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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 242 KB, 1200x1590, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
53186400 No.53186400 [Reply] [Original]

this piece of shit sold us an unrealistic dream.
instead of making hybrid vehicles (something that people want) he sold us a bunch of lies. Full self driving, sharing economy of vehicles, fully electric vehicles. Nobody can afford his expensive bullshit, and the people who bought into the lie of full self driving usually end up with an over priced RC car.

I hope this faggot goes bankrupt. Not because the thing he's promising aren't cool. But because the things he's promising aren't realistic. It's not realistic to buy an electric car if you can't afford gas powered cars. It's not realistic to have everyone switch over to fully electric our electric grid can't handle it. it's not realistic to have full self driving while people are still getting killed by the technology. He over promised and under delivered. fuck you elon for making my dreams hopes and desires rise without being able to deliver. i'll never be able to afford a fully electric car.
fuck you dick head you should have made affordable hybrids instead of going full autistic.
Over promise
under deliver
Pretend that normal people can afford your shit.
price gauge the fuck out of everyone and get us all caught in your delusions.
his shenanigans have been very economically determent. Gas prices are up, electric prices are up. ICE vehicles cost more than ever because everyone tried to skip the hybrid vehicle transition step.

>> No.53186413

You are not a woman
You do not have ovaries
Everyone thinks you're a disgusting abomination
They will put your real name on your gravestone

>> No.53186424

you will always be an indian roastie

>> No.53186448
File: 116 KB, 614x900, 1672522241736082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, I bought a Chevy Bolt EUV for 28k and I get a 7k tax subsidy on top of it. So 21k net cost. This is what Tesla should have been.

>> No.53186471

why does he make yuropoors seethe so much kek

>> No.53186477

Tesla is a luxury, you bought poorshit you can't even charge because your car blows up kek

>> No.53186478
File: 123 KB, 500x623, fuck elon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck elon

>> No.53186494

because rich fags are fucking up electric prices and car prices. they think they're being ethical but they're destroying the economy with their larp

>> No.53186537


we're all poorer for what he's done.
gas prices up.
electric prices up.
war in ukraine over lithium for lithium ion batteries
ICE car prices up.
economy crashed

the worst enviormental decision that we could have made was refusing to transition the existing car fleet over to hybrid vehicles with hybrid kits. We instead went full retard skipped over many logical steps that would have made the transition off of gasoline efficient and economical and practical. we all bought into the pie in the sky horse shit about global warming collectively freaked the fuck out and made piss poor decisions as a result. Look at the economy. Look at the total failure. Look at the globalists eager to genocide all of us because they think we're going into a resource shortage. All these globalist faggots had to do was the logical small steps. We went too big too fast made poor choices and now we're in a severe economic depression

>> No.53186588

i mean god damn.. fucking eggs are .50 cents a piece. jobs? wages are shit. prices for everything up? the foundation of the global economy? energy? Are we using energy efficently ? no. we're pillphering our treasury so we can make one retarded faggot richer. We're all poorer for what he's done. everyone thinks he's a genius because he's rich. and everyone thinks because he's rich that he knows how to help us. he's not smart he just pretends like he's smart. all of his work was done by people smarter than him. all he's ever done was hire people who are smart and take credit for their work. elon's a fucking dumb ass and we all gave him all of our money made him the richest guy in the world gave him all the credibility he didn't deserve and he failed us. he failed humanity. the car companies who are in bed with big oil have been failing us for decades. they should have been making affordable hybrids. they refused. and now the car companies who are in bed with the big oil companies are fake trying electric vehicles so they can price gauge us even harder. Elon's shit isn't even open source. the faggot tries to milk people for the option of using heated seats. if his shit was open source non proprietary as he claims he wouldn't be able to charge people for flipping a 0 to a 1. It's closed source proprietary and greedy as fuck

>> No.53186599
File: 32 KB, 568x304, DFD864A9-5485-4DEF-9E56-E6839909326D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a woman though. Fuck Elon and fuck scrotes.

>> No.53186604

>Tesla is a luxury
Maybe among EVs, but Teslas don't even have features that your basic camry or honda have. Have fun paying $18k in 10 years when your battery dies too

>> No.53186609

Israel has no right to exist.
Trannies are mentally ill.
Homosexuality can be cured.
Niggers are augmented monkeys.
Alll democrats are pedos.

>> No.53186623

Has this website always been a bunch of lunatic schizos screaming at each other?

>> No.53186640

instead of selling us new cars he should be selling hybrid kits for the existing fleet that mechanics can install. we don't need 500 mile range electric vehicles we need regenerative breaking and 50 mile range batteries. If we could increase fuel economy globally by 50% we'd reduce demand for oil by 50% electricity would be cheaper, gasoline would be cheaper everyone would be happy... but is that what he's doing? no. he's just sitting there taking fat government pay outs and acting self important

>> No.53186654

no it's usually robots shilling crypto scams on their 4chan passes. having a schizo is a break from the norm.

>> No.53186674

There's going to be a mass exodus from California in the 2030s when the ban of ICE vehicles starts. No one talks about the fact that the batteries in EVs have to be replaced after a decade. Litium ion batteries in EVs will lose about half their capacity in a decade and it costs almost half the price of the vehicle to replace them. Chevy is already getting shit for discontinuing batteries for some of the early models of the Bolt that are not even a decade old. The car is essentially scrap when the battery has degraded too far and can't be replaced. There essentially won't be a used EV market. Everyone has to buy new or almost new. How are all the poor people in California supposed to afford that?

>> No.53186680

weak AI or paid elon shills running flimsy psyops

>> No.53186692

/pol/ has always been leaking since it was created as a containment board. You're noticing it now because they've reached a level of insane delusion where all they can do is scream into the void about their lunatic beliefs.

>> No.53186708

Electricity will only get more expensive as EVs become more popular. Oil and coal are still the majority of energy for electricity. You can't push EVs and simultaneously ban/tax oil and coal. The power grid already can't handle just green energy. Recharging an EV will cost just as much as gasoline in the future. Retards just can't see it coming yet.

>> No.53186721

You are literally an NPC OP. I suggest you go back to waging.

>> No.53186733

By posting here you accept to denounce the talmud and the synagogue of satan

>> No.53186823

it's not that retards can't see it coming. it's that rich faggots who think the world revolves around them don't understand that they have a responsibility to wield their power ethically. They think they're in a different boat than the poor fags. We're all in the same boat

>> No.53186853

actually i retract that. it's worse than that. the same rich fags who think they're being ethical are too stupid to realize they're not helping they're hurting. both the red neck dick head who drives a 10 MPG heavy vehicle and the faggot who gets 100 MPGE are hurting the economy

>> No.53186911

oh i'm a rich fag my money will save me. shut up nigger your ass is too far away from the house fire to realize that fire burns. this shit is collapsing quickly and you won't be saved by your money when it's worthless. fucking nigger i don't care oh i have 20 million dollars i'll be fine. Let me know how that works out when the hordes of broke niggers raid your precious whole foods. The lower and middle class litterally are your life blood. If we suffer it's only a matter of time. Who the fuck does your plumbing? Who the fuck takes your garbage? Who the fuck cuts your hair? Society is collapsing quickly and when it does i gaurntee you someone like you whose never had a worry in the world will be the least mentally equipped to handle the emotional stress of basic hardships. look around you there's a labor shortage in every sector. This son of a bitch of an economy is about to blow. I was upper middle class 3 years ago. Now i'm lower class

>> No.53186973




You think the cops will save you? Cops are wagies too. Almost Everyone's a wagie but you. Keep shitting on the wagies and pretending like this ship isn't sinking because you're in the crows nest. fucking retard.

The game plan to turn this situation around is clear. Aftermarket hybrid kits for normal vehicles. Fail to do this society will collapse and you along with it.

>> No.53187026

The economy is going to shit. This is now a /biz/ problem. Eventually this will become a /k/ problem and then a /b/ problem. How do I know? Because I'm a student of history. /Pol/ Politics is a higher tier than /biz/ we think about geo-politics global consquences. Power distribution, law, ethics, war, population, socio-economics, sociology, psychology, philosophy, demographics, mathematics, history.
All you /biz/ tards sit around and think about is your stupid fucking stacks 99% of which is lost to ponzi scams. The few of you who actually make it stick around and shit post about your glory; but the reality is that it's survivor ship bias. Or it's just lurkers who never pull the trigger because they're smart enough to hesitate.

>> No.53187116

What's funny to me is that California can't even run their power situation efficiently, despite that they're still enforcing EVs kek

>> No.53187144

You dream about riches, while we think about the people who have the riches and what they're doing. We see what's going to happen before it happens. We craft theories on the who, what , when, how, where , what and why. You faggots sit around with your dick in your hand hoping that if you stroke it enough times it'll get bigger. Eat shit. containment board? More like based board. You'd get a 10x ROI if you understood what was happening and how shit really works. We're the priest class. You're the merchant class. Last I checked priest class is above merchant class

>> No.53187188


>> No.53187201

If it's so funny why am I not laughing? California falling only hurts the rest of the states. Their problem will become / has become our problem.

>> No.53187206


>> No.53187242

this comment is derivative, and basic and over repeated. We need constructive direct critism not fucking outdated boomer ligno.

Specifically Elon Musk should focus heavily on aftermarket hybrid vehicle conversion kits for cars that are ICE powered. Rather than focus soley on electric vehicles. We need efficiency gains across all sectors that are economical and easy to implement and lucrative across all levels of income. Let the rich eat their cake. Let the poor have more bread and beans. He needs to open up soup kitchens in addition to his high end designer bakeries.

>> No.53187244
File: 373 KB, 940x992, farthy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am a woman though. Fuck Elon and fuck scrotes.

>> No.53187258
File: 938 KB, 1344x706, 57513CAA-6D19-4CA3-A98F-E8B41BD796FD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are not

>> No.53187344

Elons enemies are numerous. CNBC, Bloomberg, Youtube regurarly shit on him. All standard oil companies and the companies they bribe hate him that includes the boomer mainstream media. They shit on him hard on top gear a tv show hosted by a boomer media mainstream media tv channel. UAE hates him and tried to destroy him through false promises of a buy out. Everyone within the big oil paradigm hate him. He's got a diamond spoon it's true. You are correct. Only vemblen fags rock that shit. He genuinely is trying his ass off. It's just not good enough. his oversights and failures will be used to bring down the electric car market for another 100 years. He needs to pivot and co-opt the gasoline powered market by enhancing it through aftermarket kits that improve fuel economy.

It's called constructive criticism not just useless critism. my hate is legitimate and my criticisms are useful feedback that should be heeded. Without a soft transition to ICE-hybrid the fully electric dream will die. Improved fuel economy reduces use of big oil which can be used to increase electricity out put. It's simply the most effective practical solution for the situation we're under.

>> No.53187362

You're a delusion nutter screaming into the void because your delusions of grandeur are the thin barrier that keeps you from having to confront your profound willful ignorance and bad life choices. The volume and frequency of your screaming increasing is because that thin little barrier of madness is increasingly at odds with observable reality.

>> No.53187369
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skipping steps is dangerous and can lead to a downfall. will elon musk fail to popularize hybrid vehicles? Will he use the worlds resources making 500 mile range vehicles instead of enabling regenerative breaking? His enemies hope he fails. I hope he succeeds. Which is why I shit post on him. To let him know exactly how he's fucking up

>> No.53187427
File: 196 KB, 600x585, in-the-vanity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're just a potato brained retard content with his meager riches. Look up crowd sourcing fucking monkey. Oh wait you can't you're too busy looking at your bank account and jacking off like it means a damn. I'm a canary in the coal mine. I'm a fucking red flag. I'm a red light. I'm the signal that shows up when something is very wrong. And you're too arrogant to hear the truth. your arrogance empowers your ignorance. because basic bitch business class doesn't have the brain power to think outside of themselves and look objectively at the world around them. you're fucking retarded bro and worse than that you have an ego the size of a planet. big ego little brain.

>> No.53187436

Elon is forcing them to adapt and thats why we got the affordable hybrids. There's now much more options

>> No.53187533

You want pajeets shilling DogfartpregnantElon coins 24/7? Go back and stay there

>> No.53187587

But I think you are right hybrids should be bigger focus now. Toyota is also not keen on EV

>> No.53188591

We never got affordable hybrids. All we got were normal cars with price gauging the last 2 years because of a fake chip shortage. Riddle me this. How can there be a chip shortage when TSCM was having problems selling wafers?


Nobody is really going heavy on the hybrid market; toyota makes them, but it's not like their entire line up they have a hybrid option. Nobodies going full hybrid because automakers are still in bed with big oil, and they're too chicken shit to actually bring about vehicles with high MPG's. In fact I know that dealerships are calling owners of Toyota hybrids and offering to buy them back above kelly blue book value because there's so much demand and little supply.

Yes. Hybrids should be a bigger focus. And here's the thing hybrids aren't that complicated. You can retrofit cars already on the road today with hybrid technology. That is where we need to invest 2-3 billion dollars. Kits that can turn regular cars into hybrids. I don't give a fuck if it's an engine / transmission swap. If it's a fucking attachment to the axel. Or what-ever We need 2-3 billion dollars focusing on universal kits and we need another 12 billion for the global manufacture , shipping, and installing of hybrid kits. Elon could do his part making the battery packs and electric motors. And some other group (Not big auto which is corrupt) could do their part. We absolutely need intense focus on the hybridization of vehicles.

>> No.53188727
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I mean look at this shit. You know why it's so bad right now? almost down 70% from last year? Because the investors know that we're in a global depression and the vemblen good that is Tesla will not have market demand in 2022. There won't be enough rich fags or middle class fags who are going to have the cashflow to larp as an environmentalist. When it comes down to raw facts and figures, pragmatic view points and value propositions the average consumer will look at it and say there's no value add here. For the normal person optics aren't as important as cash flow. People can't afford food or rent. People definitely won't be rushing out to go buy a luxury vehicle.

>> No.53188858

Cringe, all you do is screech all day about vaccines

>> No.53190436


I'm talking about Elon Musk, Tesla, the economy, resource use, the most effective way to use resources, supply and demand, what will sell. The value propsition of EV's. And effective solutions to market problems. You're over here being a little bitch trying to derail things by bringing up what you think are interesting points that are in fact stale and dead horses. I'm offended at the complete disregard for the topic at hand. Honestly I feel like it's retards like you dragging this country down. Honestly I think your low IQ and lack of focus is a serious issue. We're all dumber for people like you. I wish we could put you in a special place for special people while the not so dim witted amongst society deal with matters of substance.

>> No.53190491
File: 1.50 MB, 500x337, 78136703-5D8A-4E29-A32D-693DA30D9C7E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God u Reddit faggot.

>> No.53191517

So I take it everyone in this thread didn't buy the recent $TSLA dip today?

>> No.53191570

i did. easy money
cutting your dick off doesn't make you a woman. you're a mentally ill man.

>> No.53191981

just tell us how much you lost bro