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53211794 No.53211794 [Reply] [Original]

Why is it worthless? It has no industrial application and it certainly isn't an hedge against inflation like Bitcoin. What exactly is the purpose of boomer rocks?

>> No.53211833
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Btw at least bsv can do microtransactions and smart contracts. Btc is trash.

>> No.53211869

i think he's talking bout legit GLD

>> No.53214389

People shill gold so retards become eternal holders, die, gold is lost forever thus raising gold prices for the Rockefellers

>> No.53214413

Because people are retarded and see value in shiny things.
Gold is just a rich people meme now. That's why they eat it.

>> No.53214419

>no industrial application

You wouldn’t be communicating like this(pc,cellphone,satellites,cables)if not for gold.

>> No.53214963

It’s scarcity and guaranteed demand as a luxury good in the long term.

>> No.53215286

Ask all the Central Banks and major governments that are stacking gold at record rates. Just stupid boomers who don't know anything about global finance?

>> No.53215307

gold (and silver) are actually pretty magical. if they were as common as iron, literally every thing would be made of them. every door knob, every pot and pan, every piping.

>> No.53215311

And every single empire in the history of humanity.

>> No.53215320

Gold is God's money and can't be faked

>> No.53215323

The fed hasn't bought any gold for decades, and if they wanted it they would just take it from baggies like they did last time

>> No.53215324

silver is where it’s at. technology relies on it. gold is just a currency backer.

>> No.53215450

because gold wont rust and decay like other metals?

>> No.53215465
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>> No.53215517

What is the nigger of metals and why?

>> No.53216030

gold is corrosion reistant, blocks radiation, silver is anti bacterial, both conduct electricity. i am sure there are some amazing alloys that havnt even been discovered yet because the two metals are so precious

>> No.53216083
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The Fed isn't a bank but that's a different disscusion...

The ones stacking the most gold have actually been the individual state banks of European nations. They're also seemingly spreading the bullion around to other Euro banks with lower reserves, proportional to their economic footprint. Presumably this is because Europe has been itching to get out from under the USD since 1945, and no one on earth would be stupid enough to trust the buying power of the Yuan.

>> No.53218027
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there's a reason most central banks hold gold, and why the eastern block is hoarding gold.
If you revalue your central bank gold you can effectively backstop a sovereign debt crisis. This is something most people never have thought of.

>> No.53218052

Gold and silver is the key to make the next techbased industrial revolution 2.0 occur in our life time, but zoomers are too retarded to realise.

>> No.53218102
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Just leaving this here.

>> No.53218145

goldbugs usually hate central banks, is the PM investment thesis *really* "the central banks whom I loathe for not pumping my bags will pump my bags"?

>> No.53218159

No it’s that precious metals and precious metals equities historically make up 2% of all portfolios globally on average, but right now it’s less than .5%. A return to mean would mean a tripling of demand.

>> No.53218185

You accounted for the emergence of a new asset class in crypto in that figuring, right?

>> No.53218225
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All value is subjective, so anything can be rationalized to be valueless. But in terms of historical perception of tangible value, nothing is more consistent than gold. At no time in the past thousands of years of civilization has gold been worthless or not seen as money. It only had cosmetic application throughout most of that per-industrial history.

You don't really get it until you hold it, but as soon as you do, you truly feel as though you are actually holding money. In a world where most "wealth" is intangible and theoretical, it is truly special to feel real money. It has less direct economic mobility and requires a safe place unlike currency and is slow in growth unlike other investments, but I truly think everyone should have some gold. God knows if this house of cards clown world economy ever does collapse, things quickly default back to a economic reality and what a person can touch and feel. So it's a good bit of diversification to have. And that diversification isn't real if you're buying it on paper or holding it in an exchange or bank.

>> No.53218226

cryptos largest ever market cap was a couple trillion, a fraction of gold alone nevermind silver

>> No.53218238

Crypto is nothing, it's an idea that can't even be used to build anything. There is no revolution, just mitwits and their greed

>> No.53218343

In its first decade it became a trillion dollar asset class and you're downplaying that?
Whether it is a genuine revolution or not remains to be seen, point is that it diverts capital and perhaps more importantly, attention away from PMs. Congrats though: you're no longer the craziest person in the proverbial room.

>> No.53218803

no cretin. i am disputing the idea that gold and silver lost market share to crypto. crypto has never been even a quarter of the mcap of gold nevermind stole 75% of it.

>> No.53218824

yes, PMs are the original ponzi meme scam used to condition and trick people into giving away useful things and services in exchange for a rock, because the chieftain/king/emperor who owned the mines said it was valuable and killed people for it

>> No.53218846

You can understand this in the valuation of platinum. Platinum has better properties than gold, it's much scarcer than gold, it's even shinier than gold, but because the mines could not be easily monopolized and no empire could easily establish a network effect and scampump with their platinum monopoly, it never achieved gold's market value

>> No.53218855

Hello, King Midas.

>> No.53218895

Physical is one of the comfiest assets to hold. Literally buy it and forget it. But only after you have one of those sigma detectors .

>> No.53218957

>if this house of cards clown world economy ever does collapse, things quickly default back to a economic reality and what a person can touch and feel.
Yes, it will go back to bartering. Why would people want shiny rocks? I understand silver, but gold is just a collector's item.

>> No.53218978

>Why is it worthless? It has no industrial application
But it does.

>> No.53218989

where did you get that chart ?

>> No.53218992

>ponzi meme scam
You have no idea what a ponzi scheme is, don't you.

>> No.53218997

>shiny rocks?
Metal, you dumb ass, you're think of ore being the rock.

>> No.53219691
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>he's shit posting something that his phone have in it in order for it to even do the black magic for him to shit post