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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5321168 No.5321168 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/

Anon here that told you to buy HST yesterday morning. I haven't forgotten about you! I will keep everyone on this board updated with any other news that come out.

>partnered already with the UN
>working with SAP
>working with a state in America
>in talks with many institutions, announcements soon
>hiring a seasoned CEO (name unannounced) to run the company
>small MC
>stuck on a backwards exchange
>new exchanges in Jan

Recent AMA - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvytGUls_bw [Embed] [Embed]

Token dynamics - https://medium.com/horizonstate/horizon-state-token-mechanics-104af1dd26bd

UN partnership - https://www.smartcompany.com.au/startupsmart/news-analysis/voting-blockchain-startup-horizon-state-locks-partnership-united-nations-gears-partnerships/



Free tokens worth $20k USD today, and potentially $100k by EOY18.

Don't miss out!

>> No.5321208

looks like booboo

>> No.5321239

Yeah I bought yesterday, cheers for the tip anon. I'm going to stay long on this one though.

>> No.5321249

> tfw biz actually makes a good call

>> No.5321310
File: 121 KB, 960x946, hst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, it's only up 2.5x from yesterday morning, and continued to grow all through the night and today...

EOY $2-3 USD, EO18 $8-10 or I pull a McAfee

>> No.5321337

new signal discordd

>> No.5321495

Where do I get this coin? I m not touching Etherdelta

>> No.5321521

Kucoin is the best place to get this right now for sure.

>> No.5321864

Screencapped but please stop shilling, i'm not done accumulating.

>> No.5322740

Ive accumulated as much as my portfolio will allow so i can start replying in HST threads. We're all gonna make it anons.

>> No.5322799

You've had a month to accumulate... wtf have you been doing this whole time? It was 32 cents a few days ago.

>> No.5322826

I almost god FUD into selling 2 days ago, but ED is such a shit exchange I kept them. I believed in the project but I wanted to rebuy lower.

Clearly, that would have been a terrible idea.

All my HST is in MEW now and just chilling for a year at least.