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53172225 No.53172225 [Reply] [Original]

It feels like Parsiq and Kleros will be the biggest gainers in the upcoming bull run.

Parsiq is a blockchain platform that uses smart triggers and advanced automation to protect users from digital asset fraud and security threats. It offers a range of services to its users, including automated fraud detection, real-time transaction monitoring, and dispute resolution. Parsiq also provides a platform for developers to build decentralized applications (dApps) on its blockchain.

Kleros is a decentralized dispute resolution platform that uses game theoretic incentives to find impartial jurors to resolve disputes. It uses a unique system of tokens that are staked by participants in the dispute resolution process, which creates an incentive for jurors to vote fairly and accurately. Kleros also provides a range of services to its users, such as secure document storage and secure voting.

The main difference between Parsiq and Kleros is their respective focuses. Parsiq is focused on the protection and security of digital assets, while Kleros is focused on dispute resolution. Both platforms have the potential to be major gainers in the upcoming bull run, but the one that will benefit most depends on the particular needs of the investor.

>> No.53172230

wow she's so pretty...

>> No.53172231

That's a man

>> No.53172272

I’d date her and if the personality was good would make her my wife

>> No.53172290

Stop posting this disgusting faggot I'm sick of your tranny psyops. He probably smells like actual rotting flesh, shit and baby powder trapped in a week old diaper

>> No.53172297
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>> No.53172325

are you retarded? that's a real woman.

>> No.53172331

How about you stop being transphobic and we stay on the topic

>> No.53172428

Ugly cringe faggot

>> No.53172429
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>> No.53172455

who's that pretty girl again?

>> No.53172478

OP's simply a bad actor attempting to poison Parsiq. He got utterly BTFO some time back and his mental illness prevents him from moving on.

>> No.53172651
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>It feels like Parsiq and Kleros will be the biggest gainers in the upcoming bull run.
anon... i dont expect these coins to surive the bear market let alone see another ATH

>> No.53173048

> Parsiq is a blockchain platform that uses smart triggers, etc.
That's all well and good, but what do you gain from holding PRQ, can you stake it?

>> No.53173295

Yes, and you can get a share of the revenue

>> No.53173325

Parsiq is not what you described. It is an ERC20 token that has no utility and the parsiq company offers an API feed that has no association with the token. Parsiq doesn't even offer their IFTTT framework anymore.

I appreciate you trying to pump it because I've been bagholding it since $1.50, but I've lost all hope in this absolutely shitty project with a retarded community and no talent

>> No.53173346

This is not true.


There is the token contract. Where exactly does it code for "revenue share distribution among holders?"

Hint: it doesn't

>> No.53173384

Also, you can stake it in the IQ protocol which has an APY of 0.

I have had over 30k tokens staked for about 2 years and I have earned less than 600 PRQ tokens.

I would be really happy if some big brained Anon could "pwn" me and prove this all to be false, but they won't and I wish I would have done this kind of due diligence before investing $50k+ into this piece of shit.

The best hope for anyone buying into this shitty directionless project is that it'll dupe bigger retards into pumping the token so that you can dump it on a new generation of bagholders. If I ever, by the grace of Allah, break even, I am dumping very hard.

>> No.53173480

> Yes, and you can get a share of the revenue
Neat, where?

> Also, you can stake it in the IQ protocol which has an APY of 0.
I see. But I meant staking in the proof-of-stake sense (native staking if you will) and staking through IQ protocol doesn't seem to secure the Parsiq network?

>> No.53173662

That's Ella Hollywood, a former shemale, who transitioned back into a man (he calls himself a femboy now)
Back when he was a shemale, she did an interracial porn video, where you can literally see shit liquids coming out of her ass and onto the dude's cock.
PNK is a scam. It WAS a good investment before Clement compromised it with his 51% attack.

>> No.53173766

Not going to lie this might be the biggest fud thread on PRQ in awhile, but it is not stopping it from pumping.

>> No.53173795

Nice digits, fren. Can you tell me what I can do with PRQ? (Other than watch it appreciate in value).

>> No.53173882
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Dude, you come here every other day and claim it is "pumping." It is literally trading sideways and has been for 8+ months. Going from 7.5 cents to 8 cents back and forth repeatedly isn't "pumping." It hasn't "pumped" in over two years. You do more harm to this project than it does to itself by just illustrating how retarded and lacking in understanding of anything technical the people surrounding this project are. PRQ just has a little bit of technical sounding mumbo jumbo to make it sound important, but it is useless.

People at least generally recognize GRT as a useful and important protocol (pic rel). Parsiq is a fucking dead end shitcoin. Anatoly abandoned the project to build a uniswap copy paste DEX on arbitrum and even Arbitrum doesn't recognize Parsiq.

>> No.53173901

I can tell you. I know more about the project than that namefag retard. You can stake the token in their IQ protocol on the binance chain. For doing this, you receive nothing except the hopes of other shitcoin airdrops in the future. Most recently, they are promising Hypersea token airdrops and Hypersea is the DEX that former Parsiq developer copy pasted from Uniswap code and applied one small change to how the order book works (instead of it working like a step function, he applied a derivative or something...completely irrelevant).

Any other questions?

>> No.53174106

Also, if Parsiq (The Company) lose money, you have to compensate them from your staked amount. Reverse stacking is called.

>> No.53174233

>That's Ella Hollywood, a former shemale, who transitioned back into a man (he calls himself a femboy now)
Even if "she" did not chop off the wiener, it's hard to believe he's permanently intact now. It's a known fact that taking hormones destroys your sexual function as a man.

>> No.53174462

It’s dick looked pretty hard in the videos I just browsed

>> No.53174580

I haven't heard of this Parsiq coin you talk about, but I do know Kleros is a piece of shit. I'm going to assume Parsiq is the same.

>> No.53174681


>> No.53174877
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>> No.53174930

Wen this guy capitulates I’d go all in on PRQ

>> No.53175212

He never will, the APY is simply too high

>> No.53177113

I’m not going to capitulate. I wrote that money off a long time ago. It’s already gone as far as I’m concerned.

>> No.53177381
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I'm already ALL. IN. on kleros, but I never bothered looking at Parsiq properly, is there a good infographic like were thrown around with pnk or something like the kleros game theory book?

>> No.53177414

Hi Jon

>> No.53177579

hi eric

>> No.53178096
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>> No.53178099

The fact that I know who this tranny is makes me feel disgusted with myself.

>> No.53178152

HAHAHAHAHA no way. This fag should be slammed with this image into oblivion

>> No.53178213

Holy shit. Omeganigger you have some explaining to do you larping little nigger you.

>> No.53178564
File: 483 KB, 750x986, 0E9B15CF-D820-4CB0-BCF4-FED7A4BF2684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ZCL did hit 450.
>link did begin to moon March 23rd.
>xlm went 20x
>VET went 100x
>ark did hit 10 dollars
>KTLYO did went from 6 cents to $1 shortly after my shilling look it up.

My $150K car I was able to afford by buying those Same shitcoins

>> No.53178603
File: 180 KB, 750x853, 73A3A188-65AF-4856-A5C3-4C9017ADA3EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related link did start mooning March 23rd you new fag. If you listened to any of my calls you had your chance to be a millionaire. But instead you want me to explain myself while I have a million dollar home. With a million dollar car collection. And millions in crypto

>> No.53178617

You’re probably such a new fag you don’t even know that VET did a token split that’s why the $3 target looks retarded. It actually blew past that $3 target you fucking newfag

>> No.53178643
File: 63 KB, 750x231, 0A5E1E44-D8A7-434C-8207-6792FC899877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related it actually went to $25. But instead you won’t do your own ducking research. I spoon feed you idiots 100-1000x every year and you idiots pass it up then post some fucking bullshit pastas trying to discredit me when you could’ve done 5 mins to research to see that I was correct in predicting 10-100x on almost 80% of my calls.

>> No.53178653

Be honest, you sre planning to dump prq at 50 cents

>> No.53178802

$50 maybe