do with chickens. It's extremely tasty.

>> No.53218405

Looks delicious, eat it up. Don’t forget your covid boosters.

>> No.53218442

lmao you don't even know what projecting means

>> No.53218448

Pretty sure the additional seasoning is chicken broth so it has much to do with chicken

>> No.53218552

Chicken salt is op

Normal salt got nerfed in aus

>> No.53218727

It contains chicken

>> No.53218735

My bad. I am misinformed and will delete my post. Chicken salt is extremely tasty though.

>> No.53218780
File: 1.04 MB, 1080x1027, 519B6D96-62AC-4EE6-ABD3-BD1021E95478.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.53218816

Since when did they serve potato scallops at maccas? I doubt they make them better than at the local.

>> No.53219282

I'm going to 7-11 in the middle of the night to get a bag of chips because you are annoying.