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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53211360 No.53211360 [Reply] [Original]

>another townhouse development!
>another luxury apartment development!

>> No.53211375

Why do you care?

>> No.53211447

Because they never build affordable developments, only “luxury” style studios and pods

>> No.53211465

How can I go through my life never caring about this but it somehow affects you?

>> No.53211466

why do people live in apartments. my house isn't that great, but at least I'm paying $ towards an asset vs lining mr shekelsteins pockets

>> No.53211604

This it's either forcing you to pay for the "luxury" or vinyl floor or the real affordable apartments are for section 8 drug dealers.

>> No.53211629

only 1.8 million for a cell block.

>> No.53211669

not all of us live in chudville where average wages are $25,000 and plywood boxes are $55,000.

>> No.53211744

Id you cant afford to live outside of chudville then why do you? Why not move in to where you belong

>> No.53211843

wtf I want to buy a rental property in chudville

>> No.53211855

the real concern is what the fuck is going to happen to the planet when everything is an apartment complex

>> No.53211872

Since we will never own the underlying land, those of us that got deals in chudville will have or hoa fees adjusted accordingly so that the landlords maximize their income/sqft.

>> No.53211911
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>Bro just move away to Chudville where there's no money and no connections to conduct business
Not all of us are NEETs anon, some of us are /biz/ness men

>> No.53211916

>tfw realize it's $200/mo for lawn care and snow removal at chudville in their miniscule yards and driveways.

I've got some phone calls to make I think I've got a new "side hustle" chud bros.

>> No.53212487

>lawn care and snow removal costs $2400 a year because if you own a home you HAVE to pay a contractor to do the work
nope. i am a home owner. let me tell you how it works. i never water my lawn so i never need to mow it. i don't care about snow. i walk or drive through it as needed.
cope seeth and dilate rentranny
you will never own a real house