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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5318273 No.5318273 [Reply] [Original]

Question to BCashier I get that BTC fees are insane, the it can't scale well etc..
Compare what's comparable, say BCH has now the same amount of transactions as BTC flowing through it, what makes you think that the fees will be not be significantly higher than what they are right now? Bigger blocks sizes? lmao
I get that BCH is better than BTC scale wise but it seems like you betting on the flea instead of cholera whilst there are way better coins out there for near instantaneous transactions at low fees.

>> No.5318450

It'll be 8 times cheaper no matter what.

>> No.5318587

Yeah, and magnitudes time slower than other coins, say bcash surpasses btc, it'll still be bitcoin in the sense that it'll be a dinosaur.
It will not handle the massive transaction count that will be needed if crypto reaches mass adoption

>> No.5318713

8 MB isn't even the end point they are raising it to 32MB early next year.

>> No.5318898

So long as the blocks are not full you should be able to have a free transaction, thats the beauty of 0conf which is impossible on Core because of the long wait times.

>> No.5318975
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World currency is here boys!

>> No.5319070

>I get that BCH is better than BTC scale wise
scalability shouldn't come at the cost of centralization. OR else you'd have paypal 2.0

>> No.5319104
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Bcore is centralizing mining

>> No.5319124

Even though that doesn't happen because bandwidth and storage costs nothing (compared to the fees if blocks were full), its far preferrable to grinding the entire network to a halt, which forces everyone to hide coins on exchanges in case of a panic.