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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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53172497 No.53172497 [Reply] [Original]

Oldfags, is the state of this board right now similar to the state of this board during the 2018 bottom?

>> No.53172524
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Probably worse because this market is going to last more

>> No.53172525
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Here's a screencap of a thread on the day of the absolute bottom back in December 2018. You decide yourself if you see any similarity

>> No.53172533

Bro crypto is dead get over it

>> No.53172536

bear market

>> No.53172558


Probably we should use brown bobo index instead of pink index. Because according to pink index, we are still far from the bottom.

>> No.53172559

No, this is much worse than it was back in 2018

>> No.53172566

i've never seen sentiment so bearish as it is now. I've seen multiple threads with 20+ replies and every single one is bearish. Ask yourself: Who is left to sell?

>> No.53172578
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Holy fucking shit, lmfao.
>100k next year
>see you at 3 digits

I know without these suckers I would make less gains but fuck this shit.
All PermBears and Permabulls should kill themself. Thanks for confirming the bottom, champ. See you at 25k

>> No.53172580

>Who is left to sell?
miners who are mining at a loss since Bitcoin is trading lower than 5 years ago

Gosh you people are so fucking retarded

>> No.53172621

Post shorts or fucking kill yourself

>> No.53172685

who is left to buy?

Who would buy crypto going into the most anticipated recession in modern history? Crypto is just high beta tech, and we still have some high beta tech stocks trading at ridiculous valuations vs their discounted earnings, TSLA being a prime example

>> No.53172688

I'm 33. And this is the worst I've ever seen it. Maybe the 08 crash is comparable. In fact if things only got worse 2023-24-25-26-27-28 and only started getting better around 29 I wouldn't be surprised at all. We're fighting a fucking war in ukraine against a world super power. Of course things are fucked as long as the war continues we will continue to lose

>> No.53172691
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But no, 2018 was astronomically worse than this. It was considered the final dump, the last nail in the coffin. People were spamming it up with suicide threads, and too many of them were legitimate.

Only 3 legit things came out of that period.

1. Bogandoff memes
2. haha go brrrr
3. LINK-hodlers talking about mooning for years, and then actually 20x-ing. Fuck we were salty when that happened. I would’ve been a multimillionaire now if I actually listened.

>> No.53172774
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>> No.53172799

I'm glad to see that a few people with brain are left on this trannyboard

>> No.53172810

>I want to kill myself
Honestly, havnt been seeing enough of these

>> No.53172869

But yeah, most people seem to be bearish (me included) and sentiment is shit which are generally good buy signals.
Thing is, there are some pretty good reasons to be bearish, where is I'm really not seeing any place for a bullish narrative. Might be an egg ad chicken thing but I duuno.
All of this to say, this might be the bottom, but I simply have no need to buy before price starts going up.

>> No.53172893

I'd say is the same. The difference is that now, everyone (even normies) are in this 4d contrarian mindset where they think that it cannot dump more because everyone is bearish. But everyone was bearish too at 30k and we crashed 50% more kek.

>> No.53172929

2018 seemed kinda comfy and at least there was some consensus around link. The board has been so fucking depressing the past few weeks, all the feels posting and totally off topic sex threads are staying up for so long.

There is no /biz/ coin everybody loves and agrees is undervalued, the closest we have is ETH and BTC lol.

I guess this always happens but we have retards who are expecting some major trend reversal in 2023, not realizing we have at least a couple years of crabbing ahead with still the possibility for a large dump.

I'm already about a top 100 holder of my lowcap token of choice, feel like I should load up on ETH but it doesn't feel like a steal to me above 1k and with some inevitable black swan event over the next two years I feel very certain we will dip below 1k again.

>> No.53172932

>Thing is, there are some pretty good reasons to be bearish, where is I'm really not seeing any place for a bullish narrative.
You think there were any "bullish narratives" when BTC was at 3K back in 2018? At that point it literally felt like it was over for good, utterly hopeless

>> No.53172939
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Looks literally exactly the same as now
Sentiment has been checked

>> No.53172967

Rofl no we aren't. The Ukraine War is made up garbage. It's a money laundering ploy to siphoned money from the American people and into the hands of a few select evil war mongerers such as Biden, zelensky, pelosi and all those other shit faces, so they can reap the rewards whe cbdc get launched. Fuckin wake up.
If anything, Russia needs to literally drop a massive a bomb on Ukraine and decimate any remaining life on the land. Then we can start kinda fresh

>> No.53173054

Fair point, but from my perspective things were different in the sense that the hopelessness felt at that point was kinda unfounded (if you dont question the value of magic internet rocks)
Where is now, we have a decent amount of big, overleveraged retards that are seemingly going bankrupt + shitty macro
Like, I'm not saying this isnt the bottom, could very well be but I dont see any point to buying now when I can just wait for things to get better and make nearly as much money

>> No.53173078

it was worse when it hit 4k. way worse. BTC will go to 9k. then in a few years it will go back up. rinse and repeat

>> No.53173398

not even close and it never will be

Now we have constant demoralization slide threads being spammed. Back then the FUD was mostly just ironic shitposting, but now its literally, unironically crafted to make you give up on life itself. I don't know who is doing it (cough trannies glowniggers cough), but it's a constant theme across all boards. Also most of the oldfags are gone or only visit rarely. The "kind of people" who post on /biz/ has declined in quality over the years regardless of market status. The level of creativity in shitposting, and level of authenticity in discussion (i.e. without any inherent shilling bias) has declined and will likely continue for the foreseeable future as the zoomers continue to become the core demographic here. the "real" 4chan is essentially dead but the spirit lives on in memes the internet over. But it's just a nostalgic spirit, there is no living breathing meme machine like there once was.

Every meme now is just a derivative of a meme that has already been created. 4chan is kill.

>> No.53173585

the FED pivoted less than two weeks after he made that post and created the bottom.

Remember that the 50% drop from 6k to 3k was in dec of that year, leading up to the period when stocks also started shitting themselves from the FED saying that QT was on autopilot. Crypto has a habit of leading stocks when it comes to liquidity driven events, i.e. FED policy pivots. Stocks dropped something like 13 days in a row until steve munchkin organized a meeting between the treasury, the NY FED and the prime brokers (on christmas eve) to convince FED to pivot. Dec 26th the market rallied off the lows and never looked back. Crypto had already bottomed in anticipation of this happening, but needed the confirmation to have any substantial rally going into 2019.

Using the knowledge of hindsight, you are suggesting "lol lmao you would have missed the bottom" by being cautious. Yes, you are right, being cautious will make you miss "the exact bottom". But just the same, without the knowledge of hindsight, if the FED didn't pivot going into 2019, crypto could have fallen another 50% from there. Buying in before another leg down is a good way to miss the exact bottom as well.

From a trader's perspective, it would be much higher R/R to wait for an *actual* pivot and signs of the casino reopening before putting money on the table. There's no need to try and time "the actual bottom", because who knows when the FED is going to pivot. Much simpler to wait and press the gas when the light turns green. From the perspective of an investor, sure it makes sense to accumulate slowly here, it's not terrible value - but be open for the opportunity of further discounts.

>> No.53173738

I want to kms for sure

>> No.53173764

I’ll start boomerposting again if you guys want to.

>> No.53173782
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SHIB is about to 500x though

>> No.53173794

>Also most of the oldfags are gone or only visit rarely.
Oldfag (2017) here. Biz is fucking gay now. No alpha, no memes, no bants. Every time I come back I see eternal bagholder generals and low iq bait threads bumped right to the top all day.

>> No.53173805

I miss all the Bog and Sminem memes from back then

>> No.53173833

This hurts

>> No.53173857

I’m an oldfag that just came back after a few years. This place is terrible. The last time this sub was tolerable was 2019 and only because of LINK. Legendary memes almost every day and pumping through a bear market. Nobody else knew about it. Bizfags actually making it. Magic. Now this place is just plebbit except you can say nigger. Everyone is shilling old crusty shitcoins like ADA and FTM and ALGO. No original thought happening here whatsoever and the memes are trash.

>> No.53173915

what would you do if BTC all of sudden pumped to 22k
would you buy in or wait?

>> No.53173958
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>Oldfag (2017) here. Biz is fucking gay now
I miss NGR

>> No.53174012

pretty similar
>Endless bobos shitposting about "Its over" "BTC is going 80% lower from here" "we havent even hit Fear" "crypto is done"
>relatively few pajeets shilling shitcoins
>Chainlink being aggressively fudded on all sides

>> No.53174014
File: 419 KB, 793x621, pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2016 oldfag here

The current state of the board is much more active than it was near 2018 bottom
is this the bottom ? maybe. I mean we are closer to the bottom than the top that's for sure. The main question is when will the markets go back up ? The economy could be shit for many years for all I know

>> No.53174154

STFU dumbbag ! Crypto ain't dead and would come back stronger soon. You better fucking go and invest in project like BTC, ETH or even Allianceblock. Thank me later loser!

>> No.53175044

posts/day recently hit the same as it was in early 2019 when btc was 3-4k

given how much bigger the crypto space is now, the fact that posts/day is hovering around 9-13k, whereas in 2019 bottom, posts per day was hovering around 8-10k


>> No.53175058

Wait for the black wojak phase, that's when you know we've reached the bottom.

>> No.53175060

no, much better.

>> No.53175081

It was always shit. The only difference is the amount of spammers, scammers and total idiots.

>> No.53175294

Do you still think LINK is a good buy right now? It's under 10 dollars, single digit link sounds mighty good to buy in to.

>> No.53175304

Feels more dead, especially wrt crypto. This is the least crypto-active I've ever seen this board since I first began viewing in early 2017.

>> No.53175319

>Honestly, havnt been seeing enough of these
I see posts like that everyday though

>> No.53175336

The fact is that retail sentiment does not matter. The market moves based on the big players: institutions and whales. We pump again when the whales decide to buy back in. Simple as.

>> No.53175343

Based. Still holding 800mil

>> No.53175355

more dead than 2018. there was good discussion back then, and multiple Link deep research threads

>> No.53175416

>There is no /biz/ coin everybody loves and agrees is undervalued, the closest we have is ETH and BTC lol.
are you retarded?
it's icp
do your due dilligence and you'll realize why
key words: fido alliance and internet identity

thank me later.

>> No.53175432

It's a lot more retarded. Used to be able to get good info, now basically 99% of biz is faggots. I only still come here because I'm a piece of shit too I guess

>> No.53175449

the insane amount of scammers in this board makes me think we haven't bottomed yet
anyhow, i hope the final recovery doesn't take ages...

>> No.53175450

>this sub
You HAVE to go back.

>> No.53175462

There were more mongoloids and less negroes, so it was better

>> No.53175503

Same, just waiting for dat ETH dump or at least the crab to finish. What's the low cap tho?

>> No.53175514

OK cu tomorrow

>> No.53175697

Hey buddy, just because you dont see those type of posts doesnt mean the sentiment doesnt exist. im definitely one of those

>> No.53175758

2018 the feeling was depression
Now the feeling is anger.

Anger at all the scams that came around. Celsius, Bancor, FTX. 2018 you had one, bitconnect, but the rest were atleast trying to build something that got hyped and then crashed, there wasn't this level of outright malicious and bad intentions around as there is now.

>> No.53177662

Gives me so much hope bros

>> No.53177677

Sorry bud, and sorry all other maxis. Mining is over. I love it because it essentially was an integral part of blockchain, but it is outdated by 14 years now. Miners mine and dump the price. Eth will flip and become king, screen cap this.

>> No.53177696

The fact retard schizos such as yourself still linger on this board is.. a bottom signal? Honestly can’t tell. Any oldfags want to advise? Were there genocidal schizos on dec 2018?

>> No.53177722
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and yet here you are. the magic didnt die we are just tired.

>> No.53177746

When you were born poor you don't fear losing anything. You've been there, you've done that. Youve been at rock bottom and youll start over again if need be. This time with more experience. This unfettered confidence is something rich people will never possess

>> No.53177782

Where do the old fags congregate these days

>> No.53179170


>> No.53180414

>There is no /biz/ coin everybody loves and agrees is undervalued

You’re actually retarded

>> No.53181535

Fucking kys

>> No.53181569

LOL change the numbers and this could be posted today.

>> No.53182117

You might have been born with nothing, but the chains of desire were given to you. To be a consumer, one must have wants, after all, and the more wants you have, the better a consumer you are.

>> No.53183369

Pnk for me
You better not say it's still LINK

>> No.53183626

Like the other anon said, fed pivoted a week later. But also, a year later they deployed the covid scam and kept the economic ponzi going. We're either going bust or there will be a new crisis soon. OR they release some of the new high tech they've been hiding for decades and fundamentally change our paradigm.

>> No.53183677

>bobos are also /pol/ cucks
the bottom is in

>> No.53183689

>There is no /biz/ coin everybody loves and agrees is undervalued, the closest we have is ETH and BTC lol.
Have you ever heard of ICYPEES????!

>> No.53183893

oldfag here, you're a midwit. and always will be.
sad, but many such cases.

>> No.53183993
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I love the state of biz/ now. Not as good as it used to be prior to the 2017/2018 mania, but this bear market era is wayyyyyy better than the crypto bull runs that resulted in endless shit/alt coins that were blatant scams posted by Eastern Europeans and stinky Indians. I’m actually seeing good threads last instead of getting bumped off by the shit coin threads.

I hope this bear market financially ruined all the shit skins who spammed this board and they never return

>> No.53184003

Nothing new under the sun, for the good and for the bad

>> No.53184014

It's still unironically a shithole infested with trannies and commies shilling their shit.

>> No.53184028

You missed out on the 2021 bullrun because of pride. We get it.

>> No.53184122
File: 231 KB, 1125x2436, 4BB223DE-F3D0-4E22-A608-CDDE92590B2B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked and true…any dipshit that bought the absolute top had a year to sell to claim the loss. No one in their right mind would hodl a loss like that and NOT claim it on their taxes. Crypto is exempt from the wash rule so all they had to do was sell and then buy it back. Whoever is still holding is holding for good at this point imo.

Here’s a fun screenshot from around the pandemic - February 2020

>> No.53185118

Great fucking stuff. Thanks anon.

>> No.53185164


Nah they aren't mining at a loss. We do have a couple kikes who are slightly in the red and are putting off paying for months at a time; they need to cut that shit out.

t. Work in the industry and have higher than avg electric prices, even at my prices (which includes a big hosting fee) miners are in profit

>> No.53185167

Brrr is a 2020 meme

>> No.53185239

This board and the site is much dumber and full of children as about half of the smart people left. Good posts are twice as rare as they used to be make of that what you will

>> No.53185284


>> No.53185300
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few understand

>> No.53185533

>keep mining and selling at a loss dropping the price even more
>keep mining and hold until the price pumps so you sell at a profit

Oh wow I wonder which option the miners will choose