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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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53206369 No.53206369 [Reply] [Original]

Can't scale and is lead by an actual autistic weirdo

>> No.53206397

Check the weekly chart nigger faggot

>> No.53206403
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price won't fix that it can't scale and therefore will eventually die you retard. but sure, another pew ponzi pumps are definitely in the cards

>> No.53206408

thanks just bought 100k

>> No.53206493
File: 76 KB, 500x500, 22insanity-doge.com freedom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the stablecoins run on it. Even centralbanks are into this. Also everything that's good is a copy of it. Don't think this is right. I'm bullish

>> No.53206517

What's the mETHhead cope for the insane fees ever since the last bull run? Way higher than the Bitcoin fees they used to complain about, and in fact right now they're still higher on average right now.

>> No.53206546

i don't understand what's the point of these bait posts
the OP airdrop was what, 1 year ago now? sorare has had hundreds of thousands of users for boomer sports
basically, the most normalfaggot of all normalfags knows about rollups. in the sense that even if they don't understand the technology, they're using it for subpennies and it works
it would take an absolute mongoloid, and i'm talking the kind of mouthbreather who holds all his crypto on a centralized exchange, to put his entire neet savings into a tech stack and understand even less about it than the unironical 95iq goysports fan
this isn't 2018 or even 2020. nobody is buying this anymore

>> No.53207195
File: 136 KB, 748x748, 61BF00D1-FF29-4E1D-8F5E-A6CA63B5B772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> bitcoin
- promotes building faster better chips and hardware
- helps energy network, green producers with too much energy can use extras to mine.
- mining means open network permission less.
- etc etc
so Bitcoin makes the world advance faster and helps the physical world.

>> ETH
- the rich stake eth and get more eth because they have eth.
- we burn now so the rich get even more rich by doing absolutely nothing just sit on their eth
- banking 2.0 digital boogaloo

>> No.53207291

i never understood how someone can look at this picture and think that top is a more decentralized network.

>> No.53208126

Use l2

>> No.53209213

0.008% yearly inflation rate, nigga.


Bitcoin's is 1.716%.

>> No.53209322

This thread was made by a seething ethkiller bagholder. He seethes because he knows Ethereum is superior and his investments are down massively more than ETH. Just accept the loss and join us sooner rather than later.