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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53217657 No.53217657 [Reply] [Original]

MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!! It was supposed to go up forever

>> No.53217674

This is in california isn't it. Kek.

>> No.53217708
File: 702 KB, 983x659, Screenshot (4032).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it could be a lot of places. But yea. This building has a lot of stuff for sale in it.

>> No.53218004
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and a pathetic attempt to hide a Zestimate in freefall.

>> No.53218096
File: 183 KB, 1000x1000, Know what I got.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything seems to be the same price as a year ago. Maybe 10% less at best. There are some listings that throw the statistics off.
>Boomer knows what he's got
>Lists for 200% actual value
>Decreases listing
>Nobody buys for 10k off
>Listing expires
Also, people are out of touch with end buyer.
>2 homes both 400k
>One 900sq ft
>Another 2000sg ft with massive lot
>Nobody buys the 2k sq ft
Seller is a boomer that doesn't market to what a buyer wants. Refuses to do any work to make it more desirable to sell for more money. Many such cases.

t.Real estate Fag

>> No.53218251

What is a cheaper monthly payment, 700k at 3% or 500k at 6%?

>> No.53218366

that's not as relevant as you would think

>> No.53218408

Fucking hell. I wish I had my ath crypto money back

>> No.53218430

I'm just waiting for a major crash now that the boomers are all 63+ years old and in no position to keep buying houses.

>> No.53218450

they can still sell and then rebuy.

>> No.53218466

There will be no crash retard.
>They will sell or pass down property. Also reverse mortgage and bank holds property in shadow inventory.
>You will accept more migrants to lower wages and increase housing demand.

>> No.53218473

Pretty much the same

>> No.53218507

>I rather be 200k underwater after putting in $140k and taking out a $560k loan and paying property taxes at 700k, than just putting down 5-10% at $500k and investing the other 90-115k saved not putting down 20% for a jumbo loan and recoup roughly 10-15% of that saved down payment money by investing in inflation hedged income streams or the inevitable booming stock/business cycle that will occur after all the over-levered retards in $1m homes go belly up snd close their formerly profitable businesses, thus allowing you to aggressively pay down principal, cutting your time paying interest in half, and thus reducing the total cost of your mortgage by 40-50% while growing your downpayment by 3-4x on top and eventually completely paying off your appreciating house or re-mortgaging it at ever lower rates as you get older allowing you to diversify into stocks and bonds that will our-yield your end of life house payments and give your children a future.

Hmmm I wonder what the better deal is…

>> No.53218545

Why is the narrative suddenly changing?
Everyone has been saying the housing market is overvalued but throughout all of 2022 the headlines only peddled shit like
Now ever since the end of the year it's been
Who in the fuck are these (((experts))) and why is there 0 accountability when the (((news))) changes the narrative so dramatically and suddenly?

>> No.53218623
File: 33 KB, 464x349, B775A55A-5F12-4753-9B9E-DEDA7348742E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bullish sentiment seems everywhere now after a month or so of bearish doom. Dec was nothing but Jeremy graham, Jim rockers, Robert kiyosaki, and Eric sprott saying this is it, we are all gonna die, while Canadian prepper said billionaires are buying bunkers and get iodine tablets. Now it’s crypto moon and fed soft landing. I could resist the covid and face mask bs but fear and greed is getting me.

>> No.53218628
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>> No.53218662

I hope every dumb boomer nigger that bought into this pump in dump from '20-now gets burned so hard they're on the streets sucking dicks for money.

>> No.53218682
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my zesties stay testy

>> No.53218688

Oh no 50k price drop on a 1.3 million usd house. Red alert red alert. Nukes are going off.

>> No.53218704

it was falling since 2016 niggers probably moved into the neighborhood

>> No.53218719
File: 2.24 MB, 1862x1324, Screenshot_20230107_094706.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also this shits just like NFT's that price isnt what its going to sell for. Its much lower. They just list it like that. Go on open sea. You can literally list your nft for anything. Same with this zillow shit. Dont think for a second, zillow and their zestimate hasnt fucked with consumer mindset of housing prices. Again same with bored nigger ape yatch jpeg. No one was buying that shit for the listing. no one. No one is here, unless theyre retarded.

>> No.53218768

San Mateo is nice.
It isn't that nice though

>> No.53218941

how do I see an overview like that for a country / city? link please

>> No.53218973
File: 831 KB, 999x657, Screenshot (4038).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh no 50k price drop
so far

>> No.53219070

This is insanely cheap for European standards. Here in central Europe (ex commie state), a 1900 sq ft house could cost around 2.5 to 3 million USD. Wages are 1/5th of Bay Area's.

>> No.53219078

is it really? Yea I know euros are making jack shit. But they can't even afford a home? Theres no revolt or anything yet?

>> No.53219102
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People are accustomed to live in 200 sq ft flats with bare minimum for survival. They don't know what real standards of living look like (i.e. 90's America, having two houses, 3 cars, a jet ski, a stay at home wife with kids and all of this with only one blue collar income).
America is on the same path as Europe, by design.

>> No.53219112

Can't even mint money.

>> No.53219126

In germany there is a new scheme "Hausanker". I saw the commercial in TV. You can sell your house now and live in there til you die. So it has to be some big corp behind it buying up all the houses of stupid boomers who don't think of their children.

>> No.53219149

ooof, that colour. It also looks like it having cracks

>> No.53219210

They’re people who get paid by the people who make real money off changing sentiment

>> No.53219211

Just look into the people under the soviets. They did nothing and never rebelled and arguably are still taking it up the ass.There will never be a rebellion in the nations of Europe.

>> No.53219367

Meh, the housing crash is totally regional.

Prices have barely dipped here in Minnesota and low inventory is being snapped up even in winter. Feels comfy as hell watching home prices dip 5%, knowing the rebound will already hit come spring. The feeding frenzy is going to shock the hell out of you when people are still buying at high mortgage rates. There simply aren't enough homes to go around and no one is selling.

If you live in some sweaty buttfuck state in full housing meltdown like Arizona, yeah, I guess you should worry.

>> No.53219481

I'm curious to see how much your home prices have risen in the last 3 years.

>> No.53219498

So Germany just rediscovered the British leasehold.

>> No.53219906

It's the stucco

>> No.53219937

I live in Florida
(Prices are not dropping)

>> No.53220406

New goysey here
Price cuts are happening, but there's no 'crash' yet. A lot of houses in desireable neighborhoods are still priced as if anyone in NJ can afford 7% rates,

>> No.53220648

You kept calling everyone that was saying that was the top a faggot. You get what you deserve. There were SO MANY threads of people calling the top and you fudge packers ignored them and insulted them.

>> No.53220748

>Live comfy
>Abandon your children
The government hates you and wants you dead.
Bring more NAFRI.

>> No.53220765

based and "think like 85 IQ nigger cattle" pilled.

>> No.53220807

The articles will either never name a specific person and only list some study. Or worse they will name "John" or some insanely obscure name like azaheks musheuchallgh so reverse searching gets fucked over

>> No.53223072

A large amount of transactions here are just cash. Or at least they were. People don’t need to live downtown anymore.
So a good amount of people don’t. They get get a house in the burbs and work at home

>> No.53223131

My house cost less at the peak of the market is a fully updated 4,300 SF Victorian in the nicest neighborhood of a major coastal city.

>> No.53223156

>white flight moves you to suburbs because downtown you get stabbed
>now you have to commute 30 minutes like the ultimate wageoid goycattle
>now its all remote
uhh white bros did we win or no?

>> No.53223165

fully remote jobs are rare. linkedin corporate had a study/post recently about ~20% of all job postings being remote during the pandemic whereas the number today is closer to ~10%. anecdotally, i work for a fortune 5 company as a fully remote wagie. my boss, however, is now being recalled to the wage cage 2 days a week. many people still have a reason to live near the DA CITY -- because mr. shekelgruber needs them in the cage a few days a week.

>> No.53223225

tell me about living in Florida
I visited for two weeks last year and it was wonderful 24/7
am I delusional in wanting to live there?

>> No.53223305

Amazing to visit, not great to live.
>rock bottom wages
>sky high cost of living
>zero public transit
>roads are terrible
>everything is massively spread out
>taxes are low for a reason (no public services whatsoever)
>education system ranks near the bottom
>hot year round (could be good or bad depending on your point of view)

Lots of other drawbacks. If you're nearing retirement age, it's perfect. If you're a working adult and especially if you're a young professional, there are much better places. I grew up in Tampa and it's been really interesting to see how many of my friends growing up, myself included, have left.

>> No.53223339

>I grew up in Tampa and it's been really interesting to see how many of my friends growing up, myself included, have left.
I'll note that most people ive talked to intend to come back at some point, but it's unlivable at the current rate unless you're living at home w/ parents.

>> No.53223342

Near the city is still the Suburbs, exurbs or even the countryside. Remote work here is pretty common. Like a third of the office space here is completely empty and there is less than half the foot traffic. And that had a strong effect on the inner city.

>> No.53223377

yeah? the roads are bad on a tropical peninsula that gets hit with 3-4 hurricanes every year? shocking.

>> No.53223423


I'm willing to guess about ~20-30% of all white collar jobs now are remote or hybrid. I know plenty who are still doing it, myself included. It isn't a paradigm that is going to go away, the modern internet allows this to happen at the same level of productivity and good companies are going to take advantage of it reasonably. They can save on office space cost, as well as lower wages for those in lower CoL areas. A Bay Area company can ditch an extremely expensive office lease and pay their engineers and employees 30-40% less for the same level of work and productivity, they're going to do it.

>> No.53223425

how many people actually used that community hot tub? that's disgusting.

>> No.53223460

>A Bay Area company can ditch an extremely expensive office lease and pay their engineers and employees 30-40% less for the same level of work and productivity, they're going to do it.

the boomer executive class would sooner force everyone back into the wage cage, to fulfill their psychotic power fantasies.

>> No.53223474

It's only tolerable November through March. Horribly hot and humid after

>> No.53223495

You can always refinance to a lower rate. You cannot change your principal

>> No.53223897

I live close to him. For us it’s like 20-35% up since early-mid 2020. Down a small amount. My place went from $230k to $310k and now is down to $300k or so

>> No.53223945

In my country they often don't even mention the price. Something like "price upon consultation". What are the intents behind this?

>> No.53223968

Listed != sold you 72 hour classroom nigger

>> No.53224615

You still have 20 more years before boomers hit the average life expectancy. They will live in their paid off house until then.

>> No.53226569

Over 40% of boomers are over 65 and the average lifespan in the US is 73 years.
They're already sliding off. 20 years is when they'll mostly be dead. In 10 years the death rate will peak.

>> No.53226844
File: 446 KB, 1217x674, Shit while you eat goy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything will continue as is until the majority of boomers die off. Then the world can collapse and we can resort to slavery and cannibalism. Niggas here still won't own a home though. Not like most people can afford to do maintenance on their home. And they're too retarded to learn how to do it themselves.

>> No.53227079

gulf coast doesn't count, houstonigger

>> No.53227094

This is not one of the worst offenders if it peaked in 2016.

>> No.53227254

the first one

>> No.53227945

ngl hype to buy the dip but the dip needs to get dippier

>> No.53227971

Why don't you retards know what a principal is?

>> No.53228010

i'm only applying for remote work and they're about 20% of total job listings in my field. look, if something was done remote for 2 years, if something is "remote" for 3 days a week, just keep the fucking thing remote. boomers are hellbent on shoving us back into offices just so we can waste all our time commuting. the companies that force in office will have a smaller hiring pool and have to pay higher salaries than companies who hire remote, and will eventually die off because they don't feel like being competitive. boomers cant' see this far ahead of course. but it's a simple fact.

shoving people in offices to spite the wagies is shooting themselves in the foot. I'm happy taking a 10% salary cut to not have to step foot in an office again so long as I live.

>> No.53228042

i feel like it's divine justice that boomers were forced into wagecages their whole lives, and now have to watch millennials and zoomers shirking the cubicle yoke off so early into their careers. lol boomers must be seething mad. they will die angry.

>> No.53228067

ty anons I will keep this in mind