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53213120 No.53213120 [Reply] [Original]

I know this is obvious for almost everyone with a brain, but I will say it for the idiots and newfags:
ICP is a scam.
ICP is a VC scam sold to insiders for 3 cents and released on exchanges to the public for $400. The founders tried to blame FTX for this, but they had no real proof and most ICP shills still claim it is true. Massive red flag.

Now moving on to ICP shitcoins and NFTs. These are obviously also a scam. They all have shitty edits and memes with pepe and piss and other cringey shit to trick newfags into thinking its "based and redpilled" or something. They use edgy humor and other tactics, but these projects are 100% scams. Most of them are just TG jeets trying to make a quick buck off retards on twitter and /biz/. If you fall for these, you are probably too retarded to be investing money in anything.

If you don't believe me, join one of their TGs. The most cancerous scams ever shilled on this site. Can't wait until ICP goes to zero and all the scammer jeets on it lose their pitiful life savings. ICPajeets need not reply.

>> No.53213168

I hold ICP and agree
Please for the love of God give us one technical discussion like in 21 instead of spamming shitcoins and nfts you piss brained moonman disciples

Icp baggies will counter that they’re trying to stop newfags buying icp so make their shilling deliberately shit and playing epic 4d chess

You, xrp and link baggies deserve each other you window licking retards

I only have 2% of my holdings in icp so no big loss

>> No.53213204
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>> No.53213259
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rename your files again raj

>Please for the love of God give us one technical discussion
immediately get spammed by OP who has been spamming this board with fud for at least 8 months now

>> No.53213308

It's funny, you cry about "fud" while shilling literal scams as ICP drops 50% every week.
It looks like I was right all along and you were, are, and always will be, wrong.

On a side note, I am not "raj" the ICP scammer. I am just trying to keep retarded anons from giving indians like you their money.

>> No.53213378
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>It's funny, you cry about "fud" while shilling literal scams as ICP drops 50% every week.

you sound autistic as shit whoever you are. what bags do you hold? AVAX? Nice it performed worse than icp last year, even though it's super legit and not a scam like icp which is only worth $0.03 sell now it's only worth 3 cents sell now 3c dom basterd scammer vc scam i cant pump bla bla bla

>> No.53213419

whats the deal with the ai virus thing?

>> No.53213435

I think only chuds hold that coin

>> No.53213444

Holy fucking seethe. You fucked up and bought a scam. You fucked up and bought a scam and STILL refuse to acknowledge that you did so. That is pathetic in the highest degree.

Most people when they make mistakes they learn from them. You double down and continue to lose, simply to protect your fragile ego. I've told ICPajeets this same thing 1000 times and everyday I am proven right and you are proven wrong.
Oh but no, it's a giant conspiracy. Everyone is colluding solely to ruin your life! Grow the hell up.

>> No.53213447

If it can't pump then how did it get to $300+

>> No.53213498

October 3rd jesus fucking christ this man has no life.

>> No.53213503
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There is a Vishnu in the blockchain ser

>> No.53213509

If you bought last week when it broke out of a falling wedge when I told your all in multiple threads I created then you would be up 10% like me. But no you memed wirh
>its over
Same with GRT that had a similar break out.

>> No.53213542

Wow, a 10% climb after a 99% drop. You must be rich!
You would have been better off buying SOL, now that's depressing. Keep shilling your jeet scams on ICP though, you might make up all the money you've lost thus far.

>> No.53213549
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>Holy fucking seethe. You fucked up and bought a scam. You fucked up and bought a scam and STILL refuse to acknowledge that you did so. That is pathetic in the highest degree.


sounds like you are projecting. I'm bagholding icp but my average price is around $10 not $400. Your FUD applies to the entirety of crypto. How many fucking jeets are scamming using other chains? I think deep down you resent yourself for buying it and want it to fail because you'll never ever ever buy back in and if it succeeds you'll be seething for eternity

>> No.53213579

but you've posted that falling wedge thread for more than 8 months.

>> No.53213626

Can you elaborate and is it on icp or is icp a barricade to it? I can't tell if you are joking or am I missing an inside icp joke I hold a little but not even a sui stack.

>> No.53213668

>sounds like you are projecting. I'm bagholding icp but my average price is around $10 not $400.
I have literally been laughing at the VC scam since launch. During the moonman shilling. During in arkham report. During all the times so new "insider" came along claiming it was going to $1000 eoy. And I'm still laughing. I'm laughing because I know your average is above what you say, and you're lying to save face. ICP has been the biggest joke in crypto since launch, and literally every single person in crypto has been laughing at you the entire time. Go into any general and ask them their opinions on ICP.

>Your FUD applies to the entirety of crypto.
Only the VC scams that retards like (you) buy

>I think deep down you resent yourself for buying it and want it to fail because you'll never ever ever buy back in and if it succeeds you'll be seething for eternity
I never bought it, and it won't ever succeed. You're so deluded you think ICP actually has a future. How pathetic. You just wish I was some buttblasted baggy (like you) and when ICP magically moon you'll finally beat me, but that won't ever happen. I've decisively won and you have been completely and utterly annihilated. You could save yourself by selling, but I know you won't. You're too delusional, the new age of XRP bagholding.

>> No.53213712
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Vishnu takes many forms. Animal, monkey, bear, man, but also he lives on the internet computer

>> No.53213758

>99% drop
Don't care. This is your 1st cycle. I can tell. I have been buying crypto for the 1t time since 2017. It's normal for coins to be 90+% down at this point you retarded newfag. Buy low and sell high.

>> No.53213788

Crypto is a scam and you are bickering about a single project because you lost money due to FUD.

>> No.53213809

Yeah okay newfag. If you were actually around during 2017, you would've known that most shitty projects from then are completely dead and never significantly pumped again. Go look at AMB, that's your future. Buy low sell lower!

>> No.53213850

Not everyone got their anus destroyed by crypto like you. Don't tell me... Did you invest in ICP too?

>> No.53213986
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>I never bought it, and it won't ever succeed. You're so deluded you think ICP actually has a future. How pathetic. You just wish I was some buttblasted baggy (like you) and when ICP magically moon you'll finally beat me, but that won't ever happen. I've decisively won and you have been completely and utterly annihilated. You could save yourself by selling, but I know you won't. You're too delusional, the new age of XRP bagholding

>> No.53214013

bro just post what you bought. Come on we all know you got fucked in the ass it's healthy to admit it like we are. You can keep buying or not but it launched 18 months ago and the vc dumping actually isn't cratering the price like you guys hoped

>> No.53214049

Ok ICP is a scam so what? Did you just create this thread because you care about us falling into it? You sound scared and angry.

>> No.53214199

>gets btfo so he has to resort to posting basedjaks
You're so stupid it's honestly a bit sad to watch.

>no u
You need to go back. Maybe all the ICPajeets are just tourists after all.

And another ICPajeet parroting the "everyone is afraid of ICP" narrative. Spoiler alert: We are all just laughing at you. You're a joke.

>> No.53214423

I was just at church and Jesus told me $1000k eoy 2025

>> No.53214557
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>> No.53216018

Ah, the Internet Computer (ICP), 'tis a tale of wonder and magic.

In a land far, far away, there existed a powerful sorcerer who wielded great control over the flow of information. But the sorcerer's power was built upon the foundations of an ancient and crumbling castle, one that was prone to breaches and attacks.

One day, a group of brave and ambitious young wizards set out to overthrow the sorcerer and build a new, stronger fortress to house the flow of information. And so, they did. They crafted a new realm, built upon the latest and most advanced magicks of blockchain technology.

And lo! The Internet Computer was born. A land where the information flows freely and securely, where the power is decentralized and distributed among all its citizens. Where applications could run with unprecedented speed and scale. Where smart contract can be executed without the need of intermediaries.

But beware! As with any new land, there may be dragons and other dangers lurking. The Internet Computer is still new and uncharted territory. But the brave wizards who built it continue to work tirelessly, ever vigilant for any threats. And so, the future of the Internet Computer remains uncertain, but the potential of this new realm is great.

>> No.53216076

Icp is not a scam

>> No.53216144

Very convincing argument.

>> No.53216162

Saw this on Popular threads and im here to chime in and say. If you still have anything in crypto you're a fucking idiot who deserves to be parted from you money.

>> No.53216242

Well there’s 6 yrs of research and development through string labs and then Dfinity you could take a quick fucking look at.
But since that’s too hard for you,
Then my second argument is to point out that you’re an insufferable faggot.

>> No.53216414

>Well there’s 6 yrs of research and development through string labs and then Dfinity you could take a quick fucking look at.
This doesn't mean anything, they haven't done anything substantial or important

>Then my second argument is to point out that you’re an insufferable faggot.
Sounds like cope from an angry baggy. Also not an argument.

>> No.53216897

It’s means everything you disingenuous faggot. Icp tech is the best in the space and the ONLY model that will successfully scale in size, be fast enough for real world adoption. Be cryptographically unbreakable, and most important USEFUL! you’re just a fucking retard, post your shit tier good goy coin so I can slowly explain to you why it won’t make it in an Icp world. Dummy. The worst part about you is: you think you’re a smart guy- but you’re the same midwit faggot that’s literally too dumb to see the use cases of Icp. Like lmao, what a joke.

>> No.53216950
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In 2 years ICP hit 1k and half this board will rope.... other half will be rich af

>> No.53216959
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Based defender of the piss

>> No.53217177

This is the one true prophesy of biz. It was written100yrs before the dinosaurs. Icp is the way.

>> No.53217304

where my fellow wiztards at

>> No.53217622
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Checked. Sneedem and readem.

>> No.53219170

your life is the scam and you should kill yourself