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File: 279 KB, 640x640, 125485.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53215753 No.53215753 [Reply] [Original]

The only true low cap BSC gem

>> No.53215770

would it be funny if elon tweeted the word "bonk" haha

>> No.53215816
File: 4 KB, 128x128, doge-bonker_R3_64.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the flagship BSC meme coin. You'd have to be braindead not to pickup a bag in the bear market.

>> No.53215867

BONK? Yeah Solana has been buzzing since that dropped, massive gains too.

Funny you say BSC, apparently BONK was based off some rugged shitcoin that died in 2021 on there. The chart is hilarious, baggies are absolutely fucked.

>> No.53216199

check hpos10i

>> No.53216579

Same mcap as when I bought in in oct 2021. Sold most on the way down, so big profit anyway. Been buying back in since summer 2022. Only thing I’m certain will do a miminum 100x by end of next bullrun (probably much more), if not 1000-10,000x.

>> No.53216610
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Aren't you forgetting another BSC gem?

>> No.53216686

I am known as the St Paul of D0gbat. Having once viciously fudded this coin, I sold all my QNT and XRP to buy a nice big bag of b0nk

>> No.53216718

So much yes on this.

50b EOY

This gem will be the standard one day.

>> No.53216737 [DELETED] 


>> No.53218193

What’s with the tokenokics of this? There was a $4k buy yesterday and the price didn’t price an inch. How much money needs to be poured into this shitcoin for it to pump significantly?

>> No.53218327

I will bonk my way to financial freedom

>> No.53218348

what's the sui and MA stack for this shitcoin?

>> No.53218437
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Their liquidity to market cap ratio is shit and the dev teams own like 40% of the supply kek. I mean shit liquidity is normal since that's hard to build up, but during bear markets, it makes shit toppy. That and it's pretty obvious wash trading occurred to pump the price that high. Damn faggots had to steal dogbat out of all the meme coins out there, but lowkey feels bullish that people keep stealing the bonk meme from dogbat

>> No.53218486

Safemoon v1 tokenomics. Liquidity is pretty chunky which is good in bear markets because it helps stabilize prices. During the bull, the liquidity won't catch up to the market cap, but that's normal. Also the burn tokenomics is genius i.e. burn wallet snowballs from reflections.
Fyi during the pussy 20-25k btc rally, dogbat went from like 2m market cap to like 11m in one week. During a real bullrun, this will fly really easily. Also helps that it's paired with bnb which is basically backed by the biggest exchange on the planet. Bsc casino as a whole is going to go wild. Dogbat just happens to be the safest bet.
Also idk the math as to what buys result in what percent moves. I use pancakeswap to tell me the price impact

>> No.53218497

depends on you. Use the bonkulator to find the perfect stack for you https://bonkmemes.com/bonkulator.. I have a tad under a tril. Personally hoping to be able to get a 2T stack

>> No.53218639

All batdog copycats ultimately lead people back to the OG.

>> No.53219071
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>> No.53219083
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>So much yes on this.

>> No.53219109
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I got 10 bil of which I'm down 50% , still holding brother

>> No.53219242

One thing people usually miss out on is it's tied to the price of BNB, buying dogbat itself isn't the only way to pump the price.

>> No.53219525

I picked up a cool 100b, hoping it hits $5b. This isn't my only make it coin though.

>> No.53219553

D0g3b0nk and d0b0 being blacklisted just fuels the memepower of this shitcoin.

>> No.53219587
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>> No.53219891

This coin will slow pump for the next two years then during the bullrun into the billies we go.

>> No.53220981


>> No.53221123
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>> No.53221160

why is it marking me as spam every time i say dob-0 spelled normally? wtf this is a legit coin weve been here for 2fucking years

>> No.53221264

Predictions at 20k, 30k, 60k, and 100k BTC Dobros?

>> No.53221667
File: 99 KB, 516x516, bad_doge_2 insanity-doge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your the most pathetic baggies ever. I love trolling you

>> No.53222363

Jannies don't like us laughing at their scam coins

>> No.53222517

Last night I had a dream where d0b0 exploded into a hundred million plus marketcap, with big buys and big sells coming by the second. Last time I had a dream like that I saw d0b0 loosing 90% in value. This was during the first top of the double top we had before plummeting (and didn't sell, lol). Hopefully I am a prophet and we see my dream come true in a few days.

>> No.53222557

jannies filtered a lot of things last run. can't even talk about p00c0in charts

>> No.53222736

>literal pajeet coin with zero liquidity calling anyone else pathetic

>> No.53224190
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It's better on eth

>> No.53224698

ETHD0BO is pumping now too. All of these fucking b0nk coins now. Messiah and them pumping it like the degens they are

>> No.53224782

It will go past d0b0 ath
Screencap this

>> No.53224806
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What is EOY 2023 predictions for doggy bat? We going up or down?

>> No.53224827

cant find it bros? ca?

>> No.53225105

You are lucky sir

>> No.53225212
File: 580 KB, 1484x988, Screenshot 2023-01-10 at 00.00.10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holding on to my geese and my d0gbat till bullrun

>> No.53225217

Fuck off jeets

>> No.53225237

Tongue my anus nigger nob0nker

>> No.53225262 [DELETED] 
File: 3.69 MB, 576x1024, ai1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

between October 2021 and January 2022 I paid 9000€ for my 110B
down 95%
waiting for a miracle to come in the next 5 years...

>> No.53225288

ugh fricking jeets

>> No.53225319

already rugged

>> No.53225404

Feeling threatened?

>> No.53225504

Is dog on a bat on bsc or eth im confused!

>> No.53225549

the original is on bsc
the original has been around for 2 years and dumped by 90% after the ESL dev kicked out the crew who pumped it to $200 mil marketcap

the eth one is better as it’s newer and doesn’t have street shitters who speak ebonics in charge

>> No.53225979


>> No.53225981


One : eoy - have no idea - but I will predict in the next month or two we hit a nice high (35-50 mill) and then settle in on a new floor.
Holy shit. I knew it was coming but that is legit AI animated porn gif already. Floodgates will open soon I’m sure.

>> No.53226014

I've been bonking longer than you've been on this board prudeep

>> No.53226114

Pretty much. Idk why bsc d0b jeets are seething. Its the same based d0b but on eth without cancer esl. You jeet fuck ups still have another chance at d0b

>> No.53226164

there is only one dogbat
cope harder, nobody is buying your rugpull lmao

>> No.53226173

kys, ghost bro trying to raise funds for his foot fetish. Already loaded several various wallets, I’ll dump it if it runs while I’m awake.

>> No.53226184

>meant different not various

>> No.53226223

>bsc down 98
Anon i.......

>> No.53226289

you are giving far too much credit to like 3-4 people as if they were the only ones to make memes or the only ones that shilled

>> No.53226318

down 98 what? learn english lmao

>> No.53226322
File: 497 KB, 1039x862, dogeb0nnk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This coin is guaranteed at least a 1B mcap next bullrun, but more likely 5B+ when BTC reaches new heights.

>> No.53226335

Ah yes bsc tranny niggers cant read didnt expect much.Seethe cope and dilate

>> No.53226354

also you don't have over a mil in liquidity aka it's not scalable. Big money wants liquidity so that they do not become the source of liquidity itself. Simple as. Dogbat has shown STAYING power too. BNB has more room to grow than ETH as well. Not to say eth won't have a good run, simply that bnb will have a better one. The answer is obvious. At best your knockoff will provide decent gains for a small period of time, but it will only be a quick pump and dump (which is fine for a typical shitcoin), not have the real rallies aka 9-11fig market caps.

>> No.53226356

The one that's gonna make money is on ethereum also not filtered buy $db

>> No.53226376

You're absolutely buttblasted because nobody is going to buy your rugpull cringecoin LMAO

>> No.53226386

ignore this retard
>literal poo id
You can't make this shit up

>> No.53226403

yep. LAST bullrun would have had it at 1B if btc had a typical run instead of that anti-climactic bullshit. Next ath will have more money meaning market caps will scale higher.

>> No.53226418

Okay, jeet

>> No.53226570

Looks like kek is still with the OG

>> No.53226620

That eth dobeau is up over 3x in an hour

>> No.53226905

1m market cap is a 20x from here

>> No.53227087

a lot more tokens have been burned too so the price won't have to be as high to surpass the previous market cap ATH

>> No.53227103

kek I’m pretty sure half the holders are og dobros. I’m already up 10x, kind of hoping the jeets lure in as many suckers as possible but 1m is a pipe dream, sorry to say.

>> No.53227170

also true and better yet if you added to your bag, it's even easier to reach your previous ath value i.e. I doubled my stack so only need less than half the market cap (cause of the burns) to have the same gains. Trying to double it again for 2T. Idk if I'll be able to though

>> No.53227171

EtHD0b new ath 73k and ppl still at work.
I love all d0br0s

>> No.53227196

the ath was like 250m
what would it be now then?

>> No.53227198

>kind of hoping the jeets lure in as many suckers as possible
Well at least you're honest about your scam

>> No.53227393

I think our burns were at 38% at the ath. Maybe. They currently are at 43.8%, though technically it's probably closer to 45% when taking dead whale wallets into account i.e. wallets that haven't moved in over 600 days (3 of the top 10 are like this). Some in the top 10 haven't moved in 300-400 days, but I am skeptical to call those inactive.
I'm too lazy to do the algebra, but you can sort of guestimate with: https://bonkmemes.com/bonkulator?stack_size=1000000000000

500= 50% burn

>> No.53227419
File: 21 KB, 963x119, Screenshot_2023-01-11_22-07-58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao I bought back in after selling more than 400 days ago
absolute state of bagholders

>> No.53227423

it’s on eth not your esl monkey chain
there’s a reason every memecoin under the sun pumps to $1 billion market cap on ethereum but on bnb rugs after it reaches $200

>> No.53227511

You're a retard if you think the knockoff is going to 1b LOL. Ngl, I bought a small bag from left over eth I had that I barely realized was there today and legit would have bought at 10k market cap if I knew it was there sooner, but this knockoff will only be good for a quick p&d. Not 9-11 fig market cap. I'll sell 80% after a 5x for the REAL dogbat and leave the remaining 20% in case I'm wrong aka to prevent getting salty, but my biggest bet is the OG for multiple reasons hence why I have nearly 10k in that which is a lot for a shitcoin.

>> No.53227515

lol I am buying the one on ethereum too now

>> No.53227567

Based gmi

>> No.53227629

Invested in pumped and dumped esl shitcoin on jeet chain ngmi

>> No.53227630

dog bat is going to make it 1B mc will happen and I would be shocked if this thing doesn't reach at least 3-5B. Anything past that is anyone's guess.

>> No.53227663

Yeah if Solana recovers to ATH I can see it happening, so many newcomers getting in on BONK that it could have a doge-like movement over the next 2 years

>> No.53228215

same plan, jeets piling into the clone will get rekt this week, but I bought the clone so early I’ll just plow and jeet money into the original. It might not survive the night unfortunately, when volume dies because people are sleeping, enthusiasm fades. Ugly chart, selling, the end.

>> No.53228373
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$DB still has a nice chart therefore its better

>> No.53228518

I came and i bonketh.

>> No.53228686

Yes hehe

>> No.53228719

Maybe i just buy little more

>> No.53228734

You just know it will pump bc the jeet copies are once again coming out. Feeling comfy af with my 1 trilly

>> No.53228801

Would've had 1b if the dev and his gemhunter friend didn't dump you mean
But don't worry they've bought back in at the bottom. I'm sure they won't do the exact same thing. Don't forget to go shill, tweet and post on reddit, make memes, all that good shit because the dev said he won't return until the next bullrun. Your working not only for free but to get dumped on again kek

>> No.53228823

lmao delusional cope
how heavy are your bags fren? why do you marry bags?

>> No.53228888

You're gonna die poor for not understanding market cycles. Btc shat and took down the whole market. That's what killed the momentum
Considering I got in before the run aka during mid october and considering ho I doubled my stack, I'm basically at break even with my dogbat stack (sitting at 1t). Only retard don't see the potential in this. Stay poor

>> No.53228898

>dev dumps
>hodlers hodl
Many such cases

>> No.53229568

idk everybody who has been here for more than 2 years has literally seen exactly similar shitcoins a thousand times. This coin is not special, it is really not. You might as well talk about safe tr00n, mcdc or w/e
Just get out after you made some x, or even per cents
What's so hard about that??

>> No.53230153

this one's different

>> No.53230384

Want to bet that it won't outperform ETH 6 month in the future?

>> No.53230439

bought a hundred dollars worth. fuck it, lets see where this goes.

>> No.53230482

That's why I hold both. btw dubs and you're wrong

>> No.53230610

>all these jeet copycats shitting up the entire general
Bullrun's restarting isn't it.

>> No.53230674

Le echo bubble. Casino is back in the menu for a few days at least lmao.

>> No.53231051

I have 6 bil, how much more to make it?

>> No.53231064


wtf get 100 b more you'll 50b prophecy is a meme dude buy more

>> No.53231333

>urinary bladder
it's piss isn't it

>> No.53231406

I've been here since 2018 and yes, this shitcoin is special, faggot

>> No.53231436
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What will $1000 get me?

>> No.53231446

Dog garbage was 2020 shit, get with the times grandpa

>> No.53231447

liquidity value is too high to ever pump again

sorry baggos

>> No.53231504

That's the opposite of how it works

>> No.53231537

Even during the weak btc dead cat bounce from 20k to 25k, this was STILL able to 5x in a week's time. Liquidity is what helps coins survive. NGMI

>> No.53231617


would could should
you don't live in the real world
touch grass

>> No.53231627

..the fuck kind of argument is that? Cope harder

>> No.53232564

kys pink ID faggot

>> No.53232645

This true

>> No.53232883

What's the make it and suicide stack in dollar terms for this shit? I might buy...
Shill it to me, anons

>> No.53232960

100b make it

>> No.53232980

For your ideal stack, use the link here: >>53227393
Main reasons why I'm bullish
1. Trend setter. People keep copying dogbat.
2. Liquidity pool. Chunky = higher scalability i.e. big money doesn't want to be the source of the liquidity
3. Liquidity pool to market cap ratio makes this a safe level to buy. This ratio will not last once it goes parabolic.
4. BNB still has room to grow. It's peak last bullrun was 100b. Eth's peak last bullrun was 500b. Next bullrun when btc is making new aths, market caps of everything will scale higher meaning chances are bnb is going to hit 4 figs per coin aka paired with a strong coin
5. bsc casino is guaranteed to come back next bullrun and of all the bsc shitcoins, dogbat is the most obvious bet just by the staying power it has demonstrated and again, liquidity it has built

>> No.53233973 [DELETED] 

was good on BSC.

but its better on ETH now. lol.


>> No.53233999

Pink ID is back after an ID swap.

>> No.53234334
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This guy has been attached to like 4-5 pump and dumps. How the fuck is him being attached to a project a positive?

>> No.53234355

what is it that makes dogbat the most seethable yet copycat riddled coin in all of crypto? floors is lurking, end of

>> No.53234360

anyone know another coin thats more copied and hated than og bsc dogbat? asking for me

>> No.53234370

bullish end of

jannies faggots liars jews all of you can tongue my pits nigger faggot psyop glowie nigger scumbags

>> No.53234385

hence the "baggie" argument because apparentyl a few mill mcap coin is bound to be riddled with exit liq shlls, imagine, the tens of thousands of dogbat holders just want to get out with 20 percent tops of their initial investment, desperately, on 4chan.

the psyops against my dog are beyond words it goes beyond derangement syndrome

>> No.53234396

someone name me one coin that has been copied like dogbat, one coin, bitcoin doesn't count because essentially every coin other than btc is a copycat

>> No.53234442

yeah silence and crickets nigger glowies 50b eoy

this year

baggie chadbag mcliarkilling scumdestroying uberman macbaggie signing out loading my magazines to dump on ghostbro (I know you read this you alps hoppin ski runnin coward ass yellow belly homosexual fraudulent fuckface retard did CZ not humble you enough? die in a fire in the afterlife fren you are too slick and cowardly to get beat to death by real men like me here and now)

>> No.53234471

imagine being that guy

hey I am ex dev that wasted 100k to literal pajeets that did nothing buy my meme coin

the levels of schizophrenia in that gaywad is unmatched in any man I've ever seen just look at his twitter I woudnt be surprised if he and his literal buttmutalmasturbating (because homosex is literally a hoax only a man and woman can fuck) frens made all of these clones. pajeets arent that smart. this spooky boy is smart but like dumb chaotic evil smart like think joker if he wasnt a lovable oaf just a sheer homosexual deviant retard moneygrabbing scumbag

>> No.53234487

Get your shitty bot under control JFC

>> No.53234490
File: 51 KB, 512x512, 6540034B-ABF6-4592-8C09-63E4D61315B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So he’s like a Jew?

>> No.53234497

imagine being gifted with the villain perk in life, which is of course also a curse, yet your main function is to syphon attention and money from OG dogbat into your copycat so you can plug your butt with more cock.

I will die a happy man if these homosexual freaks keep me from making degen crypto money because I know what I'm made of and its honesty, gambling and soul

can these fingerbanging anal having poop lickers say the same if they reached crypto rock bottom (lol bottom, dont get too excited ghostbro no pun intended XD)

>> No.53234513

Bsc LP to fat, a lighter dog with a bat has appeared.

>> No.53234524


this guy literally fingers anuses and calls it normal no joke just watch him talk

>> No.53234531

hey guys another coin on the market excuse me while I wash my hands of poop from fingering mens buttholes I am a homosexual thats literally what he said no joke just read it again and picture that

>> No.53234536


brain to big to type

>> No.53234547

yeah well penis to big to sell dogbat on the binance chain bub sorry you're a fiending for anal prolapse homosexual freak thats just the way the cookie crumbles good luck with your lies and dying damaged cursed retarded rectum

>> No.53234648

This thing is itching to go places after being cloned twice from its own shadow, also managing to survive the worst of the bear market, god knows how or why.

>> No.53234727

Binance has 2 cards that they can play that will engrave its position as the biggest and most dominant exchange of all time.

Step 1. Restoring LUNC to its former glory by burning it once all the technical issues has been resolved. This will mint a wave of new millionaires and LUNC will be known as the coin CZ saved while LUNC is being used actively in tons of Dapps.

2. With LUNC restored and it being back in the top 10 rankings along with BNB, Binance now needs a memecoin on the BSC network that also has to be in the top 10. And that coin will be dog with a bat. It has survived the test of the time and while all other shitcoins died, dog with a bat somehow remains alive.

This is the trinity CZ is working on to make Binance the biggest exchange of all time until the end of crypto.

BNB, LUNC and dog with a bat

>> No.53234775


GraphLinq Protocol

Check what is inside DUDE

It will be huge in next bull run.
Literally free money

>> No.53234974

Is CZ even aware of this coin?

>> No.53235258

I hold both LUNC and dogbat but I'm not so bullish to think that CZ cares about dogbat

>> No.53235271

he called out scampump so it's possible. Not likely he'll acknowledge it unless we do some BIG numbers.

>> No.53235750

Holding 300bn...will i make it bros?

>> No.53237262
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Yes, it's garunteed. The funny thing about dog bat threads is that even fudders hold it or are fudding their own bags. The success of this coin is written in the fabric of space time. Patience is key.

>> No.53237329
File: 1.62 MB, 667x500, 1673279444678769.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

phew. we have a padjeet shitcoin thread. crypto and biz is not dead yet.

>> No.53237335

This coin will pump so much.

>> No.53238269

>eth scam already rugging

>> No.53238399

not a rug, just back and forth with unsteady hands who hoped for SOL-like run. give it 10 days.

>> No.53238426

dudes who made that are no better than indian tech scammers
dogbat embodies the best of memecoins, those guys are the worst part about crypto, just scamming people and moving on to the next scam within a month.

>> No.53238441
File: 96 KB, 1280x1005, dogebånk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

50B eoy checkem

>> No.53238615

Why are you "people" euphoric when your coin can't even reach 5 mil market cap after bitcoin pumped?

>> No.53238649

i think you mean realistic.

>> No.53238675

It 5xd when btc went from 20-25k in a bullrun and has bullish liquidity. Not everything goes up 100x in a day, zoom zoom. Your attention span is shit. Moral of the story, we're not in a bull market yet. In a bull market, bsc casino will come back and this will moon hard. 5x rally ain't shit and that was during a weak dead cat bounce for btc

>> No.53238697

>in a bullrun
*during the bear market

>> No.53238722

Wow, such cope. Who pays you to write this nonsense?

>> No.53238734

That's not an argument. Try again

>> No.53238774

I'm not arguing with your bullshit lmao. Try harder, nerd. Keep begging people for exit liquidity. Fun fact, I bought in October of 2021 and sold in November

>> No.53238794

you're fucking retarded
based and true

>> No.53238808

Oh I'm the retard? Who is the one stuck holding bags indefinitely

>> No.53238858

The fuck kind of argument is that? Imagine telling that to me when I held btc at 3k during the covid crash in 2020. Jackasses like you lack the foresight to hold in the red due to lack of testosterone aka peak fear. You lack the ability to analyze basic shit. I bet you don't even know dogbat's liquidity either. Do you know what a liquidity pool is even?

>> No.53239406

looks like the clone dumped another 40% today devs cashing out

>> No.53239670

nah bro, I sold at 10x or something like that (could've sold at 100x but got greedy) but this one is nothing like MCDC, etc. Those lasted months, dogbat is still there, half death for sure, but still there. I feel tempted on putting some money there again just in case.

>> No.53239763

Always has been
also checked

>> No.53239870

yeah that would be hilarious haha imagine if he did that and we broke ath in one day haha that would be so crazy haha

>> No.53239888

fuck QNT, you're gonna make it my melanin enriched brother

>> No.53239901

based, great tl;dr analytics. enjoy this (You) :^)

>> No.53239918

floors was a janny

>> No.53240047

lmao holy fucking based
kek blesses you

>> No.53240075

trips of truth