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53189428 No.53189428 [Reply] [Original]

>So, anon.
>How was your childhood?
>What was your biggest win or high?
>What was your biggest loss or low?
>Is this some kind of replacement for love, you think? When you boil it down to the most basic level of it all.
>What would you say is the most important lesson you've learned?

>> No.53189458

>Shit childhood
>biggest win was anons on /biz/ giving me 35k
>biggest loss was holding it down to nothing
>no idea what this question means, love between humans doesn't exist
>when I die don't go into the light, I have no intention of being reborn into this shit planet.

>> No.53189512

>white parents that act like the stereotypical asian parents (strict home rules, little access to popular media, couldnt relate with peers, tutoring outside of school, social isolation), socially handicapped due to this
>biggest win: locking down an asian gf/wife in high school
>biggest loss: nearly got tranny groomed early in high school
>replacement for love?: its a replacement for my parents jewing me over when i graduated college, charging me rent for living in the house i grew up because i got a job and could start paying them, i had to start paying rent within 3 weeks of graduating from college and had no chance to invest before the 2020 bullrun
>most important lesson: you have to really believe in an asset and never give up on it to ever see green, conversely if you believe in the wrong asset youre fucked, and you need to realize fast and stop believing

>> No.53189533

This guy will kill himself the moment life turns sour for one week.
Lesson here, don't let your kids live a good life or they apparently will be groomed as trannies.

>> No.53189559

>>So, anon.
>>How was your childhood?
>>What was your biggest win or high?
Getting into Oxford University
>>What was your biggest loss or low?
Dad hanging himself in the garage when I was 8 years old
>>Is this some kind of replacement for love, you think? When you boil it down to the most basic level of it all.
Love doesn't exist, it's just a social 'gift' we give to people who gain a certain amount of emotional connection to us (family, friends, sexual partners)
>>What would you say is the most important lesson you've learned?
Nothing matters, there is no inherent meaning in the universe, but that doesn't mean you need to be a cringy nihilist about everything, find meaning in yourself and not some sense of objective duty, morality or purpose in the wider world.

>> No.53189601
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i had to learn social skills myself at a late age, and hitting rock bottom in high school feels like a win to me
since then ive made long lasting friends, got fit, bought a house, and got a job i really like
i cant say my life was that bad but i was raised to be an autistic pussy and my biggest challenge is to undo it
suicide is for faggots, i refuse to let this creature outlive me

>> No.53189606

>>How was your childhood?
Alright, parents were good people that cared about me
>>What was your biggest win or high?
Getting an office role that paid infinitely better than minimum wage
>>What was your biggest loss or low?
First girlfriend passing away in a car crash
>>Is this some kind of replacement for love, you think? When you boil it down to the most basic level of it all.
No, not for me anyways, I couldn't live alone again.
The old saying "it's better to have loved and lost" is a blatant lie, you don't know how much it matters until you've had it and lost it.
>>What would you say is the most important lesson you've learned?
If you can't live happy, live out of spite for the world until things improve.

>> No.53189674

>fucked my sister and her best friend at the same time
>fucked my sister

>> No.53189679


>> No.53189683

holy based
what agre were you and what age were they?

>> No.53189696

18. 16/17

>> No.53189942
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