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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53216822 No.53216822 [Reply] [Original]

We are paying women exorbitant amounts to do LITERALLY nothing.

I dont mean in the cutesie HR way of "doing nothing" I mean in the most basic sense of producing absolutely fucking nothing, not even a nonsensical Excel spread sheet.

How the fuck is this sustainable?

>> No.53216849

Ur peak dumb. The owners of these companies are so rich they just hire them to have hot bitches around all day. They know they’re useless

>> No.53216858
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>> No.53216874

If you are a man and are not planning your entire life around starting your own business you will NGMI.
Wagies are pathetic, if you are waging you should try to get as much experience as quickly as possible and then fuck off and do your own thing.

>> No.53216910

Imagine being this much of a retarded goy rat.

We use a rapidly inflating fiat currency, this isnt sustainable.

>> No.53216945

I've never understood this mindset because I can rape and beat women to death and there is literally nothing they can do about it

>> No.53217014

edgy, now make your bed faggot like mom told you to

>> No.53217046

The post I responded to was ten times edgier than the objective reality I just stated

>> No.53217097

what else would we be paying them for nerd

>> No.53217120

god dam was a beautiful ass, this is what you incels dont understand. why would i want to hear you mouth breathing at your desk when i could have a 10/10 bimbo with a cute behind walk around the office. i literally dont care about productivity, she can post on tiktok all day as long as she wears tight clothes and bends over a lot

>> No.53217152

this same anon will be crying why society doesnt function and his internet doesnt work and why water doesnt come out of his tap come 2030

>> No.53217180

Yeah no if i made 20m im gonna be perma confident knowing i cant be cancelled from waging cause i dont need to wage

>> No.53217208

>How the fuck is this sustainable?
It isn't

>> No.53217232

she isn't smiling. because she isn't happy. her existence is as empty as the do nothing, adult day care job she has.

>> No.53217260

that is a literal fat chick

>> No.53217649

Its fake

>> No.53217952

We pay most people to do literally nothing. Look up the Pareto principle and realize there are just a few, very efficient people doing the majority of the work. Everyone else is a basic parasite, and this just so happens to includ100% of women

>> No.53218041

grimace body type. bleeeeeeeeeeeeh. hit the office gym bitch!

>> No.53218123

Terrible ass. Like 4/10 my guy. Get a clue

>> No.53218174

It’s fake.

>> No.53218204

You never will. You have theoretical ability that you will never, never use. Women have actual privilege and easy mode lives. You’re a cuckold, and likely have autism

>> No.53218213
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this. good to see other bros have standards.

"fat ass" is only attractive to niggers.
give me a nice apple petite butt any day.

>> No.53218254

t. Triggered roastie or "male feminist"

>> No.53218272

You fail to see the long game. Long term children first and women second are made obsolete. Children first phase has already taken place, refer declining birthrates (yes, it was engineered). Women are next as the men will have to come to terms with the reality of their futures, meaning they will be absolutely brutal in their undertakings economically or otherwise, or get taken under by the tides hitting the people.

We all saw what happened when COVID hit. Women instinctively looked for men to protect them and quintessentially "gave up" en masse.

With automation and AI displacing current human capital needs, this is how it plays out. The only thing keeping women relevant is retards (and under this group you will find coomers, actual stupid people, and so on). Most are obsolete already, they don't even realize it yet.

20 years from now when most good tradies are gone and all that is left is a few guys who charge a fucking arm and a leg and Mexican immigrants who do shit work, you will see how things shift.

Also drop the dollar, silver and gold are the future. CBDC will be rolled out shortly. You watch

>> No.53218292

>get drunk most nights
>go into work hungover as fucking shit
>do my 6 figure analyst job to the job requirement
>do more than sober roasties, and even sober white male npcs

>> No.53218342

I work at a company that provides breakfast and has a hygiene section in the bathrooms. Even in the dudes bathrooms.

It's called not being completely retarded, this woman is probably incredibly qualified to do her job, unlike everyone in this thread.
Just try to learn something useful and you will be able to work 2 hours a day and then fuck around eating cereal and doing yoga just like this upstanding young woman.

>> No.53218360

that doesnt prop up society and make it function you nigger brained piece of shit

everyone is trying to get paid to do nothing and then acts shocked when nothing works

>> No.53218368

she seems so soulless

>> No.53218388

>can't tell arched posture from actual ass

>> No.53218391

i would like to put my weiner in between her tits with my balls slapping her chin and my butthole in her face if you know what i mean

>> No.53218411

everything is working fine, lol.
Get off the internet for a bit. Go to work, have some after work drinks with friends. Smell the coffee in the morning.
I'm making more money than I ever have in my life, working less than I ever have and I am investing every cent into fairly safe ETF and btc/eth during this bear. Everything is absolutely fine.

>> No.53218449

>everything is working fine, lol.

literal glownigger post
maybe you should get off the fucking internet for a bit and step into the real world. dont even bother responding you shill piece of shit, I already filtered you.

>> No.53218454

Ever heard of jail, faggot?

>> No.53218455

>video is about percs
>she literally just shows the percs
>"nooooo aaaaaaah such a waste of money this girl is doing nothing!!!"

She's unironically probably more qualified and a more serious worker than 90% of /biz/. Also these percs are just very smart from very smart companies, they relatively cost nothing and improve happiness of your workers by 100x

>> No.53218457

you sound some smug millennial with years of work experience. Zoomers with good grades and STEM degrees like me are having a lot of trouble getting their feet in the door with no family nepotism to help.

Things are rough, dude.

>> No.53218471

>Everything is absolutely fine.

I'm not a doomer but this is more delusional and detached from reality than even the most rabid apocalypse addict. It's impossible to believe posts like this are organic.

>> No.53218482


>> No.53218529

she can have the state or any group of men fuck you up more than you can fuck her up and theres nothing you can do about it

>> No.53218537

this girl is overrated

>> No.53218540

Now THIS is some hardcore cope.

You don't get "more fucked up" than being a raped corpse lmao

>> No.53218549

>why would i want to hear you mouth breathing at your desk when i could have a 10/10 bimbo with a cute behind walk around the office. i literally dont care about productivity
Someone has to earn the company money

>> No.53218561

would rather be dead than being in jail for the rest of my life, probably being raped too
you're coping, girls are basically bulletproof today in the western world

>> No.53218576

What a simp faggot

>> No.53218586

Only 70 IQ subhumans end up in jail for rape. Trust me on that.

>> No.53218590

Epic bro xDDD

>> No.53218601
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>girls are basically bulletproof today in the western world

does anyone on this shitty, dying board leave their bedrooms at all? like ever?

when my neighbor threw his gf into the wall and cracked her skull open Im sure she really wished she was "bulletproof"

>> No.53219041


I just had to get my foot in the door, work hard, and my hard work was rewarded. You aren't going to get a sweet job straight out of school. And its not my fault you wasted your money on expensive and useless degrees. I don't even have a degree. still working in software.

>> No.53219049

>How do I know this? I just do okay!

>> No.53219063

But he can, doesn't mean he will.
Yeah and a nigga can beat a case.
Fuck you, fag.
No cletus, I've never heard of prison, it's impossible to commit crime and get away with it, fucking hick.
Yes that was sarcasm.

>> No.53219065
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> does anyone on this shitty, dying board leave their bedrooms at all? like ever?

>> No.53219076

>another incel thread

>> No.53219114

Holy cope

>> No.53219162
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yea, I think i know what you mean

>> No.53219187

is that a stroke

>> No.53219295

thats the safe and effective vaccine in action

>> No.53219307
File: 264 KB, 2422x407, Screenshot 2022-12-11 040343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The mentally ill /pol/ /r9k/ chud is posting the same thread like every day again
Go back >>>/pol/.

>> No.53219308

Indstrial grade cope and 0 self esteem.

>> No.53219561

You're a "beautiful one" from Universe 25. Just like the rat, destined to groom yourself for the fictitious world you're stuck in.

>> No.53219748

How can any man envy a woman? I'd rather be a short balding man than a 10/10 woman, all day.

>> No.53219982

sure, and there's no shortage of male software engineering cuckolds who will sell their soul for $300k/y while they account for 80% of the productivity of their 20-person team
in fact this very place harbors those types of retards (4chan at large, /g/ especially, but even /biz/)
they act like they're "redpilled" for posting cartoon frogs and hanging out on imageboards, while they're the single biggest drivers for globohomo. without those willing high-performance slaves, the jewish system would collapse
shoot a kike before a nigger, but also shoot a software engineer before either

>> No.53220015
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>How the fuck is this sustainable?

It’s not. That’s the point. The Bad Guys’ whole game plan is to cram as much societal degeneration into western civilization as possible; to weaken us any way they can. No matter how incrementally, or the method used.

Their ultimate goal is our gradual destruction by means they are arguably not directly responsible for.

When you see these women and other diversity hires in positions they are by no means fit for - you are seeing a societal disease playing out in real time. Weakening the social structure around it, and the productivity of the institution itself.

Now imagine this playing out in every major industry and company. You’re right it can’t go on forever because eventually the host society will reach a critical level of decohesion and fail.

>> No.53220023
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>> No.53220027
File: 219 KB, 1193x1904, C3B759B1-78D0-49C3-919B-35545ED5B46C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hiring women and minorities is a small symbolic social tax that corporations pay to appease liberals into not closing real corporate tax loopholes
I work at coinbase and I just went over some of our old internal channels for blacks, gays and women. They’re all ghost towns.
Companies only pay the social tax during boom times. When the belt tightens, the deadweight flies out the door.
HR, Recruiting, DEI ancestral strongholds of blacks and women. All gone.
Honestly the disparate impact is so visible that I’m surprised no one has sued.
The fact that we’re a distributed company and no one goes into the office means you’re less likely to realize all the blacks evaporated in 2022

>> No.53220034

i haven't seen this video where can i see it?

>> No.53220035

Well stop doing it faggot