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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5318104 No.5318104 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me /biz, how can 3 African dudes become millionaires while you're still scrapping?

Ahhhhhh haaaa, pls explain it to me /biz

>> No.5318133
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Here's the left dudes portfolio in case you're interested.

>> No.5318173
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>> No.5318206
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>> No.5318229

>Ian Balina

lmao does he still post here?

>> No.5318246
File: 884 KB, 1518x1694, ha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


and he browses /biz to!

>> No.5318277

Because 10% of niggers are capable.

>> No.5318284

well if you just buy every somewhat legit ico its impossible to loose a lot of money since they rarely go below ico just dump for a quick flip and repeat unless you get comfydo'd

>> No.5318297
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.........a million USD or a million africa dollars


>> No.5318347

I bet he just entered those numbers into blockfolio to get some ghetto puss

>> No.5318528

White bois simply cannot compete with the BBC (big blacked crypto)

>> No.5318631

based black men, please impregnate my wife

>> No.5318672
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BBC genetics

>> No.5318711

lmao look at his wallet

this and they're all nigerians

made me keke

>> No.5318795
File: 145 KB, 645x729, 3zngd5d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

55 reps of fucking what?

>> No.5318806

All 3 we're poor Urban youth who fought through oppression and made it. In fact, they all started with less than 1000 USD.
Pol btfo

>> No.5318835

high testosterone

>> No.5318873

lol nice shoop

>> No.5318911

Watch them be broke next year

>> No.5318962

55 x cucking anon in a threesome with his wife & mum

REST: shitpost on 4chan and be a crypto millionaire

>> No.5318983


>Crypto nigger

Your ICO shiller and insider trading specialist

>> No.5318986

55 reps of 225lb

>> No.5319103

wait til they find out that you can't cash out.

>> No.5319211

Ken. I needed a good laugh.

>> No.5319253

fucking larping nog

>> No.5319271

These niggas will probably never be able to properly cash out because they rode every PnD

>> No.5319297


>> No.5319299

YOung? Nigga on the right is like 60

>> No.5319326 [DELETED] 

so 10% of white people aren't capable?

>> No.5319417

>all have exactly 1.7m at exactly the same time with different portfolios
i know a nigerian scam when i see one

>> No.5319588

Holy fuck your dumb

>> No.5319860

They traded here

>> No.5319947

nice referral, retard. get banned

>> No.5319958

I have no problem with blacks. They down to earth and real af. Look at patrice o'neil... yes there are niggas but we all know niggas are everywhere and you don't have to be black to be a nigga. Stop being scared of your big dicked brethren OP. also OP you definetly need to hit the gym and get a gf. if your short get a gf who is shorter. its not hard :)

>> No.5319974

For some reason they use benching 225 for reps as a metric in football.

>> No.5320154
File: 9 KB, 312x259, 998068_707151435977910_2034874824_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your dumb
>your dumb
>your dumb

>> No.5320158

>unironical millionaire off some maximum autismo spreadsheet
Congrats on this. Seriously.

>> No.5320170

thanks :^)

>> No.5320284

The guy furthest to the left gave up his job at IBM after making a tonne of crypto gainz.

Not sure about the other two but he definitely knows what he's doing. And he's fucking what could have been YOUR waifu and spilling his KFC all over what could have been YOUR lambo.


>> No.5320381


woo he's shilling my pet token

>> No.5320603

Because being dumb is an advantage when dumb money is driving the market. In 2017 technology or fundamentals didn't matter, only hype.
Doesn't matter though, in the long run maybe 5% of guys like them are actually going to cash out before the bubble collapses.

>> No.5320732

>being dumb is an advantage

then why are you still poor you stupid fuck?

>> No.5321671

>how can 3 African dudes become millionaires

If they're billionaires

>> No.5322525

>3 African dudes become millionaires while you're still scrapping?

Most African immigrants to the US are actually well educated compared to the average African American. The one's that can afford to leave Africa actually know what they're about OP.

>> No.5322729

his portfolio is literally only memes, he is the equivalent of a lottery winner, pure luck

>> No.5322787
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>tfw niggers have higher iq than me

>> No.5322847


>> No.5322869


>> No.5322912

>$1.7 million
Am I supposed to be impressed by this?

>> No.5322976
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congrats to em. It's always nice to see a young nigga gettin money

>> No.5323417

kill the head and the body is DED.

>> No.5323522

I see a couple non-USA ico there he had to buy with fake creds, ole sec will come knocking at some point. And what retard couldn't make it starting in January!

>> No.5323852

Bags of utter trash

>> No.5323866
File: 34 KB, 470x512, 1511059963850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A fucking nigger has made it and I haven't. I don't even know what to feel right now.

>> No.5323929

>1 million

It will be gone in a year.

Blacks are known to lose hundreds of millions because they can’t control their spending or balance their books.

>> No.5324024

Isn't Ian Balina some shiller extraordinaire? Besides, anyone can input random numbers in their portfolio... and someone selling themselves as an expert would have EVERY incentive to bullshit here. Without an actual etherscan link it doesn't mean much.

>> No.5324065

They are just smarter than /biz/

>> No.5324138

>86k LINK
he's gonna make it

>> No.5324388

>>"Black, & African"
What other kinda are there?

>> No.5324488

this nog made his money from ico presales
then he pumps them up to his followers and almost guarantees a 2x on his investment

>> No.5324519

Mutts. They must be implying they're pure Africans.

>> No.5324541

There are some things money can't buy. Besides, 1.7m is lunch money.

>> No.5324542

"young" might be a stretch here..

>> No.5324994

We dont get 150% presale discounts.

>> No.5325128

Better kill yourself anon, that will show them who's boss.

>> No.5325156


Looks like your average Swedish teenager to me

>> No.5325253

You know what he does?

>Get in on presale and get special insider offers
>Shill it on youtube and get his audience to hype it

>> No.5325290

Albino and african...?

>> No.5325302

>150k to 1.5 milj
And its fucking nothing

>> No.5325333

Yes I'm replying to myself fuck off /biz/

Btw the three of them could also pull the money together in BTC and act as if one person invests a huge amount to get 200% bonusses. This is how these ICOs work. Got money? Get bonusses. I'm in an ICO that crashed, someone got 300% bonus because he invested a ton.

>> No.5325531

There are millions of whites living in Africa. Plenty of whites living in Zimbabwe, Zambia, Namibia, Botswana, South Africa, Mozambique, Kenya etc who describe themselves as while.
Also, everyone living north of the Sahara desert or even in the Sahara look pretty white too. Just good images for "Moroccan People" or "Tunisian Football Team" and they're whiter than say the french football team.

>> No.5325569

There are also lots of blacks who are not African.

>> No.5325627

Imagine being this retarded

>> No.5325692

Imagine not knowing about Polynesians, Micronesians, Melanesians, Australian Aboriginals, Tamils, etc. etc.
Not to mention if you found a random member of the diaspora who's decendants moved to Brazil hundreds of years ago they won't describe themselves as african.

>> No.5325769
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>ayyo cracka gimme your private keys or I'll pop yo white ass
Repeat until you have 1 mil.

>> No.5325789

i'd bet my whole networth on those niggers not paying taxes too.

>more rich black ppl commit more crimes then even the poorest white ppl

these niggers will be in jail soon, im sure of it.

>> No.5325853

this is likely what happened desu

>> No.5325913

All thanks to the 50 children they've got locked up away from their families to do their research.

>> No.5326325

Literally all crypto's promise is a product after 5 years, BZC is the only one of 20 coins that's actually finished.

>> No.5326548

Black people just can't get over being black, can they? And how is crypto trading in any way "paving for the next generation"?

>> No.5326728

You kill yourself you fucking loser. I'm just surprised that a nigger even knows about crypto, never mind making it.