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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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53178074 No.53178074 [Reply] [Original]


>ofug i better transfer my tokens out of exchanges


>b-b-but i only have $1,200 of ETH


lmao at anything thinking ETH chain has a future

>> No.53178102

consensys is run by a total corrupt jew, there fore eth like ftx will go to zero and they will be hung physically or metaphorically. either way anything run by or for jews will die like the jews themselves. eth is as dead as the jews

>> No.53178231

maybe if your bags werent $20 worth of shitcoins it wouldn't seem like so much money

stay broke poorfag

>> No.53178272

plenty of ETH competitors that you only have to pay a few pennies to use

>> No.53178285

actually true

>> No.53178297

future of finance

>> No.53178315


>> No.53178333
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>> No.53178423

ETH and competitors are premined for free
stick to BTC...

>> No.53178438
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Avalanche fixes everything.

>Sub second finality
>scales with Subnets
>actually permissionless
>better staking mechanism without slashing and with higher yield
>AVAX is also hardcapped and deflationary as fees are burned

>> No.53178441

ETH is a trojan horse. ICP is the truth.

>> No.53178449

>50% of the supply held by turkroaches who printed it out of thin air
not money

>> No.53178464

what are the best? is avalanche or polygon better?

>> No.53178568

most AVAX is staked or delegated to Validators.

>> No.53178575

has constantly 120+ blocks reorgs while Avalanche has sub second finality.
Pooliegon is also made by poojeets and cant scale. if you want to make it you stay away from that faulty Multisig centralized shit and buy AVAX instead.

>> No.53178740

is tehre anything else? i like having a diversified bag ive already been sold on avax what else can i add

>> No.53178746

how do you feel about the kusama network? im trying to find web3 nets that prioritze speed and scalability

>> No.53178759

ya its called the real world. if you ever invested you got robbed. welcome to reality. the government is 100% coupt and jews are robbing every living person on earth from birth. find jews and kilkl them. thats real. you will no live if the jews live. they will rob you everyday until they are cut down in death. extermination of the jews is the only way forward for earth. the jews must die so you can live

>> No.53178785

Buy Cardano

>> No.53178884
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LINK and AVAX is all you really need.
thats what you need to accumulate.
then watch out for Subnets and their coins.

>kusama network?
a scam made by that pedophile bugchaser Gavin Wood. did you know that Gavin wood molests underage children?
how do you feel about Kusama and Polkadot now?
Do you think a mentally ill pedophile will deliver something better than what Avalanche was 2 years ago?
cmon man, time to get real.

>> No.53179018

do you think its realistic for AVAX to replace ETH network or will it jsut basically become a useable medium for real life use but assets will be tied to unusable ETH tokens as a hard asset that never moves around due to the retarded network limitations

>> No.53179101
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They did all the worst design decisions in ETH2, the merge ruined everything and basically killed it from within.
a handful of people control the Ethereum block production now and that was not by accident and not a coincidence.
They always say Ethereum killer this and Ethereum killer that but nobody wants to see how the Ethereum Developers deliberately fucked it up on their own, no ETH killer was even needed.
So will Avalanche replace Ethereum? I'd say it already did.
the Majority will eventually wake up to it and understand why when the Subnet bullrun really hits.

>> No.53179147

Exchanges 10x to 100x tx fees to disincentivize you from taking your coins, the actual gas fee per address is less than 10 bucks (still insanely expensive though, ETH is a failure)

>> No.53179158

most avax were printed at zero cost just like fiat money, tell me what's the point

>> No.53179215

You have to stake it to run a Subnet, its also hardcapped and deflationary.
Avalanche is the only Blockchain platform that can scale to millions of Validators.

>> No.53179396

There it is.
Unbridled truth.
You wanna give the goblins your money ? I don't.

>> No.53179399

thanks anon you sound informed. im still learning about crypto in general. do you know of any privacy uses on the avalance network? privacy is one of my most important concerns for growth in defi in my personal opinion. without privacy there is no such thing as decentralized money. does any development team have some form of privacy chain on avalances network? what else are your top holds for growth?

>> No.53179794
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>do you know of any privacy uses on the avalance network?
Subnets support all Virtual Machines and are extremely customizable. so far and its extremely early I heard of two that are privacy focused:
>a virtual machine (VM) implemented in Rust
>Uses zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs to ensure the correctness and privacy of transactions

>Zapa (Zcash fork as a Subnet)

>> No.53179846
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>what else are your top holds for growth?
My other bag is Chainlink (LINK) and thats now mainly because of Avalanche too.
Avalanche Warp messaging allows for native communication between any 2 blockchains on different Subnets, including the passing/verifying of arbitrary messages to and from each other without the need for a bridge.
It is compatible with both Subnets and Elastic Subnets.
So imagine the BulletproofVM has upon launch instantly access to all Chainlink data feeds and services, no more bootstrapping of oracles for specific chains, no more waiting around. People could instantly use these trustless data feeds to build more elaborate Smart Contracts. extremely powerful.

>> No.53179849

this is awesome info thanks. this Zapa fork seems like a definite possible gem man the more i learn the more i feel overwhelmed like theres so much more shit i havent even heard of yet

>> No.53179870

btw what are your sources to stay up to date on technological breakthroughs and developments? ive just been listening to all the snowden interviews and reading his blog posts because he really has a good analysis of mechanics and the big picture concepts

do you have any people or sources like that who are intelligent and put out good critical analysis? finding quality sources like you on biz is very difficult you are the first person i have talked to here in a long time who isnt just DOGELONMARS GOGOGOGO ahhhhhhhh IT RUGGED tier juvenile

>> No.53179885

>le gas fees
Can you faggots make half an attempt? You're like the 2018 faggots that said crypto bad because fees to buy goybase

>> No.53179896

Convert in xrp, then send it to a wallet and change back.

>> No.53179901

Swiis rugpull trash

>> No.53179911

>Stick to the coin that gave millions away for free in bitcoin faucets

same shit faggot

Stocks aren't any better either the guys at the top give themselves huge cuts.

>> No.53180088
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>theres so much more shit i havent even heard of yet
the Goal of Ava Labs is to "tokenize all the assets" in the world and they are the only ones with the tech to do it.
already now this topic with all the usecases is fucking massive, there is more partnerships than I remember, there is so much going on development wise its hard to keep up even if you dig the whole fucking day. we are literally scratching the iceberg here.

>what are your sources to stay up to date on technological breakthroughs and developments?
I'm stalking people from IC3, in case you dont know thats where all the real crypto tech actually comes from.
>who are intelligent and put out good critical analysis?
for the most part all you have to do is listen to what Emin Gün Sirer, Ari Juels, Sergey Nazarov have to say about the Space and where the tech is going.
here are some good videos to watch, in these two videos you will learn more than anywhere else.

>> No.53180255

super helpful anon. btw any thoughts on zksync ecosystem? i only found it last night while searching web3 privacy stuff. theres no coin to buy because its a network, im still not sure of how it is meant to be utilized but it seems legit https://zksync.io/

>> No.53180261

basically i guess my question is, can novel tech like zksync save the ETH network and make it viable or is it just basically a lost cause?

>> No.53180263

i guess in theory it could be deployed to the avalanche network too. nm i guess i answered my own question now that i think about it

>> No.53181303

bump because page 8 and i want the thread to be up later when i come back

>> No.53181320
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>he doesn't tip his exchange

>> No.53181322

Still accumulating some ETH. Would want to pair them with ORE.

>> No.53181344

the fuck does that mean? explain how to convert XRP to ETH in a wallet without paying gas fees

>> No.53181533

the only issue i see with zapa is its like 1 dude working alone who just started 6 months ago. so definitely a project in its infant stages. doesnt even look like anyone else has contributed to his github. how did you even find it?

>> No.53181911

What the fuck are you talking about? I transferred one Eth last week and the gas wasn't even one dollar

>> No.53182748

>100% true for everything on Polygon
2-5 dudes have 100% ability to do whatever they want to everything on the network. can ETH clowns get any more pathetic?

>> No.53182980

That's what you get for being a gullible latefag, kys