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53217385 No.53217385 [Reply] [Original]

Someone help me understand what the fuck just happened.
These two blocks simultaneously were filling on transactions and then both were confirmed at the same time.
How the fuck does this work? If one gets full do the transactions just move on to the next and miners just start working on that one?
This would mean hash at block 771931 was already discovered before 771930?
Please someone explain to a brainlet.

>> No.53217395

771391* apologies

>> No.53217454

on Bitcoin it takes 1 hour until the transactions are final.

>> No.53217592

27 mins since that confirm. Something weird is happening.

>> No.53217715

Hashing blocks is just picking random numbers out of a hat. Sometimes it'll take hours for a block to clear, sometimes one second. After 771390 cleared, a miner managed to guess a correct answer to the next block a second later. That's just how it is.

>> No.53217745

>This would mean hash at block 771931 was already discovered before 771930?
No, each block contains a hash of the previous block. So you can't solve 771391 till a valid solution for 771390 has been found.

>> No.53217775

>After 771390 cleared, a miner managed to guess a correct answer to the next block a second later. That's just how it is.
This is how I thought it worked
So you are telling me that once the first one was confirmed the second one was instantly discovered a split second later? What are the chances of that happening?

>> No.53217866

1 second later? something like 0.17% chance I think, about the same probability as two blocks 64 minutes apart. Theoretically anyways.

It turns out there are a handful of blocks where block #1 is timestamped as later than block #2, due to drift in the clocks between the two miners. But that's fine, since Bitcoin doesn't really know or care what time it is anyways.

>> No.53217882
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