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53174642 No.53174642 [Reply] [Original]

$60 for a basic lunch for two people, this is getting out of control

>> No.53175020

>you bought it

do you see the problem?

>> No.53175032

Yeah I see the problem, this use to be $20 before Biden was in office. I’m tired of these free loaders sucking the test of hard working Americans and asking for so much. $20 minimum wage making my cheap lunch into $60. Fucking incredible

>> No.53175059
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>0.01$ driver tip

>> No.53175061

is that a lot of money?

>> No.53175073

This is satire right?

>> No.53175090

>come up the elevator and drop it off at my front door wagie, or I'ma take this $0.01 back

>> No.53175094

try going and picking it up yourself instead of using jewish delivery apps and maybe forego the cheesecake you fat fuck

>> No.53175110
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>one penny tip

>> No.53175112

>So what's with this 6 year gap in your employment history?
>t. "i look for bad deals on food delivery gig economies"

>> No.53175136


>> No.53175147

Imagine being this stupid.

>> No.53175192

yeap, i just had lunch with some friends at bar. your basic burgers with fries and a beer. $40 after tips. Fuck this shit. Dont even like going out anymore

>> No.53175215

>that tip
I hope you rot in hell.

>> No.53175225

No shit.

>> No.53175258

nice bait I will bite.

>2.99 fees
>5.80 fees
>4.84 tax fees
that's 13.63 alone. get up and get it yourself instead of tipping that poor wagie 1 cent.

>> No.53175279

>tip $0.01

>> No.53175292

yes it likely was a nigger who delivered the food, because only low IQ browns/blacks sign up to make sub minimum wage on delivery apps these days.

>> No.53175451

My time is way too valuable to be driving in the rain.

I didn’t want them to think I was just cheap, I want them to know I think less of them. It was still delivered btw. I might just complain to get my money back

>> No.53175737

try not tipping. 1 cent is too much

>> No.53175926

Food came fine boys, still hot. I forgot to add tangy bbq sauce but even if that’s my fault I still am gonna request a refund. They should have thrown in some type of sauce and especially tangy bbq sauce

>> No.53175942

Somebody post it

>> No.53175997

>Coke de Mexico
What in God's name is this?

>> No.53176008

You should know they spat and farted on your food before giving it to you

>> No.53176015

coca cola in mexico uses real sugar rather than corn syrup. they market it as mexican coke -- artisanal goyslop, if you will.

>> No.53176022


>> No.53176058

i wonder how much nog spit or other disgusting ingredients the driver added to your meal
you should never order food and tip next to nothing

>> No.53176096


I work as a cook and drivers just leave those orders on the counter. They'll only take them if there's another stop along the way, so it's like 50/50 they just don't even get picked up or are delivered cold as hell and then we have to deal with complaints.

My boss wants to stop allowing service through those apps because it's become such a big issue of drivers being selective with orders and people not tipping.

>> No.53176116

Is that you, DSP?

>> No.53176186

Interesting, thx

>> No.53176222

some of you are jewish and it shows

>> No.53176226

>My boss wants to stop allowing service through those apps because it's become such a big issue of drivers being selective with orders and people not tipping.
That's exactly why I don't think these apps are sustainable. The human element makes it incompatible with reality.

>> No.53176283


$57.25 but let's break that down.

Your main meal is the sandwich and that's listed at $18.68. You proceeded to order a burger ($13.03) followed by a Cheesecake ($8.84), and a drink ($3.06).

In total, the meal itself minus the costs associted with your laziness is $43.61.


Grubhub takes an average fee cut of 20% so you can break that down even further.

You should have paid only $34.88 for this meal; and if you wanted to save costs, you quite easily could have.

This has nothing to do with inflation, but rather, your option to go through a middleman to complete your order.

You were raped by middleman fees and deserve to feel bad.

>> No.53176314

this is why tipping payment should always come after delivery

>> No.53176327

Imagine putting this shit into your body and paying $60 for the privilege holy shit gentiles can't be helped

>> No.53176459

>two people
That was obviously all for you you fat bastard

>> No.53176682

Where the fuck is this place? A chicken deluxe with bacon meal with large drink and large waffle fries at Chickfila is $9 and a steakhouse "Thickburger" from Hardees by itself is $7. a slice of cheese cake is at most $4, and Mexican Coke is a marketing gimmick, its been tested to not have cane sugar because Coke sued the Mexican government when a law to ban high fructose corn syrup was trying to be passed. But white people still believe its better, so its everywhere as Mexican coke, which ironically put the nail in the real sugarcane drink because sugarcane isnt consistent enough and there aren't enough sources owned by the company to mass produce the drink, its the glass that makes the drink taste slightly different.

Your just letting everyone bend you over at this point.

>> No.53176701

the ingredients list disagrees with you

>> No.53176734

this is an order from Carlos Jr.
no fucking way these prices are right.

>> No.53176766

holy fuck $0.01 tip I dont want to imagine the disgusting shit the driver has done to this guys food.

>> No.53176773

0.01 tip seems so much worse than no tip. Like you're specifically seeking out nigger drivers by doing this

>> No.53176793

the bottle has to explicitly say cane sugar, otherwise hfcs can be legally labelled as just "Sugar" as long as the words "other additional flavoring" is also used, now Im not an expert, thats what a Mexican told me about the situation

>> No.53176805
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>$0.01 tip

>> No.53176808
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>> No.53176819
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>> No.53176841

>complains about $60 lunch (which is the regular now)

Have you tried working harder? Pickup an extra shift if you cant afford luxury things or stop complaining and save up/

>> No.53176946
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you might just want to move.

>> No.53177077
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This is the most expensive angus burger on the menu here.

>> No.53177097

I haven't noticed much change in lunch prices because I make my own sandwiches using ingredients from walmart

>> No.53177109
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> Grubhub


>> No.53177146

I think the funniest thing I've seen was an article claiming that the best way to combat inflation is to keep wages low and fire more people

>> No.53177162
File: 563 KB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230107-195847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is your exact order with a large drink and fries, something is wrong here

>> No.53177180
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>> No.53177181

>0.01$ driver tip
Fuck you.

>> No.53177200

Trump created the wave, then got ousted from the white house before it hit

>> No.53177210
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I knew it, no way cheesecake is fucking $8, your trolling or you need to take these screen shots and actually demand a refund for price gouging

>> No.53177272

>Trump created the wave, then got ousted from the white house before it hit
You're retarded. Biden screamed "There's no inflation, chud!" for over a year and media cheered him on. Trump would have brought the post-covid economy back in line properly.

>> No.53177294

at walmart I can get a nice two-slice cheesecake pack for about $3

>> No.53177301

You have tipped too much.

>> No.53177305

You niggas really don't understand central banks' role in this do you
The most that orange man did was bully Jerome Powell into lowering rates some in 2019. This was a drop in the bucket compared to the Fed's recent actions that really fucked us.
The Fed printed nearly an order of magnitude more money to inject into debt markets "due to covid", as compared to government deficit spending in a typical / recent year.
I won't argue that either president has necessarily helped the situation recently, but stating that either one really caused this mess demonstrates that you're missing the biggest piece of the puzzle.

>> No.53177318

>driver tip $0.01


>> No.53177323

I just had a sit-down japanese steak dinner for 2 for 60 bucks including tip
Delivery apps are the problem, they charge this because it doesn't stop you from buying.
It ends when you (I mean everyone, collectively) say it's too expensive and buy it less.

>> No.53177334

My family owns a restaurant and they stopped ordering through the apps. You can call it in to the restaurant and then have them pick it up,but no more ordering through it because of the insane number of chargebacks from people that don't tip and then blame the restaurant. I can't even blame them because the apps are charging you $10 in fees and they never tell you that the driver doesn't get any of that.

>> No.53177347

Was it when I failed to maintain the probotector, thinking I was safe?

>> No.53177353

You're the retard. Of course the post-Covid economy was going to be tricky. But all Biden did was make it worse
>more spending, more spending, more spending
>"there is no inflation, you racists!", "Oh and inflation peaked this Dec 2021 at 4.1%. It won't go any higher!"
>Fed and Biden both believing this nonsense and not pushing for interest rate increased immediately after the American Rescue Plan was signed
>Biden vax mandate causes workers in key roles (like truck drivers) to refuse the vax, causing more problems to the supply chain
>Biden greatly cuts down on US oil drilling. We start buying from Russia. War starts. Can't buy from Russia anymore. Gas prices skyrocket
Biden made every wrong move here.

>> No.53177360

Enjoy your $60 worth of goyslop and wagie spit you fat fuck.

ANYONE who orders delivery is a retard.

>> No.53177402

Based and fuck delivery apps
Their real purpose is exit pumps for the "engineers" and founders' equity anyways.

i clearly said and will re-iterate that I do NOT think Biden helped in any way. I don't like him. None of what you say false, is that clear enough?
Those things are terrible for our country, don't get me wrong, but there are FAR fucking worse things going on behind the scenes that you aren't aware of - it's our central bank's policy.
An absolute fucking avalanche of currency was created that dwarfs Biden's fuck-ups. That is the problem, anon.
To summarize, I'm saying that if you think is bad, it gets so so much worse and he ends up looking more like a puppet. I'm not here to be hostile.

>> No.53177424

last line should say "..if you think this is bad, it gets so much worse.."
can't type for shit rn

>> No.53177428

>An absolute fucking avalanche of currency was created that dwarfs Biden's fuck-ups. That is the problem, anon.
Trump would have handled it better.

>> No.53177479
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Again, that's what you miss. If you think he'd be better that's fine, what I am trying to explain is that our congress and president are only responsible for a small portion of the currency printing. It's still trillions of dollars, but so much more is created without their approval. Look up "quantitative easing" if you haven't heard of it.
The board of governors of the federal reserve has sole authority to handle the currency in this manner. Trump and Biden have approved the same chairman (powell)
This is the graph of liquid dollars over time, for reference.

>> No.53177559

Perhaps a better way to phrase my response is that your base assumption is the problem - the president legally CAN'T handle the currency at all. He doesn't have that authority over our central bank.
The Fed was set up in 1913 so that the president only nominates the chairman who gets to act independently and without oversight.
The president is a symptom of the problem lately, not the problem itself.
I hate the direction we're going in under Biden, I'm no democrat in any way, but I still have to admit that the worst of the problems are due to leaving the money printer on and more than doubling the currency supply in just two years.
Biden's retarded policies on vaxx mandates and oil have affected me personally and I hate them, but I am just talking about monetary policy here.

>> No.53177577

Trump wouldn't have let inflation get to 5%
Trump would have kept America as an oil exporter.
Trump would have called for interest rate hikes much sooner.

>> No.53177629

wtf you can get bacon on the sandwiches at chick a fil since when

>> No.53177648

corned beef is like $18/lb at grocery stores now

>> No.53177650

I'll argue that reality is perhaps even worse.
None of the establishment likes Trump (obviously), so I think they would have held rates lower for LONGER to make him look worse and get him out of office. They're all neolibs at the Fed.
But really I'm not here to argue, I'm here to try to inform (You) of our monster of a central bank that gets to push whatever agenda it wants with zero oversight.

>> No.53177670

Sadly trump could realize this (I agree that he would) and "call for" interest rate hikes, but I'm sure at the Fed they'd take the opportunity to stick their nose up at him - saying "inflation is transitory".
No disagreement on our oil policies.

I'm seeing like 5 america bucks per pound at walmart and similar. Where you at?

>> No.53177681


>> No.53177685

>more than half the cost isn't food
>orders from a delivery service
who's the retard here? kek

>> No.53177705

>ordering drinks on a takeout app
are you really this dumb? If and when I rarely get goyslop I never buy a $3 to $4 soda water

>> No.53177710

I made 5k today, the time spent cooking and driving in the rain to pick up my food isn’t worth it.

>> No.53177770

damn that's rough. I can get good cuts of steak for that price here. isn't corned beef known as poverty food for brits?

5000 rupees is a good wage there, but that still isn't enough to justify the attitude Ranjesh

>> No.53177798

This guy fucks.

>> No.53177802
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Dinner time, was thinking Chinese for me and the girl but man the price is getting insane. Absolute rip offs

>> No.53177825

>Panda express
anon, those "bigger plate" meals are $10 if you just go get it. My wife and I like a little panda express sometimes but that's a scam.
If you can't use their own app to order ahead, you kind of deserve to get ripped off

>> No.53177848

>not tipping
>ordering from takeout apps
>probably live in a blue state
>probably a faggot tranny Biden supporter
just kys

>> No.53178104

My wife and I had a nice walk at the local waterfront, then went to the diner for lunch. Ruben, fries; chicken salad, fries; 2 coffees. 30$ with tip. Mom and pops still have great deals. live in suburban NYC

>> No.53178147

Thanks for saving our democracy. No refunds.

>> No.53178359

He did tip. I'm sure he told the delivery nigger not to spend it all in one place too

>> No.53178557

Midwest town, we go to a local place and get 3 burgers, fancy fries, and 2 drinks for $35+tip. That feels fine for 2 people for me. Depends on the area

>> No.53178578

He’s also a fat ass, why the 2x cheesecake lol

>> No.53178594

He got 2 of those, add the grub hub up charge