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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53177689 No.53177689 [Reply] [Original]

Sneed edition

>Builders Call
Something more official is coming soon, but if you're interested in contributing to the SNS-1 dao, checkout the biz or sns-1 OC chat and request access to the private SNS-1 Governance chat to get involved.

>Proposals currently being drafted:
- Stablecoin + borrowing/lending protocol

>Taggr Realm

>SNS-1 OC group

>Biz OC group

>Where to buy:

>> No.53177728

Feels like the sneed-1 show is about to begin, bros. Wagmi.

>> No.53177747

Wenzel publicly backed doing a builders call and I like the idea. It just needs to be formalized and thought out a bit more.

It'll take some time, but things are happening.

>> No.53177907


>> No.53177936

10 ICP right now. Nobody will build on this shit and community does care. It’s over. Project failed

>> No.53177938

you absolute faggot, people are working on it right now including myself.
now send the 10 icp to 8df778dc71dc363b2c720f16cfaba0561f787b4166e67b883344ac5453176aca


>> No.53177945
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also to that point, dfinity is providing resources and support to build out SNS-1.

>> No.53177957

Whomst is wendell?

>> No.53177966

wenzel is a faggot

>> No.53177974

Checked. From where though?

>> No.53178001


>> No.53178652

I pissed. It was icy.

>> No.53178817

Token not needed.

>> No.53178833

it's needed to vote.

>> No.53178855

wonder if i should buy some now, but easier to stack icp.

>> No.53178939

sgr is our resident jeet and fud poster

>> No.53178942

Your digits are the sign.

>> No.53178964

I got a good idea on how development can be rewarded but I feel like the community will get pissed at me for just posting an idea while not being a code monkey.

Do you guys reckon I should just keep my silence?

Anyone know of any plans on how development is going to be rewarded?

>> No.53178977

I'd assume bounties or something similar paid in SNS. The DAO holds like 25% of the SNS supply which is like 300-400k at todays price.

>> No.53179041

Yeah I’ve heard about the bounties, it’s just that I haven’t seen anyone propose a trustless system to distribute those bounties.

It’s obvious that we have to pay devs through the treasury but how would that process actually run? I’ve got any idea but I just want to be 100% sure someone hasn’t come up with a system already before I share mine.

>> No.53179083

I'm not too sure on that part with regards to SNS yet. I know what you mean though. Like it a typical DAO you might have a multisig wallet that controls the treasury or something.
Not sure if thats baked into the SNS code where it could just be disbursed with a code change or what. Someone else might know better than me.

>> No.53179130

should I lock my sneeds? how long? any thoughts?

>> No.53179144

i have half of mine locked and half im trying to swing to acoom.
need to be locked for 30 days to vote. other than that no reason to really lock longer than 30 days at this point unless an incentives get made to do so in the future, which they most likely will.

>> No.53179155

Sns-1 should be a web based 3d environment like a Mozilla hubs room.

The dao will manage the objects / html that makes up the space.

Space can be monetized via interactive nft mints.

>> No.53179166

checked. first time ive heard of mozilla hubs. interesting idea. i do not know shit about 3D or VR though personally, so no idea how viable it is.

>> No.53179186


treasury wallet: https://dashboard.internetcomputer.org/account/7765cb3b0431c7043e400e1953d3ed683bf206dfd07f166db5cd5d76089a11e7


>> No.53179206

it's controlled by the canisters that are controlled by the dao.

>> No.53179213

There is already a small incentive. You get more voting power the longer you lock. Up to 2x voting power for a 100 years lock. In addition to having more sway over proposals, planned voting rewards will be tied to your voting power relative to the total active voters, so there's an incentive to lock your shares essentially forever in order to maximize rewards. This is not a path for the weak or the faint of heart. Only for those with strength and vision will be able to make that sort of commitment.

>> No.53179221
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are you the 100yr locker form yesterday by chance?

>> No.53179226

Also just learned the treasury also holds ICP.

SNS-1 has a treasury of both 2937 SNS-1 and 3140 ICP available to spend.

>> No.53179234
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Yes. I have started buying and locking 1 a week after the presale unlock dump and will continue to do so until SNS-1 is under 75 ICP.

>> No.53179236

>You get more voting power the longer you lock

>> No.53179247

over 75 ICP*

Then I'll probably go to 1 every 2 weeks.

>> No.53179251
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>> No.53179273

what about icBTC? anyone buying that? is it real bitcoin?

>> No.53179284

>what about icBTC?
it's wrapped BTC. The "trusted" 3rd party controlling the underlying assets is the internet computer consensus layer.

>> No.53179309

is this the bridgeless btc integration everyone is talking about? i thought btc wasnt suppose to be wrapped on the IC...just native btc? maybe i am missing something

>> No.53179319

it's not really wrapped, but the concept is the same as wrapping. This is a first-of-its-kind integration so there is no real terminology for it. Wrapped tokens generally have a custodian for the underlying assets. The custodian could rug at any moment. However in this case the custodian is a blockchain's consensus layer.

>> No.53179322

ckBTC is the native canister one right?

>> No.53179372

ckBTC will be when a canister holds a real bitcoin balance. BTC transferred to and from a canister as ckBTC will have their transactions posted to the bitcoin blockchain and the movement will be subject to bitcoin's transaction fees and transfer times.

icBTC is an ICRC-1 token to my knowledge. It can be transferred without paying the bitcoin transaction fee and has a finality time of <2 seconds.

Check dfinity's youtube page for more details.

>> No.53179384

We need a decentralized arbitration system

>> No.53179513

I have one in mind that I want to share. Just checking none are in the works yet.

thank you for explaining

the problem is how to get the dao to reward devs that write proposals

>> No.53179553

What's your idea?

>> No.53179568

I think I’ll properly write it up in a few hours and post on oc

Will post the ss on here if threads still active

>> No.53179571

well i dont think they should be rewarded just for writing a proposal, only if it's approved. otherwise that would encourage a lot of spam.

but I guess the reward would just be coded into the code change and disbursed by the canister when the change gets proposed and approved.

as for the bounty program and stuff, I guess a proposal could be written to grant X ppl X amount of funds to disburse for satisfied bounties if people found a problem with the former.

>> No.53179651

The biggest issue I can see is that devs will have to trust that the community won't reject to pay them for good work. Since the code is open source, the DAO could in theory just copy it and resubmit the proposal without the part that pays the dev for their work. This is scummy and not likely to happen, but there's no history for devs to verify that DAO voters are fair and trustworthy.

Without a solution to get around this trust, the DAO will need to build up trustworthiness over time, which means starting with small tasks and showing a willingness to be fair to devs who contribute quality code.

>> No.53179689

This is the exact issue that has been on my mind this whole time and I think I can address with the proposed system :)

>> No.53179696

yeah I guess I could see where that would be a pain point.
but on the other end of the spectrum you have to trust a random party of people to pay you as well, who could also steal the code.
not too worried about it though desu, it's still super early I'm sure it will work out.
let us know when you wriite it up

>> No.53179706

Yeah it’d only include successful proposal because proposal spam would be an obvious issue otherwise

>> No.53179795
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got another one on the order books.

>> No.53179837
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Holy SNS-1 Chad I kneel. Is 10 enough to make it? Why are you so bullish? I'm trying to stack 10+ too, and do you have any locked? I have one locked for life so I'll be in the SNS-1 community forever i guess lol

>> No.53179865

1 sui/10 make it
market cap insanely low. first dao on icp. 30% of tokens belong to dao treasury, only dao with native btc support. dfinity providing help in building it.
a risky bet more than anything for me i guess. not much else interesting going on in crypto rn. not expecting anything big in the short term though. it'll take awhile for this all to playout if it does.

>> No.53179871

5.3 for 100 yrs.
i kneel. you are the sneed chad

>> No.53179982

Is the nns wallet the only place to store sneeds other than icdex? I've got my stack sitting on icdex wallet. I'm unable to make an nns wallet though because of my computer setup/os.

>> No.53179994

right now yes. i dont know of any other wallets that have the token standard integrated yet. soon though hopefully cause nns gets kind of annoying.

>> No.53180137
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wrote it up, apologies for the oncoming screenshot spam

>> No.53180141
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>> No.53180146
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>> No.53180153
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>> No.53180158
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>> No.53180183

I think I understand where youre going. But, the problem I see here is voting on devs. Not quite sure what this means. How are they chosen as candidates? How do we know they want to do the work? What if someone else outside of this group can and wants to do it? etc.

>> No.53180186

at least with the bounty system, we would have agreed upon which bounties to fund as a community and developers individually can submit the proposals to complete the bounty, it's not limited to some arbitrary group of devs. unless im misunderstanding something.

>> No.53180191

the pool of devs would simply be whoever put a proposal that was accepted forward

>> No.53180217

Oh i skipped an image. I see now.
So, your idea is release rewards to approved proposals at certain intervals based on their popularity? Then what about stopping rewards for people not reaching their goals? Another vote I'm assuming?

>> No.53180237

By goals do you mean proposals that were unsuccessful or proposals that the community is asking for?

Developers who would have their proposals rejected would not be in the vote, so there'd be no need for a vote to remove them. The reward would be released to those in the pool.

I suppose it'd be sort of a free for all for the developers in getting their share, if they don't reach their goals then the reward would simply go to the better devs that did, as the community would vote for them.

I'm hoping I understood your question correctly.

>> No.53180247

goals as in like a proposal milestone. we have to have someway to check the work theyre doing.
so say i write a proposal to build a dex, in my proposal I'd probably want to list some milestones. ex:
testnet deployment by March 2023,
frontend completed by X date,
otherwise youre handing out money and not knowing if anything is actually getting done. there has to be some kind of accountability there.

>> No.53180289

Ah I think I understand the misunderstanding here, I'll try to clarify

The vote would only have developers that had accepted proposals. Lets say theoretically there were 3 devs in the community, all promising their individual work and milestones

Month 1:

Dev 1: puts 10 proposals through and all get accepted
Dev 2: doesn't meet his goals but puts 1 proposal through that gets accepted
Dev 3: makes promises but write no proposals.

The vote:
Dev 1 and 2 would be in the vote but dev 3 would not as they had not put any proposals through. It is implied that the community would vote for Dev 1 to receive the majority of the reward as they would be the community's favorite.

Month 2:
Dev 1: put a bunch of proposals through that got accepted
Dev 2: put 1 proposal through again but it got rejected
Dev 3: put a bunch of proposals through and they got accepted

Now dev 2 would no longer be in the vote, he would receive no reward, and dev 1 and 3 would have the reward distributed between them based on the work they put out and how worthy the community deems their work.

The accountability then is automated in a way, based on the work that the devs put forward and not the work they promise.

Does that answer your question?

>> No.53180291

Proportional rewards seems like a good idea. Then devs can be ranked and rewarded each month by the voters relative to the strength of their contributions.

However, I think that rather than competition the system should be encouraging COLLABORATION. Devs should communicate and work together, and form teams to work on various components of the project. Having a bunch of different teams or individuals working separately on the same stuff is very inefficient.

Let's say you have a big project, like create a DEX. You can create teams to break the project up. Examples:

1. Front end team, build the front end
2. Backend team, build the back end
3. Bug testing team, work with front and back end teams to test for bugs
4. Research team, research potential new ideas
5. Integration team, work and communicate with all other teams to facilitate communication and integration between them

Each team is allotted a certain budget and periodically a vote will be held to determine how well the team did. The team will, of course, be responsible for preparing a report of everything they did and provide evidence. If the SNS voters are happy with the progress, the team will be paid out and a vote can be held to potentially give the team an increased budget for next period's vote. If the voters are not happy, the team is still paid but their budget can either be slashed or the team disbanded and reshuffled if their work is extremely lacking.

Proportional rewards can come into play when deciding how to distribute rewards within the teams. Each team can hold their own vote and rank the devs within that team based on their contribution, then distribute the rewards proportionally.

>> No.53180324

Involving teams is actually pretty smart, didn't think of that.

I have an issue with the idea of alotting team budgets however, as fraudulent teams could organize with intent to fake that they're working and collect their reward then disband.

A workaround this could be just putting developer teams into the whole Interval Vote, so that they only get rewarded if they actually do the work that they promise and can't collect a bounty with no work. The DAO could automate a system that distributes tokens between members of the team fairly.

By putting teams into the whole overall reward this creates both collaboration and competition between teams

>> No.53180341

yeah that cleared it up a bit. I think this is definitely in the right direction.

>> No.53180352

are you in the biz or sns oc chat?

>> No.53180355

That makes sense. In my idea the SNS governance will create the teams, then devs can apply to join the teams. Perhaps creating a proposal to add themselves as a member, providing evidence of their past work and capabilities, their character, or any other supporting evidence. This will cut down on a flood of people applying to join teams, then doing and contributing nothing with hopes of getting a reward, which will create a lot of confusion.

>> No.53180376



>> No.53180379
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yes we're all bots. now move along, stay poor, and let the chads and adults talk.

>> No.53180382

Cheers, I think sns-1 could be insane, we just gotta get our shit together as we're the first ones to have access to this tech.
I'm on both, I'll check a message in there if ya wanna chat

I like your idea, it just needs trust from the community which could definitely be earned if people provide evidence of their work.

At the end of the day we're just two members and the entire DAO will have to decide how it rewards devs.

Personally I don't see why both of our proposed ideas couldn't be running at the same time

our resident skitzo :) was wondering when you'd show up

>> No.53180388

he came pretty late today. though it is the weekend and his call center is closed. good work ethic!

are you on openchat?

>> No.53180395

sent a message on the biz chat

>> No.53180400

Places to learn English are
Khan Online
Open college USA
Talk with us

>> No.53180405

you waste so many digits its unbelievable.
but which class did you take? i want that one since your english is so perfect.

>> No.53180502

Awesome conversation starter. As a grumpy, conservative, old school cypherpunk SNS-1 holder who votes "reject" on every proposal, and think so far the proposals have been a clown show, I am all aboard with the direction you are going. I'm not sure about what the right mechanism will be - perhaps yours, but I can't tell after five minutes of thought - but I am sure it's the right discussion to have.
To your points. It seems the general idea is a fixed payout scheme so that there is no option to skimp - the money will go out and the only question is where to.
A few questions. What if there are no candidates for a given month? Will the rewards still be payed out? If the answer is yes it could perhaps lead to the easy money quickly attracting increasingly more honest players, wanting to take the money off the table from the scammers who get them by showing up wanting to claim the rewards, stating they did a tweak to the html or whatever. It's an interesting idea.
My other question is, with a fixed payout scheme, and a fixed amount in the treasury, what about running out of funds?

>> No.53180520

>My other question is, with a fixed payout scheme, and a fixed amount in the treasury, what about running out of funds?

well, I'd hope, we'd initally be funding a project(s) that will increase the treasury size (hopefully of with varying assets too). The current treasury should give plenty of runway to get some of this done.
Once some proposals start gaining traction I'd imagine the price will react as well.

>> No.53180566

I see. Perhaps the monthly reward should be lower, perhaps 1 SNS, to make it so that the reward is pretty useless, but since a good proposal could change that, it would turn into quite an opportunity to do really good work for less wealthy but talented (i.e. third world) programmers.
Btw, don't apologize for not having written code along with your suggestion, code shouldn't be written until it's nailed down at least a bit what it should be. Discussion comes first.

>> No.53180593

Swiss people are trash scammers

Here are their names if you ever want to hunt them down for scamming you.

>> No.53180604

Another thought. ChatGPT is showing us that creating candidate code is going to become cheap, the expensive part is reviewing and selecting. It may be that the challenge is more about figuring out what we want and going in one direction.
For example, say that we want a DEX. Well, I can write a DEX in a week. Problem is, it will be a very shitty one, that doesn't scale. How do you build a DEX that scales on the IC? Well, it's one of my interests, so I have been researching this, and yet I can't say I'm at a point where I have answers. Do you think most SNS-1 holders would be more or less qualified than I on voting between alternative architecture proposals for a DEX? Not trying to brag, but I think it is less. There's a huge risk we waste a lot of money on unsuccessful software projects even if a single scammer isn't involved. To improve this, we would need really good and transparent development processes and forums for discussing and explaining choices in unbiased and pedagogical ways. To be clear, I don't see people knowing less than I (possibly) about DEXes meaning they are incapable of coming to the right decisions (the market is always smarter than me given a chance to be informed), but I do think we need tools to facilitate that and can't just expect it happens anyway.

>> No.53180612

Excellent questions, both were on my mind when writing the idea up but I avoided mentioning them as to not overcomplicate the post.

>What if there are no candidates for a given month? Will the rewards still be payed out?

If there are absolutely zero candidates, then I don't see a reason for rewards to be paid out, as they'd have nowhere to go. As you said yourself the reward scheme would attract increasingly better devs so I doubt that in any month there'd be zero proposals.

>with a fixed payout scheme, and a fixed amount in the treasury, what about running out of funds?

If I recall correctly, there's currently 2500 in the treasury. If we released 10 at a monthly rate, it would take 21~ years for the treasury to run out. That's if we don't release SNS for other purposes as well.
The first solution in my mind would be a gradual reduction in the amount of SNS released, so that the treasury would never reach a point where it's completely empty, only getting smaller and smaller.
And as >>53180520 stated, the treasury size could be increased by some means

>> No.53180624
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how does israeli sbf dick taste?

desu i dont have faith in non-specialized people to know much or anything about a particular topic :P
but i guess that's where these milestones would come into play. it could serve as a visual for the less code savvy. if youre not happy with the progress you see on a particular proposal you could vote to unfund it.

agreed. no proposals being worked on, no rewards should go out.

>> No.53180634

I really like your idea. It is ambitious. It is a "let's build" attitude. It is the first proposal I have heard so far on SNS-1 that I will vote for.
Seriously, you have a dynamite idea that is worth trying out. Please go for it and drive this, I honestly think you will succeed and leave a mark in crypto history. It's all about the signal, the confident payment every month. It's a very pure idea, that definitely resonates with my old school ideals.

>> No.53180660

its almost like developer mining.

>> No.53180674

I think we need this:
1) Any SNS-1 holder can submit proposals for "Work we want done"
2) All SNS-1 holders can vote for such proposals. If accepted, the work is added to the official list of "Work we want done"
3) Every month a fixed payout go to people working on the "Work we want done" as per your scheme

>> No.53180699

(editing my message, looking for the part 4chins thinks is spam...)
4) However. While a successful project will conclude by submitting a "code update" proposal for SNS1 holders to vote on, where the code for the project is accepted, a multi-month project will often not have any "code update" proposals submitted every month, but only once the project is done and ready to be deployed.

>> No.53180706


>> No.53180717

>New sock puppet account
Here the third worlder tries to make the project look like it has many interested parties. If you analyse the comments they’re trying to set up a DEX (lmfao) with SNS treasury, which would be exploited, probably by these same third worlders as there is no controlling interest in SNS so the third worlders who botted 1300 tokens would vote to hire their own dev then proceed to run off with the funds, as is common in the third world. Any white person can see the nonsense these third worlders are attempting to contrive, possibly through many comments and paragraphs to fool non technical anons into thinking the SNS is complicated and advanced and that they should buy. Wait for SNS-2 and SNS-3 and so on to launch and watch the liquidity for SNS-1 be sucked out and SNS-1 to crash to zero.

Summary: Don’t by SNS-1 it's a scam

>> No.53180729

he lives.

this jeet thinks this happening. top kek. sorry you missed the airdrop and presale prakash

>> No.53180732
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I give up, stupid fucking spam filter, see pic related

>> No.53180742

yeah i guess thats where that sub-voting system would come in to play.

>> No.53180748

he posted a thread about this on dscvr too if youd like to share there.

we also have an openchat group if youre interested in joining.

>> No.53180768

Here the third worlder and is on full display
Consider this before buying this scam those who are watching

>> No.53180775

Hello KZvm :)

>> No.53180783

buy a computer poorfag its 2023

>> No.53180804

Post hand

>> No.53180813

youve seen my hand already, you know its white. still havent posted yours. still phonefagging.

also im sure anons appreciate the hours you put in here advising them not to buy SNS. just a good goy anon on the internet that cares about other peoples money.

>> No.53180829

Places to learn English are
Reply to
Bicycle English

>> No.53180842

no retort. you just got btfo. cope.
you will never have sex.

>> No.53180846


>> No.53180866

>The act of retorting; the repelling of an argument, accusation, or incivility; hence, that which is retorted; a retaliatory act or remark; especially, a sharp or witty rejoinder; a repartee.

>> No.53180930
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welcome back schizo

>> No.53180963

Your kind words are very appreciated. You sound a bit like a weathered oldie in the biz so funnily enough the P0p id is pretty fitting.

I'd like to drive this, but as I cannot code all I can contribute are my ideas. Not sure what I can do from this point on other than contribute to the discussion. I have been thinking about creating a telegram group and discord server for SNS.

>Any SNS-1 holder can submit proposals for "Work we want done"

Giving non-coders the ability to chip in in an organized in an organized fashion would be very useful.

>a multi-month project will often not have any "code update" proposals submitted every month

multi-month projects may indeed complicate my scheme, as they would be earning of rewards from every month whilst not being able to put out proposals every month. Not sure of a work-around with this, your sub-voting system seems pretty good to me.

As long as all votes are from the entirety DAO it works for me. The sub-voting system may potentially overcomplicate things, if new developers propose novel ideas that the community hasn't discussed before those shouldn't be excluded just because the community is currently focused on something else. Even little contributions should be rewarded, and would naturally be staying at the bottom of the Interval Reward. That's why I think any successful proposals shouldn't be excluded from the main vote.

I'm really glad I've caused further discussion on my idea, it was exactly what I was hoping to achieve

>> No.53180999
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I bought a stack of ICP this week, thinking long term, 2025.
Should I also buy an SNS-1 bag? If yes, why?

>> No.53181019

nice digits and pic
market cap insanely low. first dao on icp. 30% of tokens belong to dao treasury, only dao with native btc support. dfinity providing help in building it.

its a long play as well. sns has been a dfinity goal for years.