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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53183337 No.53183337 [Reply] [Original]

Working is for cattle, in particular manual work, performing work every time they want you to is pure cuckoldry, i hate working and those defending their jobs and i will try anything to stop working definitely for the rest of my life.
>b-b-but you just need to find your dream job!
>b-but you just need to swallow it up and find a way to love it!
>WELL ACKHTUALLY the only reason you don't like to work is because you think society has no future!
>WELL ACKHTUALLY current socio-economic system failed us that's why you don't want to work!
It's all cope, all of it! Working fucking sucks no matter under what rulers, mood, welfare or pride!

Fuck having a job, fuck society and fuck every single one of you KEKS supporting both lusting for COCKS.

>> No.53183376

Based as fuck. Unironically killing myself if I don't make it by 2026 because I can't go on working anymore.

>> No.53183377

then go hunt wild animals, collect water from a river and build a mud house you lazy dumb idiot that thinks posting on /biz/ isn't somehow related to all the work needed for it to come true

>> No.53183380

>Working is for cattle, in particular manual work, performing work every time they want you to is pure cuckoldry, i hate working and those defending their jobs and i will try anything to stop working definitely for the rest of my life.
>>b-b-but you just need to find your dream job!

i considered retiring early then realised i have nothing else to do but work.

i no longer enjoy drugs, alcohol, video games or movies. i just dont know what else to do.

>> No.53183475

>OP claims to hate work
>meanwhile his welfare benefits are funded by people who work

Let's not kid ourselves, you love work because you survive by mooching off other people's labor. It takes thousands of workers to provide your welfare bennies, keep your electricity on, your internet operating so you can shitpost on a Mongolian basket weaving forum, etc. It's not that you don't support work, in fact you love work. You're just lazy and don't want to do it yourself. A thousand years ago society would have just let you starve to death if you couldn't be assed to provide shelter, food, and other necessities for yourself, or provide a good or service to the community that could be traded for these necessities. Just be thankful that we have so much excess wealth in modern first world countries that you're even able to entertain the idea of sitting around smoking weed and playing vidya all day while other people provide for you.

If you truly hate and are morally opposed to work, the only real option is to kys so you're no longer a burden on those who do work.

>> No.53183483

I was the same way when I was in my 20's. In my upper 30's and 40's I actually like going to work. It is pretty much the socialization I get and it keeps me busy.

>> No.53183491

i don't care i want the free shit and let someone else work

>> No.53183496

Brain and spirit rot RIP

>> No.53183517
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working is shit shit, thank god there's someone else aleays ready to defend it and provide free shit for heckin poor people like me

>> No.53183705

bump because i don't want to work

>> No.53183748

>bump because i don't want to work

what do you do instead all day? and the next day, and the next one?

>> No.53183753

Nothing, which is better than working and destroy my body.

>> No.53183971

I want to work but all work is literal dogshit and the economy rewards larpers. The amount of money earn is quite literally proportional to how much they're willing to sell out.

It's a sliding scale that goes:
1. Work that actually benefits society and is useful, but doesn't pay well at all
2. Work that doesn't really do anything but pays alright
3. Work that actively makes the world worse and pays a shit ton

I was at 2, and every shit-eating boss wants you to 'cash in your morals' to turn into 3, and their strategy is to gradually wear you down. These people are fucking satanic, and it straight up makes me want to stop working.

This is especially bad in the software industry, which is by far mostly doing useless work or literally helping evil people. The actual good work that's worth doing could literally be done 2 days a week by three guys if they worked at full pelt, but some manager somewhere wants you to make some giant system to look cool that will eventually collapse in on itself due to needless overcomplexity, and then randomly make up new features they haven't even seriously considered the ramifications of.

When I was a teenager and I wanted to be a programmer, I thought it'd be like Bell Labs or Sun Microsystems. Turns out it's all just 'make an API that creates a thing, saves a thing, and retrieves a thing and but some authentication on it, then stick a frontend on it'.

>> No.53184102

youre not wrong but you've also been conditioned.

>> No.53184162

Worst part of having a job isn't even the low wages, is having to interact with either normies, nerds or psychopaths depending on your job on a fucking daily basis. I'd rather die if I have to fake a smile and be submissive to a beta cuck or a entitled roastie just to keep slaving

>> No.53184732

I want to make microchips in my basement and get ripped

>> No.53184869

if you are redpilled / wise at any amount it is obvious that the majority of jobs do not produce anything of use for society or humanity or the planet as a whole. Even the seemingly "good" jobs like being an Engineer sometimes goes to waste. , an example:

>> you are an industrial engineer. you work to improve and keep up the machine park in a toy factory. the toy factory sells plastic toys to kids.

at first sight. nothing wrong with this great job as an engineer. until you really disect what is actually happening here. we go on to dissect:

Lets take LEGO for example. At first, seemingly a based company. who doesn't like LEGO? am i rite? lets dissect: Lego pays billions to get T.V ads about plastic toys beamed into your head. Sometimes even with extra agenda tied in the commercial. the result is that your kid plays with plastic. it keeps collecting more plastic to sometimes play with. it puts it in its mouth, slowly poisoning himself because he doesn't know plastic is toxic. then, when he is a little older the plastic LEGO ends up in the trash. it then goes on to pollute the environment. it breaks down into microplastics that destroy the ecosystem and gives organisms cancer and suffering.

What good did that engineer bring for the world? he caused plastic poluttion and health reduction. and this is how 90pct of "jobs" actually are. they bring pollution and destruction and negaive effects. consumerism of TRASH. that is what most products are. TRASH NO ONE NEEDS.

and that's why I hate working

>> No.53184940

humans were never supposed to "work" in the conventional sense. hunter gatherers did productive labor where they chose what to do with their time and where their labor had an immediate impact on improving their lives or creating new things of artistic worth, and it was also much more varied than what modern wagies do

>> No.53184952
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Lots of miserable people want us to suffer.
>If I have to work really hard and be miserable, so should you.

>> No.53184970

Sorry, not working for your parasitic ass. Go move to North Korea, ingrate.

>> No.53184992

Go move to the wilderness then.

>> No.53185013

a certain man tried to do this a few decades ago and machines cut down all the forest around him

>> No.53185014

You will, you must provide value to society, slave.

>> No.53185045

I work as a maintenance tech at an automotive plant
Everytime I see on of those new cars rolling of the production line I think how these cars will look like in 20yrs, or if they will still exist at that point
I must say the one field of work that would motivate me is something like SpaceX building space ships which will fly to Mars or sth
But i am not American so that will never happen

>> No.53185054

No, move to the ACTUAL wilderness - like Alaska or the River of No Return Wilderness Area

>> No.53185060

imo some minor toxicity and pollution isn't something i care that much about, when I talk about 'bad' stuff I'm talking about blatant fraud, brazenly financially raping people and getting people murdered in foreign countries

>> No.53185064
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you're a fat lazy piece of shit and no one cares about your inability to do anything productive, uninstall life.exe immediately

>> No.53185073

That's you. I don't have to do jack shit to support your lazy ass, slave. Support yourself or die, your choice.

>> No.53185081

>Working is for cattle
A cattle goyim thinking he's not cattle. Lol. Lmao even.

>> No.53185098

>legos exist so I'm not working for my food!
holy cope

>> No.53185100

>working is for cattle
Cattle doesn't even work lmao they graze in the pasture until their time comes.

>> No.53185108

i don't have to work. i am rich. 90pct of jobs bring no value to the world. that's what im trying to say.

>> No.53185117

I like my job because I just get to flirt with college chicks and milfs for 6 hours and punch in data for 2 hours. Maybe walk an 8 mile long building twice a week. Some jobs are actually pretty alright.

>> No.53185121

As long as you support your lifestyle through your own efforts and not rely on the efforts of others, go bananas.

>> No.53185140

yes for the average IQ braintard, doing this 40 years in a row will be an O.K life.

>> No.53185170

Based. Just neet it until UBI comes around, by then most people realize they have wasted their lives and pissed away their time

>> No.53185197

Nope i will not lift a finger.

>> No.53185214

This thread is proof that 99% of /biz/ are full-on commies. Easily the most left-wing board on 4chan.

>> No.53185221

you are born to be cattle. cattle mindset

>> No.53185227

Fuck commies, i don't want to work regardless of ideology.

They don't want to work because they need to larp as the beacon of revolution, i don't want to work because working is objectively shit.

>> No.53185237
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>i don't want to work regardless of ideology
You're a commie, own it.

>> No.53185243

I don't plan to retire doing this, but it pays well enough to dump my checks into crypto, and I also have land that I want to develop, so it's a cozy way to get to where you want to go--unless you're like the anon that you're describing.

>> No.53185294

i'm me, i don't want to work mr noseberg

>> No.53185308

Ted Kaczynski, who has researched this issue to an autistic degree, recognized that the labor hunter gatherers did was more than the typical 40 hour work week.

>> No.53185693

Then enjoy your helicopter ride.

>> No.53185831

This anon gets it. Decisions about software product development are usually made by people with a poor understanding of software, so these decisions tend to be bad for the business. Often it seems like the large amount of waste is the goal, like the company's purpose is not to do things the economy needs in exchange for money, but to generate fake work so adults can role-play.

>> No.53185859

You write and reason like cattle and should be enslaved as such.

>> No.53185888
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Work is for fags

>> No.53185935
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Where did the cocks enter the conversation anon

>> No.53185936

>like Alaska
>lol bro just move to an insanely cold area that the hunter-gatherers did not inhabit because everything of value is already occupied by jews
good one retard

>> No.53185969

>hunter-gatherers did not inhabit
Ever hear of an Eskimo, dumbfuck? Get off your lazy ass and MOVE.

>> No.53186028

yes, indeed it's the highest iq individuals that are here on biz, look at the statistics and you'd also see that education and intelligence is correlated with left wing ideology.

>> No.53186031
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In a world ran and destroyed by parasites, the most based and morally correct thing to do is to parasite off the parasites

>> No.53186075

^ threadly award for most mental gymnastics needed to cope with utter failure at life

>> No.53186106

It’s more based if you don’t kill yourself and just become a welfare neet. You just need to know how to get on welfare and once in you are neet for life

>> No.53186139

it's also correlated with being depressed faggots drowning in delusion

>> No.53186412

Let me guess, you do nothing but jerk off, watch anime and play vidya.

Get some drive in life aside from sinking into ever dwindling voids of seratonin.

>> No.53186420
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You're supposed to get saved, married and have kids anon.

>> No.53187290

Waging is slavery

>> No.53187532

imagine some autist having a tantrum like this in medieval times kek what would happen to them? enslaved? exiled?