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53182433 No.53182433 [Reply] [Original]

Who else is comfy?

>23 years old
>1.5million in crypto
>getting 2k euro per month passive income
>300k in other assets (gold, euro, dollar, csgo skins)

At one point i had 5 million in crypto but i dont care much because my life still is nice and affordable

>> No.53182446

i'm not there yet, but i'm happy for you sir. how do you occupy your days now that you've made it?

>> No.53182449

>28 year old
>3.2 million in crypto
>getting 1.5 per month on NEET paychecks
>3 houses

Same boat OP, even if I'm down from my 7.5 million ATH I feel ocmfy

>> No.53182453

Pretty based for 23, anon. Safely work up to deep 8 figures during your 20s and have 7 children. Assuming you're white.

>> No.53182459

*7.5 million from my ATH

>> No.53182465
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>> No.53182468

Its actually really hard to manage all the time i have because i cant do unproductive stuff all day long (for example playing video games the whole day) so i try to learn skills like cooking, excercising and other stuff. I also travel sometimes but i partied to hard the last year so im enjoying some peace atm

>> No.53184196

>23 years old
>1.5million in crypto
>300k in other assets (gold, euro, dollar, csgo skins)

That is barely enough nowadays to live worry free. You need at least 20 million USD to make it.

>> No.53184224
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Yeah I'm sure, anyway I'm poor I'm gonna go make a thread about it
>insert age here
>0.00 in crypto/net worth
>getting 0 in passive income
>0k in other assets (gold, euro, dollar, DOTA2 skins)
At one point I was a faggot then my dick stopped working all together.

>> No.53184251

>You need at least $800k per year for life guaranteed to make it.
Why do you retards feel the need to post this in every single thread

>> No.53184297

We rping?

>> No.53184385

because they're unhappy and they think the biggest number possible in their bank account will bring them the happiness they crave (spoiler: they'll still complain)

>> No.53184575

I am getting some wondering sensations that I just got when I was a kid

I am very confy lately... I have no crypto but just closed a deal that gave me half a million cash in profit

I will not giv details, but it is confy to be confy
Creativity flows way more natural when you are not freaking out about money. I had a phase in my life that I had lunch but coudnt afford dinner. Was that bad

>> No.53184636

>1.5 million @ 23 yrs
how did you manage to do it in yurop (assuming you are a western or eastern european)?

>> No.53184652

Anon this thread is bait, OP will likely change ip's to keep bumping the thread and get more replies. have fun.

>> No.53184689

2k per month even without bills isn’t enough to actually have an enjoyable life. Grats I guess if you just want to live the rest of your life as a literal potato with less life experience than literal 17 year old high school kids

>> No.53184813

>getting 2k euro per month passive income
where is your crypto staked anon?

>> No.53184821

>22 years old
>own my apartment
i need to figure out how to make enough to pay for my utilities, property tax, etc (300 GBP per month) but none of my business ideas are working so far