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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53193757 No.53193757 [Reply] [Original]

>united states
>half of it is desert
>hot climate
>yellow stone volcano ready to spill dangerous glass ash all over the country any time
>places with decent climate gets destroyed by hurricanes
>soil is poisoned
>dollar slowly going to zero for real
>hated by the majority of the world
>99% of their companies are useless or a net negative for humanity
>manufacturing a weak generation and exporting the mindset everywhere
>so hated it has to rely on its army to protect it which will end up being unaffordable after the dollar dies
why is the us supposed to be a good country to invest in again?

>> No.53193787

we're the leading exporter of nigger culture. you can never kill us.

>> No.53193789
File: 55 KB, 326x327, Burgers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why is the us supposed to be a good country to invest in again?

>> No.53193834

Think of how much farm.land will be available after Yellowstone releases that hot jizz all over that barren land. Our kids kids will be happy Yellowstone killed liberals in Cali to make way for better land

>> No.53193882

>muh heckin libruls
hey retard it's going to cover most of the midwest in ash as well.

>> No.53193893

And? Problem?

>> No.53193911

the entire country will starve, if it still exists at the time of eruption

>> No.53193944

And? Problem?

>> No.53193963

>the entire country will starve
Umm based?