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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53188050 No.53188050 [Reply] [Original]

Don't call it a comeback

>> No.53188064


>> No.53188073

Peter Noseberger must be mad. >>53188064

>> No.53188397


>> No.53188406

it will be back to $5 when btc dumps

>> No.53188511
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>down 90%
>up 3%

"Don't call it a comeback"

>> No.53188983

just $47 more to go until you can break even

stupid stinkie

>> No.53189188

This is true for me. Think about how shitty it is to be me knowing I moved all my ETH into LINK at $49 and just fucking watched my fortune melt away. I had almost $2.5MM.

And then I have to sit here knowing a bunch of cunts on this board have been holding since 10 cents or whatever.

>> No.53189673

That's a sell

>> No.53189719

$3 by end of month

>> No.53189764

damn $2.5 million to ~$300k? I cant imagine that shit

>> No.53190885

Nobody here actually bought at $50

>> No.53190891
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>> No.53190907

>come to /biz/ once a month to see if there’s a new bull narrative coming into view
>what feels like literally identical Link threads in the catalog every time
Are these entire threads automated? Or is /biz/ just the same 15 people shitposting at each other every single day? It’s uncanny.

>> No.53190922

Anyone else feel super comfy staking LINK? The best is when you kinda forget you're even staking and then check the page after a few days and you made another 10 LINK that week. We're literally the privileged upper class now, long term holders, early stakers and even general stakers are now a group of people who will get prime access to build airdrops, first dibs on future iterations (restaking into v0.2 then v1 before extra LINK can come in) and forever earn that safe yield in fucking LINK itself. Amazing. V1, CCIP, SWIFT, it's all happening in the next 2 years and I'm gonna earn about 500 LINK per year by doing fucking nothing while everything is playing out like a beautiful symphony.

>> No.53190926

imagine being a retard who spent 2.5 million on fake digital ponzi schemes instead of land. what are you even doing bro? lol

>> No.53190941
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a lot of link threads look the same because they're fud threads run by a group of people that lost everything in lending platform scams (bancor / celsius) and also via liquidation on aave
its... pretty humiliating for them and a lot of them have been having mental breakdowns because the little impact they could have possibly had on the price in the past is absolutely 0 now, and everyone who didn't gamble are just staking their link tokens now

>> No.53190955

LINK is more or less a done deal and there's not much to talk about, question of "when" at this point so we just banter and shitpost. And yeah, the bear market makes /biz/ pretty slow and empty. No tourists, most regulars are not in the mood to look at prices crabbing at the bottom, so you just get the small group of deranged psychos and sometimes a very good discussion without distractions

>> No.53190988

>LINK is more or less a done deal
this is your brain on copium

>> No.53191013

>there's not much to talk about
So why does /biz/ have a thread or two with almost the exact same points and counterpoints, pretty much every single time I visit? This has gone on for months and months. It’s so bizarre.

>> No.53191030

I just told you, it's shitposting and banter. There's the mentally deranged fudders who either can't break the habit from 2018, are paid or have very deep issues because of selling too early, or losing their LINK in scams for being greedy in the bull market. The FUD mainly revolves around the same points over and over, so discussion is kinda pointless and you just fling some shit back.
nah that's my brain on a daily LINK drip from staking

>> No.53191041

it's a false flag shilling campaign
see the astroturfing attempt here
it is better that something receives bad publicity than no publicity at all, anon

>> No.53191228

So... people like
Are good examples of people who lost everything on lending platforms?
Lmao @ the absolute state of fudders, no wonder theyre so upset nowadays

>> No.53191350

I got a notification on both my sylo wallet and Safepal about this little move, applaudable yeah but then I need more. Get those numbers moving.

>> No.53191358

cope baggie LOLOLOL

>> No.53191514

>So why does /biz/ have a thread or two with almost the exact same points and counterpoints, pretty much every single time I visit? This has gone on for months and months. It’s so bizarre
GPT4chan shill bots make most of the threads. All discussions are curated by groups according to current events and feedback is used to gauge reactions. Events are structured and sometimes even created memes made and everything filters through the internet. they have created an artificial world where people dont community with each other anymore. mostly an individual would communicate with the feedback fabric. a cloth that separates individuals but keeps them engaged on certain issues all the time.

>> No.53191533

Link threads are posted by people who've list everything but can't admit they made a mistake. They're the functional equivalent of Trump is still the president and secretly orchestrating a grand plan to deliver the republic to the patriots stuff. You'll see the same singularity soon breadcrumb threads when link is back to ico pricing.
>It's a fund raising token for a shitcoin price checker service

>> No.53191580

The best part is why they are doing it. If you are waiting on some market event shit posting in some comfy general, and of course they control all markets, you are not questioning why blackcock is buying up residential land or why bill gates wants to control more farmland than the amish. a warrior class is only capable of subjugating a population if they eat the right foods. a peasant class the new well to dos living in apartments eating vegan for the planet will pose no threat to a class of gmo / cybernetically enhanced soldiers employed by the elites to crush kill and destroy the useless eaters that escaped from the vaccine. the hunger games will begin soon as a predatory class hiding behind the curtain step into the light and reveal themselves. what does the future hold when jesuit psyops have ruined history? everything is a lie and the truth is probably so unbelievably unrealistic to the average person they would reject it. key events in history are being questioned now within the artificial world they control. I dont think any of us goys will make it. it would be so easy to round us all up and shoot us at the end of the day. so keep participating in the same threads, keep waiting for some market event that might happen in the future fpr x y z reason. everyone is waiting for value to flow but with inflation skyrocketing, years of lockdowns eroding the wealth of the average person, and the constant scams of crypto, where will this value flow from?
They do not want you in their club. they want you in some echo chamber like this one discussing the nuances of why value doesnt flow in particular ways.

>> No.53191581

This board has been full of fud for years. Same faggot spamming same shit over and over again. There's never anything new or interesting anymore.

>> No.53191601
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The chart.

>> No.53191649

the entire market including stock futures are up today retard its not chainlink

>> No.53191660

I'm taking heavy friendly fire!

>> No.53191677

who needs automation when you have eternally bored autists

>> No.53191704
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Basically the elite are the ones doing all of the shit we’ve seen over the last few years in an attempt to make us sell. COVID, Election theft, Ukraine war, vaccines, all of it. Their final hail Mary was the FTX crash and Crypto regulation fud. They know they are out of options, so they are using time and trying to bore us. We are almost at the point of no return. Only extremely high level elite families and autists are aware of the upcoming system and know Chainlink will be the center of it. Unfortunately all that money and resources robbed them of intuition, something we have plenty of.

>> No.53191746

>the global cabal wants my erc20 uniswap price feed tokens but refuses to buy them when Sergey market dumps 50million of them per quarter.

>> No.53191760

fuck jannies

>> No.53192042

Lady Luck will define an era

>> No.53192054

Ill be a literal millionaire if it goes back to that

>> No.53192196

>Why does sergey dump!!! *seethes* obviously the system would be so much better with one centralized entity holding 90% of the coins! *dilates*

Quiet down troon. The Men are talking.